The weird thing is, I feel like a 'boycott' out of apathy would be more effective than an angry one. We've seen how the protests over in Liege has done absolutely nothing to change Roland's mind.
Roland is all about money. The only thing that will wake him up is if his wallet takes a battering. As you say the Liege protests have done little to change his philosophy so it will serve us no purpose either. I'm not saying that people should boycott games, but maybe there's a way to hit is wallet without dropping support for the team. Merchandising and spending money within the ground on catering, beer, programs etc is one obvious way, maybe people can think about other ways too.
If people are serious about trying to make some kind of point, maybe something along these lines would work more than angry protests. I dunno.
Edit: Just read that @kentred2 suggested something along similar lines, sorry for not reading properly before posting.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
Brilliant. This really is the least of our worries.
Well cutting off your nose to spite your face will have absolutely no affect on what the owner does i'm afraid. He really doesn't care what you or any fans do , just ask the Standard Liege fans. I suspect if you are staying away until things change you may well have seen your last game at The Valley which is very sad.
I'm assuming that 2chalets is Jewish? - after all, his coach is Jewish and his transfer advisor is Jewish . Now, before the racism police come scurrying - its a common belief that Jewish people dont like to lose or overspend money- right? In that case i am still trying to get my head around what he is trying to achieve with his Charlton experiment. He buys a club that is losing money, a club that needs a significant amount of money to keep running, yet he continues to provide a sub-standard product - a product which is steadily losing more income because its clients are no longer prepared to accept said product.Therefore its loss continues on the upward path. However, most people are suggesting that he wouldnt care less,based on SL's experience, if people turned up or not at the gates - thus losing more income!! And it seems that he wouldnt care less if we go down to L1 - how can that make sense ??!! So, what is his reasoning? what is his real desire for CAFC? - as someone else mentioned, maybe he is simply having an experiment, like his dalliance with politics, until he gets bored and discards the experiment.? When that happens, what happens to OUR club.? TBH, like most people on here, CAFC has been in the blood of my family for many generations, and i have passed it down through the next generation, and i will expect my sons to pass it down through their children too. I dont take too kindly to someone having an 'experiment' , or a bit of fun with something which has been so ingrained in my life - and the current incumbent not giving a shit about the people that really matter in all this ..US.
Well cutting off your nose to spite your face will have absolutely no affect on what the owner does i'm afraid. He really doesn't care what you or any fans do , just ask the Standard Liege fans. I suspect if you are staying away until things change you may well have seen your last game at The Valley which is very sad.
Nail on head, Beds.
My thoughts exactly.
This is not a nose off to spite face situation though fanny imo.
People are giving up a lot of their time and money to watch this tripe. They are not enjoying it. Just going through the motions. The way the club has set itself up is making it more excruciating than it's ever been. People are genuinely starting to think that they would be much better off keeping the club at arms length for a while.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
I have gone home and away for over forty years, so don't give me a lecture on my support because you have no idea. It is only the last four games I have missed. It is queue not que and barge not bardge. Don't worry I will not be barging to the front of the queue or que.
As a previous poster mentioned, any boycott will take care of itself naturally. Unless there is a miraculous turnaround, attendances will drop off during the remainder of the season and season ticket sales for next season will also drop which IMO will be significantly.
In the 45 years that I have supported Charlton, I have been through plenty of turbulent times and relegations and during each one I never lost the faith, the belief, the optimism and love for my club. For 37 of my 45 years supporting the club, I have lived a 400 mile round trip from the Valley. For 15 of those years I had a season ticket and never missed, even the midweek non glamorous fixtures and it never once entered my head to not travel to Selhurst or Upton Park.
This time round its different. I feel no belief or optimism and any hope is fading fast, the only definite feeling is one of detachment and gradual loss of CAFC as I knew it.
I am actually glad my finances do not allow regular trips to the Valley anymore, I hope Roland and his network does finally work the magic but I wont be holding my breath, I can only see a painful decline of our great club.
no point in boycotting...hit them in the pocket... Don't buy programmes etc
I bet RD is quivering in his boots..
work out the finances....How many paying public go to games???
Do you think printers print programmes for nothing??
The club has sold the food and club shop to franchises
Therefore the only way you will any immediate impact on revenue streams is on sales of programmes...
