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England v Uruguay



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    If hoddle gets anywhere near the England set up again that's it, I'm not watching England again. Despicable human being.
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    edited June 2014

    We are a mediocre side with no world class players and we've been beaten by a single goal by two mediocre sides with one world class player each.


    Suarez, Cavani, Godin, Balotelli, Pirlo, De Rossi, Chiellini, Barzagli... I could go on.

    So you're saying these players are mediocre and no better than Henderson and Jagielka? Give me a break.

    We are a long long way off.
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    Avoided the result all day so I could watch when I got home from work, wish it hadn't bothered.

    So so disappointed. I normally don't give two hoots about England, in fact I'm usually glad they lose but I feel different about this team. I like Roy Hodgson and there are some fresh faces in the team which have potential. We lost to Italy, but I thought we tried to do the right things and finally had a team with a bit of zip about it. We ultimately came up short in that game but we went toe to toe with one of the big boys and it could have gone our way on another day.

    Tonight though, well... back to bad bad old England. Uruguay wanted it more, got in our faces and our technique crumbled, as it so often does. All the zip a freedom we saw vs Italy was gone and the team just collapsed under the pressure. Rooney and Gerard were both awful, even allowing for the goal. Sturridge spent the whole game chucking himself on the deck at every opportunity. Sterling was isolated and ineffective but I don't understand why Woy withdrew him and took our away only natural wide man. The subs he did make all wanted to come inside which made it even easier for Uruguay to close us down. We froze under the pressure though and deserved nothing, why is it our big name players always shrink in games like this while other's always seem to raise their game?

    Miracles do happen but it looks so unlikely we'll qualify after that.
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    watched the game in the early hours and after the optimism against Italy, was disappointed with most of our players, but give credit to Uruguay and not just Suarez; they worked bloody hard and closed the England players down at every opportunity, therefore the likes of Sterling had no space.

    People beforehand said that we would know how to play against Suarez. That may be true but so do many of the Premier League teams with, to be fair, a better defence than England's, yet Suarez still did pretty well against most of those as well.

    I thought Henderson, Rooney and Baines had decent games but the defence has become the biggest problem. Jagielka is a decent player at club level, Johnson, I thought, had a better tournament than four years ago but is suspect defensively (he is at Liverpool as well) and Cahill will do better with a consistent partner like he has at Chelsea.

    I was hoping England would still be competing when I arrive in England in ten days time. Is there still hope? Anyone checked the odds?
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    Terrible really
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    The manager in this case is largely irrelevant.

    We simply do not have enough quality players at our disposal.

    It will be like this until such a time that the coaching methodology and Premier League structure is overhauled.
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    Did we expect much more the difference being 2 x 60 million strikers and us having none
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    Did we expect much more the difference being 2 x 60 million strikers and us having none

    Their second goal did not need a 60mil striker.

    It would have been defended better by players at Danson Park.
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    se9addick said:

    Knowing England they'll still beat Costa Rica and Italy will beat Costa Rica and Uruguay with England getting through on goal difference.

    yeah what with us being really lucky at tournaments
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    edited June 2014

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    Biggest idiot on Face book goes to the bloke saying he should ask the FA for his licence fee back because that was rubbish.

    Even ignoring the fact the game was on ITV, that's stupid.
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    My expectation in this world cup was zero I wanted to see

    Ox barkley sturridge sterling Henderson shaw all play

    So I didnt care about the world cup for us I just wanted to enjoy the festival of footie

    But what has grated me is the people who have ranted and raved called for rooney to be dropped called him shit and useless

    Once again the media the radio media the social medium idiots who jump on the band wagon of ruining players with true talent and making them question their own ability in the middle of a tournament,where the only consideration for the player Should be his play, his own game and ability not questioning his right to be there

    This year It was rooney again and this time atleast Wayne answers with a fuck you

    A brilliant setup for sturridge and a goal whilst the media darling of the plucky bin dipping cnuts put in a piss poor performance and an even worse captains performance in both games andvyetvwas willing to allow the focus to be on Wayne

    I am glad it happened how it did I am glad he finally got found out now hopefully the armband will move to rooney and the young guns can look towards the only talisman we have left

    Fuck Wayne Rooney - I stopped giving a shit about him when I was standing on a terrace in Croatia having just seen us put in a usual inept performance and he walked off giving our end two fingers.

