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Pistorious (pg 26 - now charged with Murder)



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    Huskaris said:

    Guilty 11/10
    Not guilty 4/6

    At those odds I would be inclined to chuck £50 on not guilty.
    You could end up pistoffious

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    The key thing for me is that he walked past the bed to the bathroom.

    Bollocks would he not just quickly check if she was in the bed on the way past.
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    edited March 2014
    You make a noise too - so say - darling - is that you or something similar as your optimum position is for any intruder to flee surely. You don't go up to a locked bathroom door and shoot through it!

    Plus the other important fact was that the house wasn't broken into, so there wouldn't have been any breaking in noises to raise suspiscion, like a broken window etc... - so if I hear a noise in my bathroom, I assume it is an intruder and not the wife!!!!

    And if you shoot your girlfriend in a fit of rage in your own bathroom - you either man up and admit it - but if you were a decent human being you wouldn't have done it - or you invent a story and I would say this is pretty much the only story you could realistically come up with - even though it has more holes in it than his bathroom door. Guilty and if he gets away with it....well he won't will he?
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    I don't really want to get drawn into the debate of his guilt/innocence but I don't think he'll be competing any time soon regardless of the verdict. I remember being at the last race of the 2012 Paralympics, he won comfortably, the atmosphere was truly fantastic. He was a great sportsman and ambassador for disabled athletes before this tragedy, I think it is important to remember that (though it does not of course excuse what he may or may not have done.)
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    Can someone explain why there isn't a jury?
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    South Africa abolished jury trials in 1969, while the country was under apartheid, due to fears of racial prejudice by white jurors. Pistorius will be tried in a high court in Pretoria by Thokozile Matilda Masipa - the second black woman appointed to the bench since apartheid ended
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    Cheers Absurdistan
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    I heard on the radio today that he shot a gun in a restaraunt just a month before the murder, why would you take a gun to a restraunt?

    Did a bit of work in Jo'burg a couple of years back. There was a gun check at the office front desk and full on airline style metal detectors. A number of colleagues did come in packing.
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    on the gun thing in south Africa can only report on the wife's family that's still out there 13 year old girl and 14 year old boy both firearms trained to "protect the property " uncle carries gun everywhere after being car jacked three times ( told by police not to stop at certain junctions /lights NO MATTER WHAT ) i'm afraid its a different world .
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    ...A number of colleagues did come in packing.

    Were they cardboard fetishists?
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    We have loads of Saffer friends out here, some of their stories of how you have to live out there are unbelievable.

    One bloke told me he used to take TWO guns in the car to work with him, one on his left and one on his right so he'd be ready for a car hacking from either side. Gulp.

    Certainly made my stories about overcrowding on the 8.14 from New Eltham to Charing Cross seem a bit tame.
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    Anyone following the trial. Can't say i believe a word he's said so far.

    Totally contradicted his earlier story yesterday. Originally said he fired the shots as he feared he was about to be attacked, then yesterday said he fired them accidentally.

    So that's 4 shots, through a locked door, accidentally. Ok then!
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    Hasn't got a leg to stand on.
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    The key thing for me is that he walked past the bed to the bathroom.

    Bollocks would he not just quickly check if she was in the bed on the way past.

    he was in bed with her, I know I realise straight away when I wake in the night and the missus is using the loo and not actually in bed with me.

    don't believe a word he's saying
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    Pistorious said he screamed at the 'burglar' who he thought was in the bathroom. Surely if he screamed as loudly as he says then, unless Reevenkamp was stone deaf, she would have heard him and responded. Being a cynic I think the story about screaming at the 'burglar' is to justify the screams that the neighbours say they heard which they also felt occurred well before the shots and not, as Pistorious claims, immediately before them.
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    If he is guilty (and I think he is) then he deserves an Oscar (no pun intended) for his performances in court.
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    The thing is, as I understand it he is charged with premeditated murder.
    This is what the prosecution has to prove and I have got my doubts that they can beyond reasonable doubt.
    I think he will be found not guilty.
    If he is acquitted of murder, South African law stipulates that the court must consider the separate, lesser charge of culpable homicide, or manslaughter.
    Seems to me he acted with a total reckless disregard for her safety
    He'll get nailed with one of those.

    Gut feeling is he murdered her; based on my own ignorance and blind prejudice :-)
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    The fella is getting right on my tits with his over exaggerated emotions in court all the wretching and crying crap, it's all a performance that he thinks will get him off it's embarrassing and any jury can see straight through his feeble attempt to look caring and innocent.
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    He shot the poor girl four times, the first one through the hip. She would have been screaming in agony, but I suppose he must be deaf as well as he just carried on shooting until she could scream no longer. No wonder he threw up in court, I don't know how he could live with himself.
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    never knew how annoying the south african accent is
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    He shot the poor girl four times, the first one through the hip. She would have been screaming in agony, .

    Is that how it goes though QA? Genuine question
    Is it possible the sheer pain and shock could momentarily take her breath away before the next shots (how long after?)

    He clearly shot without any regard for the welfare of the occupant of the bog or the likely consequences of his action; but can the prosecution prove he knew it was her in the bog?
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    smiffyboy said:

    The fella is getting right on my tits with his over exaggerated emotions in court all the wretching and crying crap, it's all a performance that he thinks will get him off it's embarrassing and any jury can see straight through his feeble attempt to look caring and innocent.

    No jury.
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    He shot the poor girl four times, the first one through the hip. She would have been screaming in agony, .

    Is that how it goes though QA? Genuine question
    Is it possible the sheer pain and shock could momentarily take her breath away before the next shots (how long after?)

    He clearly shot without any regard for the welfare of the occupant of the bog or the likely consequences of his action; but can the prosecution prove he knew it was her in the bog?
    And that is the problem, thing is there was 2 witnesses and 1 is dead.
    FWIW I think he'll get off the murder charge and go down for a short stretch on one of the lesser charges.
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    The prosecution barrister is great he is ruthless and vicious

    OP is tying himself in knots he is lying through his teeth and that's why he can only answer I can not remember

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    His taking the Pist....guilty all day long.
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    The prosecution barrister is great he is ruthless and vicious

    OP is tying himself in knots he is lying through his teeth and that's why he can only answer I can not remember


    Just watched it for the first time. Your right, he got tied up in knots over the position of the fans and the duvet. Also, he was so close to that bed, there is no way that he wouldn't have known that she'd got out of bed. There was an element of doubt in my mind before seeing this cross examination, but now I'm convinced he's as guilty as sin.

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    Being shown as a control freak and a walking arsehole

    Can't believe a woman so beautiful would be so in love with a man who showed so much distain for her and her career and so much lack of affection

    Yet she loved him and he knew it so was able to try to manipulate her

    To tell her mum and dad I want you to know the night she died she was shown love and then allow them to read such horrible events in the relationship

    Because he can not accept he done this is as bad as killing her in the first place

    Her family are so strong
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    The key thing for me is that he walked past the bed to the bathroom.

    Bollocks would he not just quickly check if she was in the bed on the way past.

    Agree 100%. It's a bit galling watching his act, IMHO. What a weaselly, odious piece of work he is.
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    He's about as guilty as OJ Simpson. Oh dear.
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    Had another terrible day, now admitted he moved towards the bathroom because he wanted to 'stand-up for himself', not really the actions of a man who killed in self-defense.
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