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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • On a lighter note, I was checking my time today for the boxhill sportive and someone completed the "epic" route (103 miles) in 3hours 50mins. Does this sound like technology gone wrong to anyone else?
  • I have a moral dilemma.

    As a car driver I occasionally see a lycra clad cyclist with a shoulder bag emblazoned CPFC on my way home from work.

    What is the correct thing to do?
  • jamescafc said:

    On a lighter note, I was checking my time today for the boxhill sportive and someone completed the "epic" route (103 miles) in 3hours 50mins. Does this sound like technology gone wrong to anyone else?

    Not necessarily. They may have been riding in a chain gang. I rode in a sportive a few years ago with 5 team mates riding through and off and we averaged almost 20mph for the best part of 90 miles. Granted it was very flat and little headwind but working with others makes it so much easier. Were there other times in the same bracket or was he out on his own completely?!
  • I average around 20mph solo on a four hour ride with about 1000 metres of climbing, and I'm not that fast. 3h50 is more than do-able. From memory, one of the blokes I regularly commute home with (not actually 'with' but at the same sort of time out to Richmond Park where he peels off to Twickenham) did Ride London in about 4h10
  • I think you've got the words "menace" and "annoyance" mixed up there Steve.

    Cyclists annoy some drivers because you believe you have the right to go 30 mph at all times no matter the road condition or the people/vehicles sharing the road with you.

    Slow down, relax, you'll live longer. And so will the bloody rest of us.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.
    Ah yes. Sandy Lane, I know it well. Used to cycle it most Sunday's from North Cray Road/Sandy Lane and the High Street to get to Chelsfield Lane then out to Shoreham or Westerham. Would be so much nicer if they removed the speed bumps!

    We went that way as it was a hell of a lot safer than negotiating the roundabout at Ruxley/Critalls Corner and Sevenoaks Way for those incompetent riders in our club. (Yes, I would not hesitate to say for every cycle club, at least 50% are totally incompetent with no spatial awareness and really shouldnt be on the road! Now that really is Wiggo's fault!)

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but that route is the TFL recommended route to get to Chelsfield and beyond isnt it. Arent there cycle sign posts up at the junctions?

    As for the so-called cycle lane on Sevenoaks Way, really?! I ran along it last Friday, the amount of broken glass on it makes it unusable, pretty much like every other cycle lane in Bexley, Greenwich and Bromley. Its actually safer riding the road.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.

    It's not upsetting. But as a cyclist it's shit like this which causes concern. The fact a grown man is irritated by such a minuscule incident is worrying.

    Maybe try deep breaths next time you're behind the wheel, Steveo?

    People like you should have their licences reviewed. Clearly so engulfed in your anti-lycra ways to actually allow your brain enough time to realize that you are in control of a vehicle that weighs tonnes and yet .... you're angered by someone innocently out on a poxy bicycle?
  • I see what steve is saying here, I have to say your response is as bad if not worse than steve's venting.

    The cyclist was not cycling as per the highway code, overtaking a car on the outside that's waiting to move through a width barrier is stupid.

    Some cyclists are complete imbeciles on the road/paths.

    The amount I see jump redlights, overtake cars turning right on the right hand side and pulling onto a path in order to skip waiting at a red signal is ridiculous.

    They seem to forget how they drive their cars (if they drive) and what they expect of cyclists themselves.

    Some deserve a minor accident now and then.

    As for some Car drivers, breath, let it go... is risking killing someone worth the 5 second saving to your journey?
  • Jarman said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.

    It's not upsetting. But as a cyclist it's shit like this which causes concern. The fact a grown man is irritated by such a minuscule incident is worrying.

    Maybe try deep breaths next time you're behind the wheel, Steveo?

