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Phil Parkinson



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    We have done this to death and everyone knows my views on the subject BUT can I just point out again that a) I do NOT hate Parky and b) yes, he was a gent and conducted himself in the right manner. I have NO problem with Parky the person. It's as Charlton manager that I have the problem.

    I think you and I had a number of debates on this during his reign and we still fundamentally disagree, but I have always felt that your position is as you stated above and not one of hatred for the man, I think somewhere in this thread that you have stated that you are pleased for him for his recent success.

    At Charlton ultimately he failed regardless of the fact that his hands were tied financially along with the upheaval at board level. A manager has to play with the cards he is dealt and PP didn't get the best out of the resources he had. He did well but not enough.

    And this equally is the challenge that faces CP, whether Cash is here or not, Jimminez is an arse, the fans love him or turn, he will be judged on results, with last seasons results he has credit in the bank, whereas parkie through his first seasons results had a debit in the bank, but that will last for only for so long.

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    Stay where you are wanted & loved for the time being, Parky.

    Win one of those Cups and your stock will rise even higher.

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    thanks Kap for acknowledging that.
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    edited January 2013

    I'm not happy with the word 'hate' being used in reference to my opinions. I thought Francis was a crap footballer, thought Parky was a crap manager. I hated neither but had rather they hadn't played for and managed us.

    On the plus side the Club was already in a tail spin when he took over and many fans and players already had us as going down that first season including Large and Ooh Aah who now berate him for not keeping us up.

    if I already had us as going down that year why did I bother continuing going to away games? I went because I thought we had a squad capable of staying up, I went to support the team. Unfortunately Parky had other ideas and thought a point away at Swansea and a point away at Reading were ok because it made his record look better on his CV. We were, apparently, going down anyway so why not go for it and try to win these games instead off settling for a point that was worth diddly squat in the position we were in. Yes we might have lost but so what we were down anyway. But, just think, we might have won and given ourselves a fighting chance instead of bowing out like a damp squib with the worse results in living memory. For this I can never forgive Parky.

    Well said Large and despite all those bigging him up on this thread, I suspect the vast vast majority of our fanbase who do not post on here share your views.
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    I'm on large's side when in comes to Parky.

    I can't stand Parkinson in the football sense and don't know him as a man.

    He never should have got the job in the first place after losing 8 and being part of the Pardew regime, and it felt like he knew it.

    I saw the PP to Blackpool rumour on a link to a newspaper that someone had retweeted on twitter (daily mail I think)
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    JiMMy 85 said:

    True this argument has been done to death, but for me it'll never end as long as people say "I know he didn't have much money but..."

    There is no but. The guy put a squad together, two squads in fact, with almost no money, using favours, freebies and loans. He kept us competitive. EVERYTHING that was wrong with our football was the result of bad management at the top of the club in the prior years. Parkinson conducted himself with class, put out competitive teams despite a complete lack of resource, and kept us going in what has been the darkest time in my supporting history. Blaming Parkinson for the state of the team back then is utterly bewildering to me. And grossly naive.

    There is no but. That he wasn't given the opportunity to try again, this time with a million quid, was a real shame for me. I thought he'd earned that chance.

    He should've have had the chance in the first place after the way we were relegated, so swings and roundabouts!!

    The atmosphere was poisonous at The Valley and we needed a big change. Would the fans have given him as much chance to get results as we do to Powell? I believe that we replaced the manager at the time with a worse one but it was a masterstroke by the board.
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    JiMMy 85 said:

    True this argument has been done to death, but for me it'll never end as long as people say "I know he didn't have much money but..."

    There is no but. The guy put a squad together, two squads in fact, with almost no money, using favours, freebies and loans. He kept us competitive. EVERYTHING that was wrong with our football was the result of bad management at the top of the club in the prior years. Parkinson conducted himself with class, put out competitive teams despite a complete lack of resource, and kept us going in what has been the darkest time in my supporting history. Blaming Parkinson for the state of the team back then is utterly bewildering to me. And grossly naive.

    There is no but. That he wasn't given the opportunity to try again, this time with a million quid, was a real shame for me. I thought he'd earned that chance.

    He should've have had the chance in the first place after the way we were relegated, so swings and roundabouts!!

    The atmosphere was poisonous at The Valley and we needed a big change. Would the fans have given him as much chance to get results as we do to Powell? I believe that we replaced the manager at the time with a worse one but it was a masterstroke by the board.
    How could SCP have been a worse one? It was his first job! Untried maybe but worse one???
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    Hudson played centre half for all but one game that season in the league , Holland was centre half for 3 league games, Linvoy Primus, Darren Ward and Jon Fortune partnered him for most of the season

    I only thought we were certs to go down once Parky got working his magic

    his points per game 23 from 28 games was worse than Pardews 16 pts from 18 games in THAT relegation season
    Parky took over and we were 22nd and a point or two from safety we ended up 12 pts from safety rock bottom

    his job afterwards i was reasonably happy with and did not want him sacked when he was

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    edited January 2013

    his points per game 23 from 28 games was worse than Pardews 16 pts from 18 games in THAT relegation season
    Parky took over and we were 22nd and a point or two from safety we ended up 12 pts from safety rock bottom

    can't be true, the great Parky? *

    * lovely bloke though

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    Still think Parky's best moment was when he was attacked by Rod Hull and Emu - classic!
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    Still think Parky's best moment was when he was attacked by Rod Hull and Emu - classic!

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    got the job only because RM thought he owed him that, given 8 games 'trial' and lost the lost, appointed anyway cause he was cheap, could have kept us up with the squad he had but instead took us down with barely a whimper which was a disgrace. However he conducted himself after that I'm glad he went because as a manager he was an unmitigated disaster.

