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Walking Dead



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    I think it will be Glen.
    No insider info just think it will be.
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    The new TV adverts look, as the pop kids would say, sick.
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    Hope it's not Glenn.
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    I reckon glen has got to finally go, maybe someone else too.

    How many episodes are there this season, is it just the seven and then 6 months/a year until the next ones?

    That writers strike has a lot to answer for
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    My bet is on Eugene.

    If not him then Abraham is a good bet, or the double bluff on Glenn.

    I reckon glen has got to finally go, maybe someone else too.

    How many episodes are there this season, is it just the seven and then 6 months/a year until the next ones?

    That writers strike has a lot to answer for

    8, then 8 more in Feb.
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    It's a big suspense. Has to be a character from the very beginning.

    Hopefully Glenn.
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    DA9 said:

    Personally, I liked it. I think they did the right thing by not revealing who Negan slaughtered. One of my work colleagues reads the comics and if they follow the comics, which they haven't always done, then I have a good idea on who has been killed.

    apparently Darryll is not in the comics?

    That's correct. The actor who plays Darryll auditioned to play Merle, but they liked him so much they created the role of Darryll for him.

    The series is based on the comics but they haven't always followed them 100% For example, Andrea was killed off in series 3 but in the comics, her and Rick have got together. In the series it's Michonne that's with Rick. The recent killing of Denise happened to someone else, Carol is dead in the comics but alive and well in the TV series. Also, Rick only has one hand in the comics after the Guvernor cut one off.
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    I'm starting to lose interest.
    I've enjoyed it in the main, but I'm finding too many characters to be uninteresting. I only really find Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Maggie and Glenn to be of any interest at all now and even they are sliding off my 'who I care who lives or dies' list. All the others seem so peripheral that I half expect (and sort of hope) any one of them will get popped at any time. The writers are obviously trying to think up original twists, but I'm just not finding it interesting enough anymore.
    One other thing. I know it's poetic licence, but the fact that every so often walkers seem to be able to sneak up on people like zombie ninjas has become increasingly irritating to me for some time now.
    I'll keep at it, only because I hope they'll come up with a stormer at the end of the series. If they don't, I might not bother next season.

    One other thing to illustrate how the characters aren't inspiring me:
    In earlier series there were interesting characters like;
    Dale, Merle, Shane, The Governor and T-Dog.
    Did you realise that those two pointless rednecks Abraham and Eugene have been in as many episodes as any of these? Even the fucktard vicar is coming up on the rails.

    Also, remember Andrea, Herschel and Lori?
    The character Sasha, (I had to look her up on IMDB) has been in as many episodes as any of these. I just don't know what value some of these characters bring.

    For me, this is the problem.

    After watching the most recent episode, at least Sasha became slightly more interesting, if only because she's apparently become a nutcase.
    However, I still stand, in the main, by what I said before - most of the newer characters are just plain uninspiring. Also, the hints that Rick's group have become 'Bad Guys' isn't really working in my humble opinion.
    I honestly can't see anything saving this show now other than a brilliant major shock episode equivalent to the 'Red Wedding' episode of Game of Thrones.
    I can't see this happening, so I'll see this series out, but then I don't think I'll carry on. I really hope they prove me wrong, because it's a shame, as it was pretty good for a while.

    I'm done. Just not doing it for me any more and every episode makes me feel increasingly irritated.
    Can't remember the significance of the guy at the end - I seem to remember him (and his son?) in series one, but I don't know why he's disappointed with Rick now and I don't care enough to find out.
    The Wolfpack appear to just be yet another bunch of people gone feral.
    Yeah, yeah, strangers are bad. Some semi-major characters might get killed off. Whatever.
    Terrible thing is, I'm saying I won't bother, but when it comes to it, my missus will watch it and I'll probably end up watching it too.
    I just hope it proves me wrong.

    Just saw this thread and remembered I'd posted some comments on it a while back. The quotes above are what I wrote and I haven't watched the show since my last post.
    So, my question is: Was I right? Did it get better or worse? Are the Pointless Rednecks still alive? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely interested. But probably not enough to start watching again! :smiley:
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    I'm starting to lose interest.
    I've enjoyed it in the main, but I'm finding too many characters to be uninteresting. I only really find Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Maggie and Glenn to be of any interest at all now and even they are sliding off my 'who I care who lives or dies' list. All the others seem so peripheral that I half expect (and sort of hope) any one of them will get popped at any time. The writers are obviously trying to think up original twists, but I'm just not finding it interesting enough anymore.
    One other thing. I know it's poetic licence, but the fact that every so often walkers seem to be able to sneak up on people like zombie ninjas has become increasingly irritating to me for some time now.
    I'll keep at it, only because I hope they'll come up with a stormer at the end of the series. If they don't, I might not bother next season.