    People like you should have their licences reviewed. Clearly so engulfed in your anti-lycra ways to actually allow your brain enough time to realize that you are in control of a vehicle that weighs tonnes and yet .... you're angered by someone innocently out on a poxy bicycle?
    Yep me a danger 28 years driving no penalty points no speeding fines, a friend of mine a few years ago knocked over a kid who ran out in front of him and actually killed the child not his fault but the emotional stress it caused him was immense and effected him massively, so if I had done the same to Bradley Wiggins it would not only have affected me but probably my son and his friend.So I am sorry if this concerns you but some prick pulling out in front of me concerned me, you condesending knob jockey.
  • Jarman said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Menace, the lot of them.

    Sick of hearing crap like that. Sorry, totally uncalled for.
    So Sunday morning I am taking my son and his friend to football we are driving down Sandy Lane from Ruxley roundabout towards Ruxley golf course, I have a cyclist in front of me I slow down wait until the path is clear move out and pass him.At the end of the road where the Bull pub is, I stop as from my right approx 15 cyclist's are turning right to go through the width barriers some are a bit over weight and wobbly both their bodies in far too tight lycra and themselves on the bikes , I would say they are probably novices, as they have nearly passed, and I am about to pull out BRADLEY FUCKIN WIGGINS who I have passed half a mile up the road comes hairing past on my outside at I would say a good 30 mph, he obviously sees nothing to his right as the golightlys are in front of me, he basically pulls straight in front of me, then see's the golightlys and nearly sends them everywhere, weaves his way through the width barriers on the other side of the road and goes on his merry way, if I hadn't been alert I would have hit him and yes probably caused him a lot of damage, not to mention the trauma it would have caused me mentally and my 14 year old son and his friend. So I am sorry but I find cyclists menances sorry if this upsets you but Sevenoaks way has cycle lanes all the way up it which is actaually a portion of the pavement marked off, but this is far too un- rendy for the lycra peeps who have to travel in groups ranging from 10 to 25 bringing st pauls cray and st mary cray high streets to a crawl every sunday morning.

    I find most cyclists quite smug as they know people are queing up behind them and are quite happy about it and make no effort to allow cars to pass.

    It's not upsetting. But as a cyclist it's shit like this which causes concern. The fact a grown man is irritated by such a minuscule incident is worrying.

    Maybe try deep breaths next time you're behind the wheel, Steveo?

    People like you should have their licences reviewed. Clearly so engulfed in your anti-lycra ways to actually allow your brain enough time to realize that you are in control of a vehicle that weighs tonnes and yet .... you're angered by someone innocently out on a poxy bicycle?
    Yep me a danger 28 years driving no penalty points no speeding fines, a friend of mine a few years ago knocked over a kid who ran out in front of him and actually killed the child not his fault but the emotional stress it caused him was immense and effected him massively, so if I had done the same to Bradley Wiggins it would not only have affected me but probably my son and his friend.So I am sorry if this concerns you but some prick pulling out in front of me concerned me, you condesending knob jockey.

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  • LenGlover said:

    I have a moral dilemma.

    As a car driver I occasionally see a lycra clad cyclist with a shoulder bag emblazoned CPFC on my way home from work.

    What is the correct thing to do?

    Shout, "Jon Fortune in the 82nd" minute and drive on.
  • you condesending knob jockey.

    And there was me thinking we was having an adult discussion.

    From my experience of the stretch of Sandy Lane, Main Road and Millbrook Road, as a driver and a cyclist, I can see why Steve would get frustrated getting stuck behind a cyclist as there is very few passing points along there due to parked cars. I'll be honest, I've been there wishing the cyclist in front of me would turn over the pedals in the big chainwheel and do more than 60rpm. Nothing worse than a nodder and you're stuck in 2nd gear crawling a long at 10mph. Were they wearing Green & Black Steve? That would explain a lot lol.

    However, with my cycling helmet on, there's nothing worse on that stretch than being stuck behind a car as you'll spend so much stop/starting and clipping in/out you just want to get past the driver in front. I'll be honest, I've gone the wrong side of the width barriers (making sure nothing was coming the other way) to get in front of a car at the exact point Steve has highlighted just so I know I can cruise down the road at 25-30mph without the stop/starts. I can squeeze through the gaps where a car is coming the other way where as a car cant pass.