    Well he didn't improve on Pardew, but he also didn't lose the lot however much you keep saying it. He lost 5 and drew 3 out of those 8 games, exactly the same as the previous 8 games. I'm not arguing that's enough to have merited the appointment "on results" but there was a huge job to do behind the scenes.

    I'm not quite sure what he was expected to achieve with the same squad, less Varney of course who was sold to pay Pardew off. We'll never know, but personally I don't think anyone we could afford would have done any better.
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    Still think Parky's best moment was when he was attacked by Rod Hull and Emu - classic!

    Thats not a very nice thign to call a pensioner

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    Stay where you are wanted & loved for the time being, Parky.

    Win one of those Cups and your stock will rise even higher.

    I think it has already fanny, win or lose the next match

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    Kap10 said:

    Still think Parky's best moment was when he was attacked by Rod Hull and Emu - classic!

    Thats not a very nice thign to call a pensioner

    espcially a dead one !

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    Kap10 said:

    Still think Parky's best moment was when he was attacked by Rod Hull and Emu - classic!

    Thats not a very nice thign to call a pensioner

    especially a dead one !

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    I think PP made a lot of mistakes and he was in charge for two of worst results in recent years (Northwich and Millwall away). He was very close to having a decent team but too many strikers he brought in didn't do it. One decent partner for Burton would have taken us up IMHO.

    On the plus side the Club was already in a tail spin when he took over and many fans and players already had us as going down that first season including Large and Ooh Aah who now berate him for not keeping us up.

    He didn't have money to spend and he still had players on big contracts (Semedo, Racon and Youga) eating up the wage budget. Despite having what many on here described as terrible players like McCormack and Francis we still made the play-offs and were in the play-offs again when he was sacked.

    At Charlton ultimately he failed regardless of the fact that his hands were tied financially along with the upheaval at board level. A manager has to play with the cards he is dealt and PP didn't get the best out of the resources he had. He did well but not enough.

    I hope he stays at Bradford as given time he will rebuild that Club. He will have learnt from his time at Charlton and is still young enough (only two years older than SCP) to have a very good career as a manager. You can see from Bradford and Colchester than he can organise a team of his choosing.

    McCormack and Francis weren't signed until after the play off season by which time our decent players had departed. Personally I think the 5th place we were in when he was sacked was a false position, but that could also be used as an argument to say he was getting the best out of what were a poor bunch of players.

    One can only validly judge success and failure against what was actually achievable. Personally I don't think we were good enough to be the 4th best team in the first League One season, but that's where we finished and we were the Millwall game away from an automatic promotion place. I think that's on the success side of the line, and I think overall - given the state the club was in when he took over, with what Pardew had done to it and the turmoil in the boardroom - I think he was in credit when he left.

    That said, I'm delighted we have SCP at the helm today.

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    edited January 2013
    I think Parky is the perfect manager for Blackpool as he's proven he can keep a club competitive on a shoestring budget. However it seems to be a bit of a nuthouse over there so I think he'd be better off staying at Bradford. I'd take a possible day at Wembley over rows with the Chairman over funding
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    I honestly don't respect anyone that uses the last eight games of our previous Championship experience as a reason to bash Parkinson. In the words of Clark Griswold, "I think you're f*****d in the head". That an almost unreadable post can be described as "excellently put" kinda sums it up for me.

    And those stats do not tell the full story. Not even half of it.

    But as long as those with the vitriol continue to feel this way, then this situation will rear it's ugly head some time in the future too, and we can all look forward to another bout of poisoned, self-fulfilling-prophecy atmosphere. Yes, it's futile to argue over Parky - particularly with the success we subsequently enjoyed - but we'll be there again some time. And I'll be proud to say I stuck behind the team, the manager, and refused to complain at the people not entirely responsible. It wasn't Parkinson that poisoned The Valley.
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    i can feel the love for Parky out there , imagine if Curbishley got the weighted respect and adoration against that , he'd have restraining orders(he's got one on me btw) all over the shop
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    I can see the people that can't stand parky are the only people that cant let go. He's done with our club and everyone deserves a 2nd chance good luck to him
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    I can see the people that can't stand parky are the only people that cant let go. He's done with our club and everyone deserves a 2nd chance good luck to him

    all I can see is that you havn't read the thread properly then.

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    JiMMy 85 said:

    That an almost unreadable post can be described as "excellently put" kinda sums it up for me

    must have been readable otherwise how would you have known what it said and been able to comment on it?

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    Bradford potentially is a far far bigger club than Blackpool. But I suppose that in the immediacy, Blackpool being in a higher division is a 'better bet'
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    Leave it large we have moved on
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    Had to get rid of him.
    The board were worried that an exciting cup run might cause havoc with the health of the more elderly season ticket holders.
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    I can see the people that can't stand parky are the only people that cant let go. He's done with our club and everyone deserves a 2nd chance good luck to him

    I can't sleep till the mans out of football all together. My room has Parkinson faces all over it with dart marks on and the eyes gouged out, like ray finkles bedroom.
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    edited January 2013
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    Sad for him to go, and think he is totally unsuited to the squad that Olly has assembled there. From a neutral's point of view you'd want him to stay at Bradford. Reality says he should could go for the bigger contract at Blackpool. Stay at Bradford, and not go up this year he could be gone by next season if he doesn't look like getting promoted.

    The romantic in me would want him to stay at Bradford and get to the Cup final, though they have no chance of winning it.
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    Parky's decission will be influenced by his contract that only has 6 months to run at Bradford.
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