    Don't care how good he is for United he's done nout in an England shirt in 10 years. One good ball isn't enough at this level.

    And South Africa WC again slagging the fans off who've paid thousands, took annual leave and put strain on relationships etc, when he was fucking useless.

    Yeah Gerrard was shite but I've watched England a lot and he's never gave two fingers to our support.

    So much for you young ones too. Like you say there was no expectation - only hope they would be played and given experience. Didn't really happen.
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    All together now "50 years of hurt, never stopped me dreaming"

    I would imagine for the majority of us on here, that's the earliest we've (almost definitely) seen us go out. I think for me that hurts the most. Yes, we were positive for about 65 mins against Italy, but last night was an England performance I have grown up with. I was too young to remember Italia 90. Had to suffer the embarrassment of mates with so called 'Irish blood' in them during WC 94, whilst we weren't even there. France 98, I had brief hope after Owen's wonder goal. 2002 was okay, we went out to the eventual winners. 2006 seemed like Groundhog Day (and that was frustrating because I've never rated Portugal). 2010 - we all clung to Lampard's disallowed goal like that alone was the excuse for our demise. Now this.

    There's not really much to offer other than what has already been said, we just don't have the talent. The hardest thing to take is that our domestic league is probably the most entertaining in the world with world class foreign players, you fool yourself into thinking that our players play with these guys week in, week out, we must as a collective with our best XI be a match for them. Then when we line up, the rug is well and truly pulled from under us. I looked at players like Sterling who had a great season and am confident. He had a good first hour against Italy, but let's be honest, toward the end Chellini had him in his pocket, and last night he was poor.

    I'm not digging him out as I think he's a decent player and he's young. But at the end of the day he's just that, decent. You might say I'm writing him off too soon, and I don't mean to single one of our 'better hopes' out, but already he, and a number of others don't look like they'll be at the level required to win a trophy.

    Having written all even I feel it's pretty pointless to add my thoughts to this thread, as whatever way I try to make sense of it all, it just adds up to not being up to scratch. The killer is that in domestic football you get another game or another season very soon after the last to help you forget, with the international tournaments, all hopes are crammed into such a short period, and if you fail they're gone again for another 2/4 years.


    P.S (I do realise there is a slither of a chance we can qualify)
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    Not only does Italy need to beat CR today (and of course go on to beat the thugs) but we need the aggregate margin of victories by Italy and England over CR to be at least 4 goals, since if tied on Goal Diff it goes to Goals Scored and CR of course already have 3.
    i.e. in order for us to go through with just a 1 goal win against CR we need Italy to do them by at least 3 today.
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    If Italy win today then they will rest players against Uruguay, but those players will be trying to make an impression. There's a tiny tiny bit of hope.

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    edited June 2014

    If Italy win today then they will rest players against Uruguay, but those players will be trying to make an impression. There's a tiny tiny bit of hope.

    The one plus is that Immobile will be fired up to show what he can do. Might get a run this afternoon at some stage and bag a couple.
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    Not only does Italy need to beat CR today (and of course go on to beat the thugs) but we need the aggregate margin of victories by Italy and England over CR to be at least 4 goals, since if tied on Goal Diff it goes to Goals Scored and CR of course already have 3.
    i.e. in order for us to go through with just a 1 goal win against CR we need Italy to do them by at least 3 today.

    Sorry, that's (partial) bollox.
    Unless Italy beat them by at least 3, we will need to beat them by at least 2.
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    2 Italian victories even by only one goal mean we have to win by 2 goals.