    Its a bitch of a road to be stuck behind either a car or a cyclist.
  • Anyone ride/ridden with west Kent road club. About the only local club I can find who ride on Sunday's so thinking of joining this weekend.
  • Where are you based? Used to see loads of Addiscombe and De Ver riders out in West Kent/East Surrey on a Sunday morning when I did a lot of training round there
  • Bexley - riding alone gets a little lonely. Think riding as part of a group will help during the winter months when it's far easier just to lay in bed.
  • True. But riding on your own will see you improve faster and make you a stronger rider (nowhere to hide from the wind in a group of one!)

    I guess riding with a club might provide you the motivation you need to get out of bed on a Sunday morning when it's pissing down and freezing cold though. Addiscombe and De Ver are probably a bit far away from you. Might be worth sending JohnBoyUK a pm - he used to ride round there with a club
  • jamescafc said:

    Anyone ride/ridden with west Kent road club. About the only local club I can find who ride on Sunday's so thinking of joining this weekend.

    Yes, rode with them once. Nice bunch of blokes. They have two groups, a race squad and a normalish group. The guy running it made it very clear the race group was a select group and it was all balls out but the normal group was far too slow for my liking and stopped almost an hour for coffee. 50 odd miles, just over 14mph but was out for bloody hours.

    Call me a bitch but the last thing I need in a Sunday ride is to do 20 miles, stop 30 mins for coffee and cake and then try and get going again. Much prefer an all out 50-60 miles then have coffee and no cake when I'm back.

    The whole point of cycling for me was to lose weight. It used to make me laugh when I turned up on a Sunday and see guys go through 6/7 gels for a 50 mile ride and the group averaged 12mph and stopped twice for coffee/cake and had stuffed flapjacks too. Then they wondered why they didnt lose weight!

    I understand the whole club cameraderie thing, I would never have done London 2 Paris and London 2 Brussels without my old club but the novelty wore off quickly for me when those in the group didnt want to improve, they came ill prepared, they whinged if you made them ride up a hill. You know the sort. Dont get me started on the winter rides and puncture stops.

    Then people wonder why I run 1,000 miles a year now rather than ride 5,000 miles a year like I was.

    As a club recommendation, try Big Foot at Hayes. Knowledgable, a large nmber of smaller groups going out.

    Or your best bet, find a small close-knit group of 3-4 riders of a similar ability. Much better than joining a club.
  • @jamescafc - how old are you? I ride out most Sundays either solo or with a group of mixed ability... Not been out for a while and am out at the moment with a 40 something mate who has literally just started cycling, so it's shorts, t shirts, toe clips etc... Not my usual thing at all (I'd normally aim for a Sunday to be about 80-90km, 1200m of climbing in about 3/3.5hrs with no stops) but am really enjoying just pootling at the moment...asked about age as I'm 45, so if you're 21 and want to go flying, I'm not your man, but can put you in touch with the other guys I ride with who could well be... I'm on the CL Strava group (Matt), so you can see what I've been up to, although not actually added anything since about Aug I reckon...
  • How do you join groups on strava?
  • Here this is the Charlton Life one:
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  • Leroy is right, the main pull of a club is to drag me out of bed and keep me riding through winter. The social side of it appeals too. Riding solo 5 days a week gets a little boring and I find it hard to monitor my progress. Trouble I have, it seems, is that my current pace leaves me in between those who are out for a gentle ride (14-15 mph) and those who take is seriously (20mph). My average speed over 15-30 miles generally ends up around the 17-18mpj mark although I have found that's dropping now I'm riding in the cold / dark.
  • If you're between those two paces, you're actually easily fast enough to go out with a group riding at 20mph. Riding in a bunch gives you at least 2mph extra without putting any effort in at all. Probably more like 4-5mph. I can easily average an extra 8km/h in a bunch without putting any extra watts out - provided I'm not dragging them the whole way myself, everyone takes a turn and there's reasonable discipline on keeping a line and holding wheels

    Definitely sounds like you should try a club ride or two.

