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Line of Duty



  • A few questions........

    1)  surely they wouldn't just take Jo's word for the phones being at the flat. Anyone can see it could be a fit up, esp if they suspect her enough to question her under caution.  Why would a low level PC be that involved & have that amount of power/leverage to organise a switch of the men in the flat.

    2) Steve said the painkillers were in the side pocket of the car - so why did Corbetts widow go straight to the glove compartment.

    3) I'm sure Kate has interviewed Ryan before. Surely she would recognise him.....esp if he still has the same first name. Not very good coppering imo. 
    The car keys were in his side pocket (of his jacket he’d put over the back
    of the chair). That’s what he was saying was in the side pocket when the widow said she would get the painkillers for him
  • dmjn said:

    stole this from twitter
    If she's trying to work out where she knows him from, bringing up his fule would make sense.

    I'm not sure she knows yet, but it'll click at some point in the series.
  • Chizz said:
    Chizz said:
    Gail Vella isn't dead. 

    DCI Jo Davidson and DSU Buckles had words along the lines of 'if you want this to go the way we want it to go...' hinting that they were in collusion in a scam. 

    Davidson split with PS Jatri.  We saw Davidson let herself in to their semi-detached house.  Davidson later let herself into hew own flat, and then bolted it like it was Fort Knox.  Is she locking people out of her flat?  Or preventing something or someone from getting out?  

    If the latter, the candidates are Gail Vella, (and the potential victim of a hostage situation to be carried out later by Davidson and Buckles); or Turner, either dead (in a freezer, recovered from Ross Turner's flat, at which Terry Boyle was arrested) or alive and held hostage in the flat.  

    Jatri has psychological issues (the cutting, the apologies, the un-returned calls, the cutting up of Davidson's clothes).  Her call to AC-12 is a false flag. 

    Ryan Pilkington has a hand in the situation with Vella. 

    Gail Vella isn't dead. 
    Well, unsurprisingly, Ryan Pilkington indeed has a hand in the situation. Not just 'finding' the knife used to murder Carl Banks, with forensic evidence linked to the CHIS, (the OCG's M.O. is planting incriminating evidence (example: the use of forensic evidence linking to Jackie Laverty's body)) but also in acting as a chauffeur for Davidson after her release and prior to her being given her latest burner phone by the OCG. 

    It's also interesting that Corbett's widow seems to want to continue a friendship with acting DI Arnott, despite having relied on a £50,000 cash gift from Hastings. I think we will see more of her. 

    Remember also that Dot Cottan ('the third H') worked at The Hill prior to transferring to AC-12. That shows a further link between the MIT and AC-12.  (Perhaps exacerbated by Buckles' golf fetish - check out the posters in his office). 

    Chloe will definitely have a big part in how the story pans out. 
    As they once again pushed the iPlayer mini-portal  offering, "Obsessed by Line of Duty", which apparently offers you the opportunity to explore all the clues and leads in more depth, I pondered what kind of sad ****ers make up that particular target audience. I think I've now received a "clue" 

  • Pleased that we have special needs actors in Line of Duty.
    there's also special needs boy/thread in the latest series of 'Unforgotten' .. a child of one of the murder suspects
  • we have heard nothing so far about the interrogations of the boys who were caught during the armed robbery at the bookies (from the very start of ep 1) .. is this a flaw in the plot or will the bookies robbery come back to play a major part in the plot later ?
  • we have heard nothing so far about the interrogations of the boys who were caught during the armed robbery at the bookies (from the very start of ep 1) .. is this a flaw in the plot or will the bookies robbery come back to play a major part in the plot later ?
    I definitely think they have to.  If they were in collusion with Davidson prior, then this is bound to be brought back into the storyline, not least because one of them was shot dead. 
  • A few questions........

    1)  surely they wouldn't just take Jo's word for the phones being at the flat. Anyone can see it could be a fit up, esp if they suspect her enough to question her under caution.  Why would a low level PC be that involved & have that amount of power/leverage to organise a switch of the men in the flat.

    2) Steve said the painkillers were in the side pocket of the car - so why did Corbetts widow go straight to the glove compartment.

    3) I'm sure Kate has interviewed Ryan before. Surely she would recognise him.....esp if he still has the same first name. Not very good coppering imo. 
    The car keys were in his side pocket (of his jacket he’d put over the back
    of the chair). That’s what he was saying was in the side pocket when the widow said she would get the painkillers for him mistake.
  • Chizz said:
    Chizz said:
    Gail Vella isn't dead. 

    DCI Jo Davidson and DSU Buckles had words along the lines of 'if you want this to go the way we want it to go...' hinting that they were in collusion in a scam. 

    Davidson split with PS Jatri.  We saw Davidson let herself in to their semi-detached house.  Davidson later let herself into hew own flat, and then bolted it like it was Fort Knox.  Is she locking people out of her flat?  Or preventing something or someone from getting out?  

    If the latter, the candidates are Gail Vella, (and the potential victim of a hostage situation to be carried out later by Davidson and Buckles); or Turner, either dead (in a freezer, recovered from Ross Turner's flat, at which Terry Boyle was arrested) or alive and held hostage in the flat.  

    Jatri has psychological issues (the cutting, the apologies, the un-returned calls, the cutting up of Davidson's clothes).  Her call to AC-12 is a false flag. 

    Ryan Pilkington has a hand in the situation with Vella. 