The sale of a programme x7,000 with printing costs will have a hit on the monthly bottom line revenue stream
I should think Katrien has already done the programme revenue enough damage with her revised sale arrangements. I doubt if they are printing more than 4,000 and cash sales will probably be 2,500-3,000 - a lot are given away with lounge packages, etc.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
I wont be renewing, but I will travel to away games. I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the country where a number of Championship clubs are actually nearer to me than The Valley. Derby, Wolves, Birmingham, Nottingham, Cardiff, Reading, Bolton and Sheffield are all quicker for me to get to than Charlton. With the possibility of Swindon and Bristol City coming up and Leicester likely coming down, that adds another three if all goes well. Obviously Derby could get promoted, (though I'm hoping they don't for selfish reasons), but if all goes well, I have a good number of clubs within a 2 1/2 hour car-ride from here, I can still show support for the team without having to line Roland's pockets. I don't usually attend so many away matches due to financial reasons, but I could easily attend all of these games if I wasn't committed to a Season Ticket.
It will be strange as I've had a ST since 1998, but I'm looking forward to a different experience.
no point in boycotting...hit them in the pocket... Don't buy programmes etc
I bet RD is quivering in his boots..
work out the finances....How many paying public go to games???
Do you think printers print programmes for nothing??
The club has sold the food and club shop to franchises
Therefore the only way you will any immediate impact on revenue streams is on sales of programmes...
The sale of a programme x7,000 with printing costs will have a hit on the monthly bottom line revenue stream
I should think Katrien has already done the programme revenue enough damage with her revised sale arrangements. I doubt if they are printing more than 4,000 and cash sales will probably be 2,500-3,000 - a lot are given away with lounge packages, etc.
Had already decided not to go midweek. I read the post-match views, I won't say they were exactly what I was expecting, mostly yes, but they were even worse.
The majority will always go, and that's up to them. That's what charlatan directors rely on. The badge, family history etc. But personally it's such an upsetting feeling like I have no football club to support and more worryingly not really caring is just tragic. I don't need to explain my 'supporters' pedigree to anyone on here - some of the lengths I've gone to have been mental. And at this moment I can't say or care whether I'll go to another game. Well done Roland - you've moved swiftly, I'll give you that. Today I enjoyed going to the doctors, a freezing market, vacuuming the car, and washing up far more than I did the Blackburn/Watford games.
Good old Charlton 'what might have been' Athletic. So many chances messed up by owners. So near but yet so far so many times. After the team we had, flogging Yann and Stephens. Imagine them still here with a decent owner and manager making two or three additions. Wish Solly, Cousins and Jacko would leave so I have absolutely no attachment whatsoever to the club as it is now. Heartbreaking. Galls me this season seeing players not giving a toss against woeful opposition who we could beat with a tiny bit of effort/team spirit/intelligence. And even worse the few players that do care beating their heads against a brick wall.
Boycotts and protests will be water off a duck's back as people say, they won't do anything. I won't go as it's simply f***ing unenjoyable and depressing, and I expect others will do the same if they're not already. This experiment is even worse than almost anything we could have had happen as it sucks any passion out of football, team spirit, will to win, community. It's hideous. Not to mention the pathetic posts on social media carrying on as if everything is fine and pretending this clown/puppet is a manager in the same way as Curbishley or Powell was!!
I would add Beds that I'd be happy if I'd seen my last game at The Valley rather than turn up every home game and feel utterly demoralised, insulted and wishing for "my" Charlton back.
Roland is used to getting reactions from his audience. His first book, "Joint stock company Belgium, a report to the share holders", gave rise to a political party which Wiki tells us stood for "Better seeking for alternatives than doing nothing in apathy". Pretty ironic going by the unhappiness he is serving up in SE7 that his second book was called "The road to more net domestic happiness". (See,âtelet)
More ironically perhaps in the context of Charlton and the way he seems to run the club, his political party supports direct democracy. He says on his website: "Vivant also promotes direct democracy, by which the population can express its views on major questions of governance, independent of political persuasion. Furthermore, Vivant is fighting for greater personal freedom, higher regard for the environment and more effective organs of State. The rôle of Government, in Vivant’s view, is to assist and serve the citizen. Vivant does not pretend to have a solution for every problem. Vivant aims to set forth signposts, and promote ideas, leading to a better quality of life for the greatest number.
So he probably thinks he is leading us the right way already and we don't need to worry him with our trivial concerns!
Personally I think the loss of Kermogant, then Chris Powell and then Morrison were key pivotal moments, which is why a lot of people here are still troubled by one or all of those events. Powell's return presents an opportunity for a meaningful (symbolic) protest. Empty seats at the £5 game will likely draw attention, and from those in the ground lots of "we want our Charlton back" that day, and some may even prefer "Chrissy Powell's red and white army", would probably help get the message out, if not across to RD and his cohort directly.
