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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • Just after a bit of advice I went clipless for the first time yesterday but found I kept getting cramp in my calves would there be any particular reason
  • fatrob said:

    Just after a bit of advice I went clipless for the first time yesterday but found I kept getting cramp in my calves would there be any particular reason

    adjust the float in the pedals??
  • Try moving your cleats so that they're over the ball of your foot, rather than at the front. Sounds like you're using your calf muscles too much. You shouldn't really be able to feel your calf doing much work at all - nearly all the force of your stroke should come from your glutes, hams and quads. Your calf is there basically for stability, and to stop your foot bending upwards on every stroke
  • Went to a Greenwich Council bike maintenance class yesterday.

    I can index my gears now! I definitely need to learn more and become self sufficient in maintaining the bike.
  • Thanks for the advice
  • Can all you cyclists tell me when you don't ride single file as you are supposed to do, your all fuckin menaces.
  • Fuckin pests the lot of them, what about 3,4,5 abreast. Every poxy Sunday morning.
  • Can all you cyclists tell me when you don't ride single file as you are supposed to do, your all fuckin menaces.

    Highway code makes no mention of cyclists riding in single file. In addition, if there's a group of twenty cyclists, it's safer and quicker for you to overtake if they ride two abreast. In addition, man driving 1 ton of metal at 300 horsepower at 50 mph vs man riding 8kg of carbon at 1 horsepower at 20mph. Which one is the 'menace'?
  • Can all you cyclists tell me when you don't ride single file as you are supposed to do, your all fuckin menaces.

    I think I can just about make out a question in that incoherent jumble of words



    and this

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  • and you should be doing this

  • Menace, the lot of them.
  • Menace, the lot of them.

    When I drive about in my car I wouldn't consider any cyclist a menace, it's that attitude that causes incidents.
  • On the Epping new road it's wide enough to pass a single cyclist with traffic going the other way ....
    Two across and you can't overtake because it's head on time
    Although they have cycle lanes here but I presume they are full of bad stuff for cyclists cos they never use em
  • Agree menaces the lot of them.
  • Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
  • I spend 90% of my bike riding off road. I ride trails , single track , off road sportifs, the odd endurance ride. As part of my commute I do 1-1/2 mile on the road. It's by far the most dangerous part of the whole of my cycling.This in part because so many drivers are looking at the phone while they're driving, they are unaware of the possibility of me moving inside or outside of them, though I have an 1100 lumin front light, and of course there are the minority that will abuse, throw things at you, attempt to hit you or attempt to drive you off the road.

    Give me a twisty trail at 20 miles an hour any day of the week !!
  • Here's an example of a sensible motorist dealing with a 'menace' cyclist in an appropriate and considered manner...
  • Here's an example of a sensible motorist dealing with a 'menace' cyclist in an appropriate and considered manner...

    Leroy you've often told me not to believe the Daily Mail

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  • and that bitch has children .... nice
  • and that bitch has children .... nice

    she should have had a fag to calm herself down.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.
    you forgot about road tax..
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.
    For every numpty cyclist there are many more who respect the rules of the road. For every numpty cyclist there are the same if not more numbers of numpty drivers. Difference is a numpty cyclist is only likely to hurt himself.

    The driver who clipped my elbow with his wing mirror on a completely empty North Cray Rd last Sunday (dual carriageway section) being a prime example of idiot drivers. I was as close to the path as I could be and he had two lanes and still clipped me when passing. IMO it was deliberate.

    Completely unfair to tar everyone with the "menace" brush. Interesting that the two groups can happily co-exist in many other European cities but here it appears all out war is the preferred option.
  • Menances the lot of em. Also they look fuckin stupid.
  • Menances the lot of em. Also they look fuckin stupid.

    why do they look stupid steve?
  • edited October 2015

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.
    you forgot about road tax..
    And nss's firm not getting the cafc cycling jerseys gig.
  • Ha ha pbs, got enough on my plate at the moment mate.Done a few cycling shirt jobs, but quite a bit of agg, with different shapes and sizes .
  • Menances the lot of em. Also they look fuckin stupid.

    Its you who's looking a bit stupid here Steve. For the one incident you quote above, I can give you chapter and verse on about five incidents a week where I'm nearly wiped out by cabbies, Jihaddison Lee, bus drivers, school run 4x4s or just plain arseholes. And that's just me - an experienced, road savvy cyclist who has been driving himself for twenty years. Clearly the incident you describe shows a cyclist being a plum. I encounter them every morning/afternoon I ride too. As cyclists, we even have a name for them -'choppers' (confidence exceeds roadcraft)

    The difference is, the pillocks I see who try to race me and other experienced cyclists (and invariably lose), or run myriad red lights (then get in your fucking way at the next junction) are usually only a danger to themselves. The pillocks I see texting while driving, driving through red lights whilst fucking around with their satnav or deliberately intimidating or physically running into cyclists are doing so in two tons of metal that could (and often does) kill them.

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