    Until we are out, we are in.

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    Even my England lion sculpture fell apart.....image
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    This is what happens when you play good Premier League players ahead of proven Champions League players.

    The Jagielkas and Hendersons of the world should be bench players at best.
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    If Italy win today then they will rest players against Uruguay, but those players will be trying to make an impression. There's a tiny tiny bit of hope.

    Just the small problem of sweeping Costa Rica aside.

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    If Italy win today then they will rest players against Uruguay, but those players will be trying to make an impression. There's a tiny tiny bit of hope.

    Just the small problem of sweeping Costa Rica aside.

    We can do it! Come on folks we'll all be back on here at 7pm tonight picking tuesdays team with a glimmer..

    Flat as a hat today, even tho i didnt get my hopes up.

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    Jdredsox said:

    Johnson was poor and should have closed down cavani for the first. Jagielka was caught in no mans land for the second.

    Our defence was distinctly average and at this level that won't do. By euro 2016 I expect 3 of the 4 who started at the back tonight to be gone.

    In midfield Gerrard was showing his age and much of the criticism levelled at JJ last year for being a step too slow applied to him. Unfortunately at this level that extra step proves far more costly, he looked an awful lot like his former teammate Xabi Alonso tonight, too slow and frustrated.

    Henderson was industrious and all in all hasn't had a bad tournament. He isn't your superstar but he is a steady eddy that can balance your midfield.

    Now the contentious part. Rooney/Sterling/Welbeck. Let's start with the easy one, Welbeck will run his socks off but he doesn't seem to fit any particular role. He isn't a winger but he isn't an out and out goal scorer. What he can do is win you the ball early in a high pressing game. He would fit the system Chile run and it is a system we will see more of over the next few years.

    Sterling was marginalised tonight. He needs to be stronger, and he will get there, but we handicapped him tonight. Against Italy his pace, vision and direct style of play brought the best out of us. We shifted that out wide where his options were halved and two players could trap him more easily. He still needs to develop but there is hope for the future.

    Rooney. A great individual talent but I don't feel he brings the best out of the team. By playing him in the middle we slowed down our game as he isn't as fast nor direct as Sterling. His goal was scrappy and came from their left back switching off. Maybe he would have been better switching with Sturridge.

    Sturridge covered a lot of ground but looked a little lost out there. He plays best in a pair or off another striker, although a more direct style of play would allow him to use his pace more in a counter attacking game.

    As a whole the team needs to work harder. We need to press higher up the pitch and look to win the ball back as soon as we lose it. For much of the game we were too pedestrian and content to sit back when out of possession. When we did get the ball (and we had a lot of possession) we slowed the game down which fed into the high possession. I wasn't surprised to see the first goal come from pressure on the halfway line and a direct ball to cavani. This style of play sees teams running straight at a disorganised unit and not let them regain their shape.

    Our game allowed Uruguay to reorganise in ranks every time we attacked. Our goal came from a direct run by Johnson and their centre back scrambling back and bundling the ball through to Rooney.

    Until we learn these lessons, work as a team and push on it doesn't matter who the players or managers are. The game is evolving and we need to catch up. Another group of talented players will come through but unless we get our act together it doesn't matter.

    Excellent post.
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    The two finger salute by rooney was wrong inexcusable but he shouldn't be caned for it over and over

    Gerrard and his actions in both games are just as bad

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    not sure if its mentioned anywhere but on Sky news last time to comment on the game was Chris Powell---missed most of what he had to say--they left to "talk England fans watching in London" ---Carlton Palmer and Dion Dublin were the two people (fans) who they talked to in the bar--------turned it off.
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    edited June 2014
    Gerrard is a serial loser I'm afraid and I can't believe we'd truly be any worse off without him during the next round of qualifying. It's time to bin him in favour of blooding more new faces two years ahead of Euro 2016.
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