Getting on a double decker bus and desperately scanning for free seats on lower deck
nearly 50 now and on the rare occasion I get on a bus, I still like to be upstairs at the front
I’m 53 and I still have to get a seat right at the front of a DLR train so I can pretend I’m the driver 😃
Whenever I come down for a match if i get on one of those at night im amazed someone pissed up for a laugh doesn’t chuck the driver off and nick the train !! Im 100% certain that in my youth a few of mates would have done that
I appreciate this is "old" by the standards of someone who's 30 - so I fully expect to be told off by all you old codgers - but the sun baby from the Teletubbies is now expecting a baby of her own.
At the Madonna concert on Saturday, I was delighted that the people in front of me didn’t turn up so I didn’t have to stand when everybody else did…it’s me poor old back!
When you try to switch off the vacuum by pressing the off/on switch twice, only to realise Mrs TCE is using the blaster to dry the dogs and that’s what I can hear. 😳😂
Talking to someone you've just met and unconsciously assuming you're about the same age until it soon transpires that you're old enough to be their father...
I’ve blacked mine over, if I could do it to the reflections in shop windows I would!
(And now for our listeners on medium wave, we interrupt the test match coverage to bring you the shipping forecast.)
Things that make you feel old
Popped into the Museum today to drop off an old badge ... then realised a lot of the wonderful historical items on show I personally remember !
(I hadn't been for a while and was well worth a revisit)