Of course a couple of good results before then and enough people will probably calm down enough to make Huddersfield's visit and talk of protest relatively meaningless. Regardless, i think in RD we have an unusual character who will be a tough nut to crack by conventional means.
Today I was pleased I had to look after my youngest so I had a reason to miss out I've never felt this non interest in us ever , not even close...
Sadly I've never felt so disinterested either. I went today, but can't say I'm glad that I did. I didn't go to the last two away games either. Not that there's anything new in that, I always miss the majority of our aways. The difference with those two games is that I didn't even think about them. Normally I stay indoors and try to find a stream. If I can't find a stream, I follow the action here on Charlton Life whilst having either SSN or one of the sport radio stations going on in the background. Instead of following the Watford game I went shopping with Mrs Stig. Instead of following the Wolves game I took my camera for a long walk along the Essex coast. Both were better experiences than anything Charlton related in the past few months.
Of course a couple of good results before then and enough people will probably calm down enough to make Huddersfield's visit and talk of protest relatively meaningless. Regardless, i think in RD we have an unusual character who will be a tough nut to crack by conventional means.
Football fans are fickle and and maybe a few good results might persuade people otherwise but in the longterm i don't think it's about people calming down it's more about people losing interest and NOT coming back.
The Next home gane is against Norwich and is a Classified GOLD game which means an increase in the matchday price ticket for a non season ticket holder, after Todays game who would want to pay the extra for a game we could maybe lose.
I personally don't want an owner who you describe as a tough nut to crack but an owner who has the clubs best interests at heart.
I have no issue with your post but it's just my respone and how i feel.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
I have gone home and away for over forty years, so don't give me a lecture on my support because you have no idea. It is only the last four games I have missed. It is queue not que and barge not bardge. Don't worry I will not be barging to the front of the queue or que.
Sorry but turning your back and not going because of that makes you now officially disloyal regardless of 50 years of support.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
I have gone home and away for over forty years, so don't give me a lecture on my support because you have no idea. It is only the last four games I have missed. It is queue not que and barge not bardge. Don't worry I will not be barging to the front of the queue or que.
Sorry but turning your back and not going because of that makes you now officially disloyal regardless of 50 years of support.
Disregard the "like" - miscontrol of this stupid tablet. But, as to your post - sorry son , but you haven't got a clue
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
Don't like the owner! Don't like the manager! Don't like the network system! Really don't like being told we have to accept what Roland is doing! No we do not! Network players do not care about the club and it shows! Am losing the pull of going to games fast And I've been a solid " customer " for over thirty years! Were not putting money into the club now but into the network and I hate it! How I pray for a take over of some sort. we may be financially secure but at what cost !
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
That's a real shame @Dick Plumb your credentials are absolutely not in question and you are one of the posters whose opinion I always look out for, especially on the youngsters coming through. But I understand your motivation not to go.
I will never boycott! I support Charlton Athletic Football CLUB!! and i voice my concerns in the Valley! if i feel inclined i may do it outside the main reception!
I must obviously not be a proper fan because I will not go again until the Belgian's are gone. I have been a fan for fifty three years go to U18 and U21 games. Was a shareholder, VIP and Valley Gold member and Season Ticket holder. If you want to know how I feel read Steve Dixon's article in VOTV. What is the point in going to something that I get no pleasure from. I was just going because of a sense of duty. I feel that the only way I can protest at what is happening is to withdraw my custom. It really gives me no pleasure. I miss the trips away and my days at the Valley, but I will not change until the owners start to listen to the fans.
Well don't fucking come back and bardge your way to the front of the que if there is a big cup game away from home and make someone who goes to at least most of the games during RD's tenure misses out because of someone like you who stays away all games. Not that in recent years we have had too many big cup games anyway.
I have gone home and away for over forty years, so don't give me a lecture on my support because you have no idea. It is only the last four games I have missed. It is queue not que and barge not bardge. Don't worry I will not be barging to the front of the queue or que.
Sorry but turning your back and not going because of that makes you now officially disloyal regardless of 50 years of support.
Do you know what "officially" means ? How could anyone be "officially" disloyal ?
Well cutting off your nose to spite your face will have absolutely no affect on what the owner does i'm afraid. He really doesn't care what you or any fans do , just ask the Standard Liege fans. I suspect if you are staying away until things change you may well have seen your last game at The Valley which is very sad.
Nail on head, Beds.
My thoughts exactly.
This is not a nose off to spite face situation though fanny imo.
People are giving up a lot of their time and money to watch this tripe. They are not enjoying it. Just going through the motions. The
If any season ticket holder is planning to boycot, could I borrow there season tickets for the length of the boycot please?