    Gail Vella isn't dead. 
    Well, unsurprisingly, Ryan Pilkington indeed has a hand in the situation. Not just 'finding' the knife used to murder Carl Banks, with forensic evidence linked to the CHIS, (the OCG's M.O. is planting incriminating evidence (example: the use of forensic evidence linking to Jackie Laverty's body)) but also in acting as a chauffeur for Davidson after her release and prior to her being given her latest burner phone by the OCG. 

    It's also interesting that Corbett's widow seems to want to continue a friendship with acting DI Arnott, despite having relied on a £50,000 cash gift from Hastings. I think we will see more of her. 

    Remember also that Dot Cottan ('the third H') worked at The Hill prior to transferring to AC-12. That shows a further link between the MIT and AC-12.  (Perhaps exacerbated by Buckles' golf fetish - check out the posters in his office). 

    Chloe will definitely have a big part in how the story pans out. 
    *taps side of nose* 
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  • As said much better episode, however Davison's acting right at the end of the episode had me laughing out loud at her smacking the inside of her car!  :D
  • Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
  • Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
  • MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
  • MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
  • Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She interviewed him after Gates arrested him at the end of series 1
  • MattF said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She interviewed him after Gates arrested him at the end of series 1
    Surely she'd have a better memory of him than Steve then who was in a distressing situation! Bit off that haha
  • Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She was but it was "just" an interview and a while ago so in theory she may have forgotten him as just another interview she did. Steve on the other hand (no pun intended) has very good reason to remember exactly what happened!
  • thenewbie said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She was but it was "just" an interview and a while ago so in theory she may have forgotten him as just another interview she did. Steve on the other hand (no pun intended) has very good reason to remember exactly what happened!
    Yes of course she interviewed him!

    Maybe she's there for a reason hence the screen shot doing the rounds of her looking at his police profile. 
  • Dazzler21 said:
    thenewbie said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She was but it was "just" an interview and a while ago so in theory she may have forgotten him as just another interview she did. Steve on the other hand (no pun intended) has very good reason to remember exactly what happened!
    Yes of course she interviewed him!

    Maybe she's there for a reason hence the screen shot doing the rounds of her looking at his police profile. 
    I'm starting to get on board with Chizz's thinking that she's deep undercover and Arnott's being kept in the dark.
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  • I don't understand how she's deep undercover but using her real name and Buckells knows her too.
  • Arnott needs to a get a grip on his pain killer habit .. remember 'what were once habits are now vices' (Doobie Brothers)
  • hawksmoor said:
    I don't understand how she's deep undercover but using her real name and Buckells knows her too.
    It's very deep undercover if on the surface you appear completely legitimate.  
  • P.S I can't get over Davidson's voice all I hear is this little lass:

  • As said much better episode, however Davison's acting right at the end of the episode had me laughing out loud at her smacking the inside of her car!  :D
    She reminded me of Animal playing the drums 
  • Dazzler21 said:
    thenewbie said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She was but it was "just" an interview and a while ago so in theory she may have forgotten him as just another interview she did. Steve on the other hand (no pun intended) has very good reason to remember exactly what happened!
    Yes of course she interviewed him!

    Maybe she's there for a reason hence the screen shot doing the rounds of her looking at his police profile. 
    I'm starting to get on board with Chizz's thinking that she's deep undercover and Arnott's being kept in the dark.
    I think that, if anyone agrees with any of my suggestions, they're not wild or speculative enough.  
  • Chizz said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    thenewbie said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Kate wasn't there or involved was she? I can't fully remember but I feel like she never saw him. 
    She was but it was "just" an interview and a while ago so in theory she may have forgotten him as just another interview she did. Steve on the other hand (no pun intended) has very good reason to remember exactly what happened!
    Yes of course she interviewed him!

    Maybe she's there for a reason hence the screen shot doing the rounds of her looking at his police profile. 
    I'm starting to get on board with Chizz's thinking that she's deep undercover and Arnott's being kept in the dark.
    I think that, if anyone agrees with any of my suggestions, they're not wild or speculative enough.  
    Tbh I have always thought she was undercover. Hence why Steve's promotion was only temporary? The fact she is straight but even contemplating having sex with Davison in order to glean more information cemented that feeling for me.
  • MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Wouldn't you remember the kid who tried to cut your fingers off, even if he was grown up?

    Kate interviewed him once, years ago.  He's not as paranoid there.
  • MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Wouldn't you remember the kid who tried to cut your fingers off, even if he was grown up?

    Kate interviewed him once, years ago.  He's not as paranoid there.
    But would you recognise him 10 years later when he's grown up in a Police uniform in a situation you definitely wouldn't expect to meet him? 
  • MrLargo said:
    Also can someone explain to me why Ryan was avoiding Steve so much? I can't remember how they came into contact before, was it in the John Corbett season?
    Season 1. Tried to cut his fingers off with bolt cutters.
    Oh right yea I remember - but when he was like 10? Bit odd that he was worried he'd remember him when he's walking around right in front of Kate all day getting her a brew.
    Wouldn't you remember the kid who tried to cut your fingers off, even if he was grown up?

    Kate interviewed him once, years ago.  He's not as paranoid there.
    But would you recognise him 10 years later when he's grown up in a Police uniform in a situation you definitely wouldn't expect to meet him? 
    Yeah, he tried to cut my fingers off.
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