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Breaking Bad



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    Every episode bar the final 2 (that is including the second half of series 5) is on netflix, the final episodes are being added weekly on a Monday. So to correct a previous answer as to whether they are on netflix..... Yes they are.
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    Much quieter episode but one that has seen a lot of necessary preperation for whatever final showdown is coming up.
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    I've been avoiding this thread for a couple of weeks as I'd fallen behind due to being busy at work. I caught up last night and watched the latest one this afternoon. I also went back and watched the first couple of minutes of episode 9 that gave a preview.

    I can see that it is going to be an explosive ending. I don't remember being this excited about a TV show for a long time.
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    Good question really - what show finales were you most excited to see?
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    edited September 2013
    24 is the only one that I've got as excited about, though that was always melodramatic so relied on cliffhangers and the like.

    I didn't quite get the vignette at the end as they were odd questions to be asking his old colleagues, but with the theme tune coming in and the the glass left half full (or empty)... I may even go into work early next Monday so I can get home sooner and watch it.
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    Shocking bit in the latest ep. Half way through. Never known a TV series to screw with your emotions so much. Brilliant.
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    Valley11 said:

    Shocking bit in the latest ep. Half way through. Never known a TV series to screw with your emotions so much. Brilliant.

    That bit shook me up , went from feeling elation one minute and then just depression the next.

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    RedPanda said:

    24 is the only one that I've got as excited about, though that was always melodramatic so relied on cliffhangers and the like.

    All about opinions really, but I found 24 to be utter dross. Never got around to watching it when it was aired, so started to watch them on netflix a few months back. Managed to drag myself through the 1st season (seeing jacks daughter getting kidnapped 3 times in a single day?) but could stand no more.

    Anyway,back on topic, another great episode this week, setting itself up for a monster finale. Can't bloody wait..........................
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    RedPanda said:

    24 is the only one that I've got as excited about, though that was always melodramatic so relied on cliffhangers and the like.

    All about opinions really, but I found 24 to be utter dross. Never got around to watching it when it was aired, so started to watch them on netflix a few months back. Managed to drag myself through the 1st season (seeing jacks daughter getting kidnapped 3 times in a single day?) but could stand no more.

    Anyway,back on topic, another great episode this week, setting itself up for a monster finale. Can't bloody wait..........................
    I agree. Watched it on Netflix and I just couldn't enjoy it at all. Then again since I've seen breaking bad everything else just seems... not good enough.
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    Heh, yeah I'm not saying it's as good, just that it's the only other show I've watched where I've been on tenterhooks as much. At times it wasn't far from being a man-soap, Breaking Bad is on a completely different level in almost every way.

    ps. Kim gets chased by a cougar in season 2.
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    Just gets better and better. The writing and acting is brilliant. Todd is rapidly becoming an Uber Baddie - there is something really unnerving about him.

    My only fear is whatever they do for the finale the build up has been so good that it is going to feel a little flat.
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    RedPanda said:

    Heh, yeah I'm not saying it's as good, just that it's the only other show I've watched where I've been on tenterhooks as much. At times it wasn't far from being a man-soap, Breaking Bad is on a completely different level in almost every way.

    ps. Kim gets chased by a cougar in season 2.

    I lost it with 24 when I started to realise the writers didn't have a clue what was happening from one week to the next. They ran our of story after 12 hours in season one - episode 12 was supposed to be episode 24! So they started making up stuff like his wife's amnesia to pass the time. They screwed the pooch on that show.

    For me, the only event TV to compete with Breaking Bad is Lost. Whatever you think of the ending, the ride was so much fun.

    Really interesting interview with the writer of this week's BB episode here:
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    Just gets better and better. The writing and acting is brilliant. Todd is rapidly becoming an Uber Baddie - there is something really unnerving about him.

    My only fear is whatever they do for the finale the build up has been so good that it is going to feel a little flat.

    Apparently the final episode will be "polarising" ie some will hate it some will love it.
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    There aren't many finales that couldn't be classed as such really... Maybe ER....
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    Watching the pilot again. While talking to his class, Walter says "It's the study of growth, decay and then... transformation" and the way it was shot really, in hindsight, makes it look like a statement for the show.

    Or it could just be coincidence.
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    Thanks for the link JiMMy. Interesting article, especially about Todd

    I've always been a bit unconvinced by Todd. Not sure if I quite believe in him. Lydia as well. Maybe it is because all the other main characters are so well rounded and crafted and conflicting, whereas they seem a bit grafted on and even one dimensional (certainly Lydia).

