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Dreamland Margate



  • Donuts fecking donuts you would think I'd asked for gold bars, not one kiosk selling them mate, in fact they were offering donut bits, wtf it's the seaside hot donuts before the waltzer, hot donut mix as you come off standard surely
  • But you have to wait twenty mins for the burnt offerings that they were pushing
  • Donut bits?? Surely they have to make full donuts first before breaking them into bits?

    Wouldn't worry me though mate, can't stand donuts.
  • Such a let down real Shame, I so wanted it to be much more than it offered, the scenic railway I can understand, even the big wheel is not So big infact is hardly big wheel at all in comparison to the old wheel, they should have just waited in my opinion until they were ready, it's a waste of 50+ notes and we didn't hang Rd once the feeling of being skanked had set in
  • edited August 2015

    Such a let down real Shame, I so wanted it to be much more than it offered, the scenic railway I can understand, even the big wheel is not So big infact is hardly big wheel at all in comparison to the old wheel, they should have just waited in my opinion until they were ready, it's a waste of 50+ notes and we didn't hang Rd once the feeling of being skanked had set in

    I should imagine they couldn't/didn't want to wait any longer.

    What would their takings be ? £20K per day ? The summer holidays probably take, nearly as much, as the rest of the year combined. Pure guesswork.
  • I got some more photos for those that haven't been
  • edited August 2015
    I went t'other day and it's not a bad day out. Shame they're charging full price when half the stuff isn't operating but I'll definitely go back in a year's time.

    One of the problems seems to be power - they cannot generate enough to operate all the rides at the same time. The day I went the more 'kiddy' rides were operating and the faster rides were shut in the morning, then by 5 the faster rides were open and the kiddy rides had shut. The faster rides must require more power though as two of the faster rides tripped out and were out of action for about 45 minutes. It's a bit of a shambles.

    Most staff were friendly enough but were usually pretty useless/slow. There was also a jobsworth on the big slide who was bollocking people for not riding their mats properly, bit of a bellend to be honest.
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  • The amount of people walking out asking for money back and saying quite loudly they won't be back could cost them more in the long term

    I think the sales opportunity for dreamland to work is high, if you think of demographic and disposable income that the group you are aiming at and the fact they will have kids that are teens now you gave a real chance to build a loyal customer Base,

    On the flip side of that the same people via social media could also pass negative comments and judgment on something that is not ready and is far from ready if honest and the loss of interest will be huge, for a family of 4 the vfm is just not there, it's a nostalgic view that stops the words rip off, bit if honest I feel very ripped off, I only hope the money spent goes to it improving and getting to where they want it to, but I certainly won't be returning for a long while and when it's finished

    Your right about the power issue, for example the rocket ride where you pull the handle down and the rocket goes up and down, stopped working half way through, all the rockets lowered down and the ride was no more than a powered round about, the caterpillar ride could only have 6 kids on it instead of the full amount, it also was so slow, the helter-skelter seems to have the reputation of taking skin off your arms half way down, we were told this upon entry and when we were leaving the botany bay hotel in the morning,

    It's a shame a real shame
  • Went to the press preview of Screamland on Thursday night and had a ride on the Scenic Railway, they have used the original designs to rebuild it, well worth a visit, as is Screamland, The Final Cut and Dead and Breakfast are not for the faint hearted.
  • PeteF said:

    Went to the press preview of Screamland on Thursday night and had a ride on the Scenic Railway, they have used the original designs to rebuild it, well worth a visit, as is Screamland, The Final Cut and Dead and Breakfast are not for the faint hearted.

    My daughter and her friends went Friday night. They all loved it.
  • Spent about 4 hours there yesterday, with Mrs GA and daughter, all three of us enjoyed it. Had a couple of rides on the wooden roller coaster and a nice bit of sunshine made all the difference.
  • Was there this morning. Didn't go in as the rain was hammering down. Would love to go on the roller coaster - brought memories of going there when I was a lot younger! Margate sea front and the beach look great - as for the rest of the town...umm needs more work
  • edited May 2016
    Margate's Dreamland calls in administrators
  • Hope it stays open, so many happy childhood memories from there.
  • My main memory was someone throwing up on the 'Rotor Wall' , What a mess :smile:
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  • I went there last year and enjoyed it.
  • I had a tremendous nose bleed on the big wheel in the late 1980. Classic day out.
  • Blimey, one year and into admin already.
  • Once inside its OK. From the outside looks awful. Don't know why the didn't make it a priority to refurbish the outside that faces the seafront and the bit everyone sees! Its hardly going to tempt anyone in...
  • cafc-west said:

    Once inside its OK. From the outside looks awful. Don't know why the didn't make it a priority to refurbish the outside that faces the seafront and the bit everyone sees! Its hardly going to tempt anyone in...

    Other than the park, what else has Margate got to offer?
  • cafc-west said:

    Once inside its OK. From the outside looks awful. Don't know why the didn't make it a priority to refurbish the outside that faces the seafront and the bit everyone sees! Its hardly going to tempt anyone in...

    Other than the park, what else has Margate got to offer?
    Go past Dreamland and along the front (past the golden beach) to the Turner Contemporary - that's pretty impressive! Around there is the 'other side' of Margate with lots of coffee shops, wine bars and restaurants and some nice antique shops. Margate is a town of two very different halves.
  • cafc-west said:

    Once inside its OK. From the outside looks awful. Don't know why the didn't make it a priority to refurbish the outside that faces the seafront and the bit everyone sees! Its hardly going to tempt anyone in...

    Other than the park, what else has Margate got to offer?
    Fingering ?
  • I was there yesterday and had no idea about this. Such a shame. Administration after 1 year. Wow
  • edited May 2016
    cafc-west said:

    Once inside its OK. From the outside looks awful. Don't know why the didn't make it a priority to refurbish the outside that faces the seafront and the bit everyone sees! Its hardly going to tempt anyone in...

    Easy to say, but the priority was to get the thing open and start generating an income against the money spent. The front part is a whole separate stage of the project with its own problems. It's not a small job and the issues are complex. I spent many hours in meetings discussing them, as a council cabinet member.

    Unfortunately the main refurbishment ran into a number of previously unknown issues, some hidden structural, some health and safety based, that couldn't have been anticipated prior to securing access on the compulsory purchase order, which was itself resisted by the owner who wanted to build fiats/houses on the site. It was always a very high risk project for a small district council to take on, but so important to Margate's future.
  • I'm not surprised. The entry fee is way too high for what they have, it also deters people who just want to browse or maybe just go on the scenic railway.

    They need to put it back to free entree and tokens/wristbands or a very low browsing cost plus rides. The way it is isn't going to attract a lot of visitors.
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