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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • Several x-rays and much manipulation later....diagnosis is "two small marks on the tip of the humorous, probably hair line nicks. Can't be sure, can't really do anything, have a sling, take some painkillers and come back if it gets significantly worse"

    Pissed off. Going to be off the bike for a while.

    That sucks. Still, at least it's not summer - hopefully it won't be a fracture and you can just rest it for as long as it needs.

  • iainment said:

    Several x-rays and much manipulation later....diagnosis is "two small marks on the tip of the humorous, probably hair line nicks. Can't be sure, can't really do anything, have a sling, take some painkillers and come back if it gets significantly worse"

    Pissed off. Going to be off the bike for a while.

    and the bike?
    Scrapes on both gear/brake levers which have been sorted with nail varnish! Tiny mark on saddle. Shifts clean, wheels not buckled and frame feels fine.

    Basically I hit the road and the bike hit me followed by my head hitting the road.

    sorry to read all this .. just shows how precarious bike riding can be, especially at speed .. take it easy and I wish you a speedy 'get well'
  • Was out at 8am today for a short ride to Greenwich park and back. Strong wind and light drizzle, the two conditions I hate the most. Roads felt like someone has poured oil all over it. Had a few near misses myself. Hope you're back on the road soon.
  • Up North this weekend. Went out and did 75k at a reaaonable pace. Had to turn round in three places for flooding - you don't know how good you've got it down South - West Lancs seems to be almost all underwater!
  • Anyone on her use Zwift?
  • Yup. Doing most of my training on there at the moment - easier to ride to a set plan on the turbo than outside, and Zwift alleviates the boredom somewhat.
  • How does it work? Read up online but still unclear. Looks decent though from what I've seen. If I've understood correctly you can race other users online.
  • jamescafc said:

    Anyone on her use Zwift?

    I have it set up with a Wahoo Kickr but at the moment prefer to Cross Country Ski - more of a workout for me!!

    Here Fat Biking is all the rage - haven't tried it yet. Looks like a lot of hard work.

  • Keen to start using Zwift, but really worried at the costs it would be to set it up. I have no indoor training stuff at all, how much would it cost to get started with it?
  • You can get started with a cheap turbo trainer or even a set of rollers. However, take the power output and speeds it gives you with a very large pinch of salt. To get the best out of it you'll need a smart trainer or (better still) a power meter

    The races can be fun, but you'll need to park your disbelief - most of the people who look phenomenal on it will be using zpower (zwift's algorithm for estimating power) and it's very easy to cheat. Don't take the racing too seriously - at least not until there are races only for people with verified power

    For me, it definitely beats a sufferfest or trainerroad video, and makes indoor training much more bearable
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  • Ordered an indoor trainer today. Plan on using it mostly the days where I'm working from home, give my body something to do while I work :)
  • I have a cheap turbo trainer but how do I connect this to Zwift? I am assuming I'd run the Zwift programme through laptop?
  • edited January 2016
    @jamescafc - I'm looking at it need an ANT+ dongle to hook your turbo up to your computer/zwift...but that assumes that you're using an ANT+ cadence monitor on your turbo at the moment already.. If you're using a Garmin product to record how well you're doing on the turbo at the moment, then buying the dongle will synch your computer with it and hey presto... If you're just using a turbo and not recording any power/effort/cadence etc (i.e. not using a garmin edge/simliar), then you'll need to buy a unit (cadence monitor) to record the effort on the bike (such as a Garmin or cheaper) and then - again - hook that up to your computer via the dongle.... I think I have that right, but stand to be corrected... It's all very confusing but still cheaper than the 'Kick'r' that @Oakster is using (am very jealous there looking at the Kick'r 'Snap'...any views?)
  • jamescafc said:

    I have a cheap turbo trainer but how do I connect this to Zwift? I am assuming I'd run the Zwift programme through laptop?

    I believe you will need to register with Zwift (£8 a month). Then try this link, it should put you on your way.
  • *Of course you could always use the 14 day free trail instead..
  • Also if you're a premium strava member, you get two months free on Zwift after your 1 day trial expires

    We should try and get a cafc group ride on there at some point. Would be fun to ride against fellow addicks!
  • Indoor trainer arrived. After a half hour of fannying around getting the wheel on and off its all set up. Had a quick 30 minute go and am well pleased. And sweaty.
  • @jamescafc - I'm looking at it need an ANT+ dongle to hook your turbo up to your computer/zwift...but that assumes that you're using an ANT+ cadence monitor on your turbo at the moment already.. If you're using a Garmin product to record how well you're doing on the turbo at the moment, then buying the dongle will synch your computer with it and hey presto... If you're just using a turbo and not recording any power/effort/cadence etc (i.e. not using a garmin edge/simliar), then you'll need to buy a unit (cadence monitor) to record the effort on the bike (such as a Garmin or cheaper) and then - again - hook that up to your computer via the dongle.... I think I have that right, but stand to be corrected... It's all very confusing but still cheaper than the 'Kick'r' that @Oakster is using (am very jealous there looking at the Kick'r 'Snap'...any views?)

