As a footballer brilliant ,but he needs a good lengthy ban disgraceful lets himself down should be locked in a cage going around biting people no place for it liverpool should let him go and cash in on him.
Better to go out of the competition than the shame that is attached to this. If a Charlton or England player had done it I would embaressed. Maybe he should be on display in a zoo?
I'm inclined to agree that there is a mental health / developmental problem. As has been pointed out toddlers are trained out of biting behaviour. As we know toilet training occurs at the same age and traditionally can be linked with some forms of psychological trauma which emerge in violent or self-destructive / repressive behaviour in later life. (Hence the "he's very anal" or "he's up himself" comments that you sometimes hear about people who aren't me). I wonder if there is a link. Sorry for the amateur psychiatry, but this has to be more than just bad behaviour - it is clearly compulsive. He doesn't have a particularly bad record for other forms of violent behaviour does he? He doesn't get in fights (except when opponents take unreasonable exception to being bitten or racially abused). I don't suppose the adulation and attention and wealth help.
I think he's totally bizarre tbh. Yeah absolutely fantastic footballer, one of the very best playing today....but everything else about him seems all very juvenile. I mean the way he refuses to accept any blame for this actions....he really can't see anything too bad in what he's ever done. In the brief/infrequent interviews we see from him he either cries with joy or argues/snipes like a stroppy kid....and as for the biting, come on, seriously, this is classic kids in a sand pit opposed to the Mike Tyson variety of course, genuine `i'm gonna fuck you up', nasty c*** biting.
He's a child...a horrible child trapped in a mans body. A man who just happens to be a very strong/driven/extremely talented footballer.
You're over analysing it. He is an absolute fucking arsehole of a human being. That's about the size of it. No wooly minded hand-wringing bullshit - the bloke's just a wrongun
I have seen a lot of football involving children and never seen biting - yes 18 month olds in the sand pit but then he is a toddler rather than a child.
You're over analysing it. He is an absolute fucking arsehole of a human being. That's about the size of it. No wooly minded hand-wringing bullshit - the bloke's just a wrongun
The man has a psychological disorder(s) - of that I have no doubt whatsoever. It may be linked to a number of things, for example Tourettes, OCD, ADHD and even perhaps something on the autism scale. He's more to be pitied than scolded but having said that he must not be allowed onto a football field again until he has had successful treatment.
if u did that on the high street you would be lucky very lucky not to get abit of bird for that kind of attack how footballers get away with it is beyond me.
This - absolutely shocking
Punching, eye-gouging, raking and biting. Have we ever seen that on a sports field? And if so were any custodial sentences handed out?
You're over analysing it. He is an absolute fucking arsehole of a human being. That's about the size of it. No wooly minded hand-wringing bullshit - the bloke's just a wrongun
This is harsh.
In Uruguayan culture, biting is considered to be a friendly greeting.
Yes, the bite marks were clear so he can't get out of this one. Maybe he should be banned unless he agrees to have his teeth removed! I can think of an italian defender who might like to help if a dentist can't be found.
You're over analysing it. He is an absolute fucking arsehole of a human being. That's about the size of it. No wooly minded hand-wringing bullshit - the bloke's just a wrongun
The man has a psychological disorder(s) - of that I have no doubt whatsoever. It may be linked to a number of things, for example Tourettes, OCD, ADHD and even perhaps something on the autism scale. He's more to be pitied than scolded but having said that he must not be allowed onto a football field again until he has had successful treatment.
Whole bunch of nope there. One of the biggest problems we have in society is that everyone's got a bullshit excuse for being an arsehole. Some people are just arseholes, simple as that.
It all depends now on whether FIFA want to investigate or not. It would not surprise me if FIFA says there was no case to answer, especially if there are a few warm hand shakes going on.
I think he's totally bizarre tbh. Yeah absolutely fantastic footballer, one of the very best playing today....but everything else about him seems all very juvenile. I mean the way he refuses to accept any blame for this actions....he really can't see anything too bad in what he's ever done. In the brief/infrequent interviews we see from him he either cries with joy or argues/snipes like a stroppy kid....and as for the biting, come on, seriously, this is classic kids in a sand pit opposed to the Mike Tyson variety of course, genuine `i'm gonna fuck you up', nasty c*** biting.
He's a child...a horrible child trapped in a mans body. A man who just happens to be a very strong/driven/extremely talented footballer.
Of course not - because that's Rugby.
In Uruguayan culture, biting is considered to be a friendly greeting.
holy shit, fucking animal.
Biting someone is just a degrading scummy thing to do.
Waste of talent and he is in the sh*t now showing this crap behaviour on the biggest stage of them all.
Wrong 'un. End of.
Great player but a disgusting human being!!