    Absolutely brilliant TV and great for taking the mind away from Millwall and probably Burnley

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    Bryan Cranston was recently asked at The Emmys about the final episode and if it leaves the door open for more. He slipped up and said something like: 'you'd have to see who was left. It's a holocaust.'
    So sounds like the main players are all going to come a cropper!
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    Watched up to where he leaves the bar in which is surrounded by sheriffs. Awesome I have no idea what he is going to do can't wait for tomorrow's apparent final episode.
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    No apparent about it, it is the final episode.

    So far this week i have been left thinking "what a pile of shite" by both the Dexter finale and the IT Crowd finale - really hope this doesn't go the same way. Someone mentioned it is a polarising end - given the quality of the writing in everything that has led up to this point I can;t see it being anything but excellent.
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    No apparent about it, it is the final episode.

    So far this week i have been left thinking "what a pile of shite" by both the Dexter finale and the IT Crowd finale - really hope this doesn't go the same way. Someone mentioned it is a polarising end - given the quality of the writing in everything that has led up to this point I can;t see it being anything but excellent.

    The problem I think is these shows are hyped up so much, there are very few scenarios that will please most viewers. There will always be split opinions because everyone wants things to end a different way. This week the more I've thought about the Dexter ending, the more I've liked it, just the way it is really. I never watched The Sopranos when it first aired but I'm sure that had a similar reaction and I've no doubt Breaking Bad will be the same.
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    I loved Dexter. My favourite tv programme ever. The ending was dogshit.
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    We are lucky enough to be in Florida at the moment so will be watching live tonight. Don't worry folks, I will post the ending on here for you as soon as it ends. Not.
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    Things I think should have been included in breaking bad (if I'm being a nerd)

    1. Walter should have got off with another woman. The changed man that he was would have taken him to a strip club via skylier chuckin him out etc.

    2. Should have had Walter telling hank "you won't understand my actions because your not a parent" something along those lines. Hank was a great character but he needed to be told.

    3. Walter should have had a "fuck it I'm going to die" moment and out of character tried his meth "product" with Jesse and his mates, but only a one off.

    4. The kid on the bike in the desert should not have been shot dead. Walter knows he done bad things but the moral compass I thought he possesed at the time, seeing a kid shot under the circumstances, it would and should have destroyed him.

    5. Todd is a freak. He is too unrealistic as a person. An extreme laidback criminal and does not possess a criminal personality. Exchange that character for someone more believable.

    I will take breaking bad as it is though, it's excellent.

    Anyone care to add to the list?
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    @Dave21 - Agree completely with 1, I was constantly expecting him to jump in to bed with someone else. I was shocked that he didn't, and a little disappointed if the truth be told! Especially after the whole "I f*cked Ted". Then again, I guess he was doing all of this for his family.

    As for 3, Yeah - I thought this was going to happen after he got high a couple of times in Series 2 or 3(?).
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    Let me be the first to's over! Just watched the final episode. No spoiler here. Just to say it was truly a masterful final episode, worthy of the 62 episode run. Feeling a little numb already. Homeland 3 may be my saviour but, for now, respecting Heisenberg. Bitch!
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    meldrew66 said:

    Let me be the first to's over! Just watched the final episode. No spoiler here. Just to say it was truly a masterful final episode, worthy of the 62 episode run. Feeling a little numb already. Homeland 3 may be my saviour but, for now, respecting Heisenberg. Bitch!

    Can't sleep, but I have 3 hours before I have to go to work. Surely there's no point grabbing any kip now? ;)

    Plus I've just found it somewhere online already! The temptation right now.
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    Uh oh, I didn't see this happening..
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    Good ending I thought. Tough show to end but thought they stayed true to the spirit of the show.
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    Good ending I thought. Tough show to end but thought they stayed true to the spirit of the show.

    Just finished it, and I agree 110%. Wasn't how I imagined it ending either.
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    I love the way this show has always been able to feel like an ordinary life. Different from our lives, obviously, but there has never been way to much drama. The writers ability to make such a dramatic life seem so ordinary is so, so clever.

    Having watched it I can now, with hindsight, say that this is how I would have ended it if I'd been the script writer. Yet another episode where you check to see how much is left after about ten minutes and discover you have, actually, been watching it for 40 minutes.

    Great stuff. Just try to watch it before someone gives it away.
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