    Hi @Charlton Charlie - not sure about the Snap to be honest - the Kick'r is great though - quiet, smooth and replicates hill climbs really well it does integrate beautifully with Zwift - I just have to get on the bloody thing - weather has been so nice this winter that it's better for me to go out and do a Cross Country ski which is an incredible workout every time!
  • I have a Garmin 200 device for my bike - how would I hook this up to my turbo trainer as I'm guessing the sensor runs on the front wheel which is static?

    Btw - anyone commute today? Punishing winds and bitterly cold in SE London. Fully winter gear today. Felt like I was pushing at 25mph and getting about 10mph in return.
  • edited January 2016
    @jamescafc I don;t think you can I'm afraid....just had a look and the 200 does not have the capability to synch with the Garmin cadence monitor, which is what you would normally use to measure performance on a (non smart) turbo trainer (the cadence monitor is attached to the back wheel and measures wheel and pedal revolutions...). If you bought an ANT+ cadence monitor and fitted it along with an ANT+ USB stick, you could record your workouts on a laptop/PC, but it's going to bypass your 200, as that is speed/location/distance vis GPS only...
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  • @EastStand - what trainer did you buy?
  • Isn't the 200 just a GPS device? You'll need Ant+ (not available on the 200) to get any useful data off a turbo trainer

    Didn't commute in today (intervals tonight) but have a recovery day tomorrow so am planning on commuting then. I come from SW London though (Woking) so will have the opposite to you - tailwind in, headwind home. Not sure what's worse, tbh!
  • edited January 2016

    Isn't the 200 just a GPS device? You'll need Ant+ (not available on the 200) to get any useful data off a turbo trainer

    Didn't commute in today (intervals tonight) but have a recovery day tomorrow so am planning on commuting then. I come from SW London though (Woking) so will have the opposite to you - tailwind in, headwind home. Not sure what's worse, tbh!

    Where do you cycle to work to?

    If central that's a long old morning slog!

  • jamescafc said:

    I have a Garmin 200 device for my bike - how would I hook this up to my turbo trainer as I'm guessing the sensor runs on the front wheel which is static?

    Btw - anyone commute today? Punishing winds and bitterly cold in SE London. Fully winter gear today. Felt like I was pushing at 25mph and getting about 10mph in return.

    Commuted today, Kept thinking there was something wrong with my bike as I was getting absolutely nowhere quick, but didn't notice the wind too much, but guess this must have been it (or is at least my excuse). The ride back should be better, but i'm worried its going to be colder than earlier! all layers, plus the neckware and hat under the helmet
  • edited January 2016

    @EastStand - what trainer did you buy?

    @Charlton Charlie Just a cheapo Pedal Pro one. Got it off Amazon for £40 I think. Didn't need anything fancy, just something to keep my legs going.

    Eidt - £50, it's this one:
  • jamescafc said:

    I have a Garmin 200 device for my bike - how would I hook this up to my turbo trainer as I'm guessing the sensor runs on the front wheel which is static?

    Btw - anyone commute today? Punishing winds and bitterly cold in SE London. Fully winter gear today. Felt like I was pushing at 25mph and getting about 10mph in return.

    Came in from Plumstead to Homerton, felt hard but on looking at my Garmin 200 I found I did it in my usual time.
    They are great little motivators aren't they?
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Isn't the 200 just a GPS device? You'll need Ant+ (not available on the 200) to get any useful data off a turbo trainer

    Didn't commute in today (intervals tonight) but have a recovery day tomorrow so am planning on commuting then. I come from SW London though (Woking) so will have the opposite to you - tailwind in, headwind home. Not sure what's worse, tbh!

    Where do you cycle to work to?

    If central that's a long old morning slog!

    West End. Almost bang on 50km if I go via Chelsea Embankment for the drag races (and who could resist that? :smiley:)
  • Still off the bike after my crash on 27/12. Am considering commuting tomorrow, but my shoulder is still sore and I'm not sure how it is going to cope with a rucksack weighing down on it for 25-30mins.

    Just cannot face another bus journey!
  • Still off the bike after my crash on 27/12. Am considering commuting tomorrow, but my shoulder is still sore and I'm not sure how it is going to cope with a rucksack weighing down on it for 25-30mins.

    Just cannot face another bus journey!

    Why don't you get a side bag clem? One you sling on the bike.
  • \\
    CAFC Luke said:

    jamescafc said:

    I have a Garmin 200 device for my bike - how would I hook this up to my turbo trainer as I'm guessing the sensor runs on the front wheel which is static?

    Btw - anyone commute today? Punishing winds and bitterly cold in SE London. Fully winter gear today. Felt like I was pushing at 25mph and getting about 10mph in return.

    Commuted today, Kept thinking there was something wrong with my bike as I was getting absolutely nowhere quick, but didn't notice the wind too much, but guess this must have been it (or is at least my excuse). The ride back should be better, but i'm worried its going to be colder than earlier! all layers, plus the neckware and hat under the helmet
    Hitting the wall- Happens to the best of em'.
    And you're right it'll be colder (not rubbing it in - I've got the ride home to look forward to also) but Keep pedaling away the summer will be here before you know it!
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