    I echo what John Boy says though. Once you get fast enough to be considered a decent cl b standard rider it's difficult finding a club that suits you because you'll almost certainly find the social rides slow as fuck and super boring, but might not have the time to dedicate to the effort necessary to go out with the more serious boys.
  • Anyone else get caught up in all the bridge fun just now?

    London Bridge was sealed off so had to peddle down to Tower Bridge, which was of course up.

    And then it began to rain...
  • First commute since I fucked my knee. Lovely ride in - including slowing down to admire a stag in Richmond Park - majestic. Only slightly ruined by an absolute mug of a cab driver - changing lanes at lights without indicating and almost taking me off. When I enquired whether he "didn't think indicating was a good idea?" He thoguht he was being funny by saying "No, not really". That's OK though - I told him politely that it marked him out as 'a bit of a cunt' and rode off. So much easier than getting irate.

    A bit more sobering though when I got to work and found out my mate had been t-boned last night by an imbecile pulling out of a t-junction without looking, leaving him with fractured ribs, broken collarbone and separated shoulder. Less than a second earlier and he would probably have been dead.
  • There seemed to be more bikes out today - I had a few pulling out in front of me (I'm on my bike), leaving me nowhere to go whilst cycling along Jamaica Rd....sometimes I don't know what's worse, car drivers or other cyclists...

    That said, I could have had a cyclist off last night whilst driving...I was pulling out left on to Shooters Hill, in the dark, and could see a car coming down the hill but giving me plenty of time to I did and it was only as I was in the lane that I saw a cyclist in my rear view mirror bearing down on me....the idiot was in all black, with no lights, in the dark...had I been a few seconds later, I would probably have had him across my bonnet and I would have been the one to blame...I was not happy..
  • edited October 2015
    its unbelievable how many of us wear all black in the dark. It's like having a proper death wish!
  • To all Cyclists / Lycra warriors, I need your wisdom and advice...

    I like to take on the odd challenge every once in a while, like completing a marathon last year despite never running before. Well 2016 will be my biggest without a doubt, my friend and I are cycling from London to Monte Carlo!
    We are riding for Pancreatic Cancer in remembrance of my friends Mum and plan to raise £500 a day, £5,000 in total. Lots of ideas at the moment and things in the pipeline but would like to use CL to help us in any way possible.

    We are both 27 going 28 and my friend cycled from London to Paris this year so has a lot more experience than me at riding but hasn't been on the bike for a couple of months so our fitness should be relatively similar.

    Obviously it'll involve a lot of planning and dedication but it is something we are both determined to achieve.

    Due to other commitments and allowing ourselves sufficient time to train we are planning to leave on 20th July and arrive in Monte Carlo on 29th, approx 850 miles in total in 9 cycling days.

    Training will be the hardest part but in a way I'm looking forward to it. The planning and organisation of the route is the part that scares me the most...
    Has anyone done a similar route or can offer any advice on how to plan cycling routes?

    With all this in mind I currently do not own a bike!! I am off to Evans this weekend to look at some and get a feel for what I want. So much choice out there and easy to get hung up researching online. Think I'd rather just get a feel for the bike and then decide.

    Until then it's about trying to get some form of fitness back, working on different muscles other than my drinking bicep and beer abs!

    We will be setting up a fundraising page etc soon and will start my own thread on here for those who prefer to ignore the Lycra warriors!



  • Will it be all road Tom or will there be some rougher terrain involved?
    Touring bikes are getting more and more popular recently, one might better suit such an epic ride!

    What price range are you looking at and what bike does your friend have?

    And good luck!
  • On a similar note I am planning to do the Wainright Coast to Coast ( Tim Woodcock route) next year. Its one of the most notable off road cycling challenges in the UK . 205 miles and 23,500 feet of climb. We are planning to do this in three days. Does anyone have any knowledge of this route or know of anyone who has completed it
  • @heavenSE7 - drop me a pm with your details and I'll help you out - furthest I've cycled from London is St Emillion (sp?), but I organise an annual ride of up to 20 blokes through whichever mountain range/country takes our fancy at the time, so can give you some pointers.
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