    One other thing to illustrate how the characters aren't inspiring me:
    In earlier series there were interesting characters like;
    Dale, Merle, Shane, The Governor and T-Dog.
    Did you realise that those two pointless rednecks Abraham and Eugene have been in as many episodes as any of these? Even the fucktard vicar is coming up on the rails.

    Also, remember Andrea, Herschel and Lori?
    The character Sasha, (I had to look her up on IMDB) has been in as many episodes as any of these. I just don't know what value some of these characters bring.

    For me, this is the problem.

    After watching the most recent episode, at least Sasha became slightly more interesting, if only because she's apparently become a nutcase.
    However, I still stand, in the main, by what I said before - most of the newer characters are just plain uninspiring. Also, the hints that Rick's group have become 'Bad Guys' isn't really working in my humble opinion.
    I honestly can't see anything saving this show now other than a brilliant major shock episode equivalent to the 'Red Wedding' episode of Game of Thrones.
    I can't see this happening, so I'll see this series out, but then I don't think I'll carry on. I really hope they prove me wrong, because it's a shame, as it was pretty good for a while.

    I'm done. Just not doing it for me any more and every episode makes me feel increasingly irritated.
    Can't remember the significance of the guy at the end - I seem to remember him (and his son?) in series one, but I don't know why he's disappointed with Rick now and I don't care enough to find out.
    The Wolfpack appear to just be yet another bunch of people gone feral.
    Yeah, yeah, strangers are bad. Some semi-major characters might get killed off. Whatever.
    Terrible thing is, I'm saying I won't bother, but when it comes to it, my missus will watch it and I'll probably end up watching it too.
    I just hope it proves me wrong.

    Just saw this thread and remembered I'd posted some comments on it a while back. The quotes above are what I wrote and I haven't watched the show since my last post.
    So, my question is: Was I right? Did it get better or worse? Are the Pointless Rednecks still alive? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely interested. But probably not enough to start watching again! :smiley:
    I had lost interest in it a little bit. I used to record them then watch them when I felt like it and hadn't watched it for months and had about 8 of the last series unwatched. I think I lost interest with the episode with Morgan and the weird chap. Many heralded that as one of the best but I lose interest when a whole episode comes along that has no, direct, bearing on the main cast. I also don't like it when the main group split up and they focus whole episodes to what one individual or a smaller group get up to. I normally watch this when i'm doping the ironing and so can't be bothered to concentrate too hard on it.

    I saw a trailer for the next season so I thought I'd have a little look at the end of the last series. The eight or so episodes I watched really peaked my interest again. In fairness I did watch them while doing nothing else so maybe concentrated a little more than usual. I was almost gripped. I watched them back to back over a couple of days. The cliffhanger was different to all the others as you are left with a burning question, opposed to curiosity as to what will happen next. It never seems to finish when things are going well but this one leaves me excited about the outcome that will be revealed this month.

    I would give it another go but I do understand your reluctance - when I have more than two recorded I feel like it is such a big investment of my time to catch up that I tend to look for other things to do that I can complete in less time.
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    Just watched the 1st episode

    Her name is Lucielle and she is awesome
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    Just squeezed it into my lunch break. Great TV.

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    Looking forward to this tonight. My moneys on Abraham.
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    Looking forward to this tonight. My moneys on Abraham.

    I have heard a rumour there's multiple... Hopefully just two if that is the case...

    I'll watch it tonight.
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    I've just watched and it was brutal

    I've managed to avoid spoilers all day and I'm glad I did before all the kids got in from school.
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    Blimey they teased that out. I kind of want to stop watching for a while, and just skip to whenever Negan gets his comeuppance.
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    tense and brutal, one of the best episodes but for all the wrong reasons.
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    Ah fuck that was grim. Far beyond what I expected.

    Negan is a giant C***.

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    Can anyone remember how to post hidden spoilers?
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    edited October 2016
    Test spoiler
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    Not like that
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    cheers for trying wss
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    cheers for trying wss

    Or that.
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    Dazzler21 said:

    cheers for trying wss

    Or that.

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    We need spoiler rules here. If you're opening a thread about a show you haven't seen, that's goin to be troublesome for you. TWD appears to be available on demand early on a Monday so I'd argue don't open after that if you've not seen it. That's how it works on the Thrones thread now...
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    edited October 2016
    Crikey that was gruesome.
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    I kind of feel that was equal parts gripping TV and someone trying very hard to get me to stop watching it. As well made as it was I don't think I can watch a whole series of drawn out torture and people being horrifically traumatised afterwards. I think I might get a bit fatigued by it
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    There's very little redemption in that show. They're either suffering, or suffering a bit less than normal.
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    Anyone got a piratebay link?
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    After watching I had a sudden yearning for under cooked mincemeat no idea why though.
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    Holy Moly
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