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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • iainment said:

    Meanwhile I enjoyed going on the NCN1 from London to Whitstable on Saturday. A truly eccentric route that took me 65 miles through orchards, nature reserves, wild footpaths and canal side tracks.
    Absolutely fantastic even if we were only able to manage 11mph average speed.
    And then dancing the night away to Terry Hall's dj set at the Oyster Festival. A great weekend.

    Did you do it on a road bike or a mountain bike? Is it possible to do on either?
    I hava a Spesh Diverge, which they call a gravel bike. To me it's a cross bike. Parts of the route are definitely not for a full on road bike. Tourer would be ok.
  • Lizzie's statement, which I think addresses the issue nicely

    Part 1

    Part 2
  • Rothko said:

    Lizzie's statement, which I think addresses the issue nicely

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Which is all probably true. But there is room to doubt and doubt will be expressed.
  • Rothko said:

    Lizzie's statement, which I think addresses the issue nicely

    Part 1

    Part 2

    It would appear that the weak link was relying on somebody else, viz Simon Thornton. Very surprising that it took 3 weeks for her to know about his departure, being in such a key role to her well being.

  • Regardless if she's a cheat now or not I love the parting shot from her...

    To the Twitter Army reading this... do yourself a favour and go for a bike ride, its the most beautiful thing you can do to clear your mind
  • rina said:

    rina said:

    The biggest problem here imo is changing it from 3 tests in 18months to 3 in 12. gives those who are skipping them intentionally much more leeway

    Surely being tested more regularly is a good thing?
    that's not the number of tests, it's the number of tests you have to miss to get a ban so 3 in 12 months gives dopers a lot more leeway than 3 in 18
    Fair point, but I think the rules were amended to avoid people challenging the rules at CAS based on 'unfairness' - e.g. it's widely accepted that out of competition testing is pretty onerous on athletes as their plans change - so it was easier to argue that forgetfulness, bad admin or exceptional circumstances (family emergency) could lead to violations through no deliberate attempt on the part of the athlete to avoid the testers. Extending the period where strikes stay on your record was part of the process of making the system more workable. They're obviously trying to find a happy medium - being popped three times in less than a year isn't being scatty - it's either incredibly stupid, or indicative of an ulterior motive.

    Her statement doesn't mean shit, either. You can point to almost identical statements from cyclists who were later exposed as systematic dopers - mealy-mouthed words of contrition aside, there's nothing in there we haven't heard before from Armstrong, Ullrich, Riis, Rasmussen, Vinokourov and dozens of others.

    Does anybody know if this happened on Brailsford's watch or later?

    After he left - first violation was eighteen months after he resigned
  • Lizzie doesn't have a coach so wasn't surprised that she ballsed up.

    ...and the sad thing now, is that will be looked at with more suspicion than wonder.
  • Lizzie doesn't have a coach so wasn't surprised that she ballsed up.

    ...and the sad thing now, is that will be looked at with more suspicion than wonder.
    maybe, maybe not. you may find that most people couldn't really care less

    the aforementioned Linford Christie failed 2 drug tests, served a ban, avoided another ban in very odd circumstances and supplied another runner with a substance which caused him to fail a test yet no one seems to think badly of him or question his achievements. people can be weird
  • The problem nowadays is that it's all about perception and not necessarily fact. She's been 'unfortunate' that this has come to light while the Russian shenanigans is currently playing out. People will tar her with the same brush no matter what the truth is.

    As a keen cyclist growing up in the 60's and 70's I would never have believed Tommy Simpson was cheating.

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  • Nicole Cooke has her say on pretty much everything - despite apparently 'not wanting to talk about it'.
  • As a bog average recreational cyclist, about to head out, I decided I have to consult you guys about something thats been bugging me for years.

    My water bottles stink of the plastic they are made of. No amount of cleaning makes any difference. It's horrible. Why does this happen? And are there water bottles I can buy which don't have this problem?

  • It seems to vary Prague. I've got some used by pro's and they smell a bit, while other cheaper ones tend not to.

    Clean them after each use and leave the tops off. I use Milton Sterilizing tablets (what they use for babies bottles).
  • 30 Kent miles after 15hrs on the beer yesterday.....urghhh.
  • 2000 metres of climbing today (Strava robbed me of 500 of them due to its 'interesting' elevation bugs)

    Bastard Lancashire hills. Did Nick O' Pendle, which is a world famous climb, but there were two others even worse than that
  • 30 Kent miles after 15hrs on the beer yesterday.....urghhh.

    That is a good effort. Was on the 8.40 from Euston and had first been shortly before leaving. My head is pounding today and that's despite being in bed by 11
  • This women's Road race coverage is appalling. The time gaps advertised are a joke, and we've spent the best part of ten minutes watching a breakaway without even a single shot of the peloton to get a clue of how far back they are or what sort of a dig they're putting in
  • Oh my god that's a bad crash
  • Oh my god that's a bad crash

    That reminds me of the Casertelli crash. Hope it's not as bad.
  • That was a total shocker, fingers crossed for her. Looked awful.
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  • horrendous. that is as bad as I've seen in a long time
  • Yep, nasty crash. Hope she's OK.

    Boardman is fuming about that part of the course, and quite rightly by the looks of it.

  • all reports coming in are that she is ok. ok may be relative in this case though
  • Conscious but in shock according to Dutch Federation on Twitter.
  • As a bog average recreational cyclist, about to head out, I decided I have to consult you guys about something thats been bugging me for years.

    My water bottles stink of the plastic they are made of. No amount of cleaning makes any difference. It's horrible. Why does this happen? And are there water bottles I can buy which don't have this problem?

    Either get cheap throwaway ones, metal ones or buy bottled water and use them. If going on a long cycle get a couple of sport top bottles and use them, either with water or sports drink.
    They do get rank after a while.
  • I use CAMELBAK bottles, no probs with tainting at all.
    Only prob is cleaning the nozzle.
  • I use CAMELBAK bottles, no probs with tainting at all.
    Only prob is cleaning the nozzle.

    Second that. Been using them for years and I've only had one go manky. Just remember to always rinse them as soon as you get home, and squit a full bottle of clean water through the nozzle. Seems to do the trick.
  • Anyone fancy a London 100k audax? Circular route from Hampton Hill on Sep 3 (I think). I think I"m going to give it a go.
  • Took the plunge with Speedplay Pedals in the end. I'll have to wait to report back on whether they are any good. After an epic 90 minute battle between man and machine no amount of GT85 and swearing would budge the old right hand pedal. Going to have to take it in to Sidcup Cycles and let them have a go at it....
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