You can have mine. £50 a game. For that you get, 90 mins of pure dross. I'll throw a pencil case, blanket and flask in will get the ultimate match day experience then.
The weird thing is, I feel like a 'boycott' out of apathy would be more effective than an angry one. We've seen how the protests over in Liege has done absolutely nothing to change Roland's mind.
Roland is all about money. The only thing that will wake him up is if his wallet takes a battering. As you say the Liege protests have done little to change his philosophy so it will serve us no purpose either. I'm not saying that people should boycott games, but maybe there's a way to hit is wallet without dropping support for the team. Merchandising and spending money within the ground on catering, beer, programs etc is one obvious way, maybe people can think about other ways too.
If people are serious about trying to make some kind of point, maybe something along these lines would work more than angry protests. I dunno.
Edit: Just read that @kentred2 suggested something along similar lines, sorry for not reading properly before posting.
Save yourself WCA before you jump fully on the 'reading without posting' bandwagon! Remember, no one gives a monkeys if you read without posting! It's the ugly face of a narcissistic personality disorder! :-)
If people are serious about trying to make some kind of point, maybe something along these lines would work more than angry protests. I dunno.
Edit: Just read that @kentred2 suggested something along similar lines, sorry for not reading properly before posting.
Well cutting off your nose to spite your face will have absolutely no affect on what the owner does i'm afraid. He really doesn't care what you or any fans do , just ask the Standard Liege fans. I suspect if you are staying away until things change you may well have seen your last game at The Valley which is very sad.
Nail on head, Beds.
My thoughts exactly.
In that case i am still trying to get my head around what he is trying to achieve with his Charlton experiment. He buys a club that is losing money, a club that needs a significant amount of money to keep running, yet he continues to provide a sub-standard product - a product which is steadily losing more income because its clients are no longer prepared to accept said product.Therefore its loss continues on the upward path.
However, most people are suggesting that he wouldnt care less,based on SL's experience, if people turned up or not at the gates - thus losing more income!! And it seems that he wouldnt care less if we go down to L1 - how can that make sense ??!!
So, what is his reasoning? what is his real desire for CAFC? - as someone else mentioned, maybe he is simply having an experiment, like his dalliance with politics, until he gets bored and discards the experiment.?
When that happens, what happens to OUR club.?
TBH, like most people on here, CAFC has been in the blood of my family for many generations, and i have passed it down through the next generation, and i will expect my sons to pass it down through their children too. I dont take too kindly to someone having an 'experiment' , or a bit of fun with something which has been so ingrained in my life - and the current incumbent not giving a shit about the people that really matter in all this ..US.
My thoughts exactly.
This is not a nose off to spite face situation though fanny imo.
People are giving up a lot of their time and money to watch this tripe. They are not enjoying it. Just going through the motions. The way the club has set itself up is making it more excruciating than it's ever been. People are genuinely starting to think that they would be much better off keeping the club at arms length for a while.
In the 45 years that I have supported Charlton, I have been through plenty of turbulent times and relegations and during each one I never lost the faith, the belief, the optimism and love for my club. For 37 of my 45 years supporting the club, I have lived a 400 mile round trip from the Valley. For 15 of those years I had a season ticket and never missed, even the midweek non glamorous fixtures and it never once entered my head to not travel to Selhurst or Upton Park.
This time round its different. I feel no belief or optimism and any hope is fading fast, the only definite feeling is one of detachment and gradual loss of CAFC as I knew it.
I am actually glad my finances do not allow regular trips to the Valley anymore, I hope Roland and his network does finally work the magic but I wont be holding my breath, I can only see a painful decline of our great club.
It will be strange as I've had a ST since 1998, but I'm looking forward to a different experience.
Had already decided not to go midweek. I read the post-match views, I won't say they were exactly what I was expecting, mostly yes, but they were even worse.
The majority will always go, and that's up to them. That's what charlatan directors rely on. The badge, family history etc. But personally it's such an upsetting feeling like I have no football club to support and more worryingly not really caring is just tragic. I don't need to explain my 'supporters' pedigree to anyone on here - some of the lengths I've gone to have been mental. And at this moment I can't say or care whether I'll go to another game. Well done Roland - you've moved swiftly, I'll give you that. Today I enjoyed going to the doctors, a freezing market, vacuuming the car, and washing up far more than I did the Blackburn/Watford games.
Good old Charlton 'what might have been' Athletic. So many chances messed up by owners. So near but yet so far so many times. After the team we had, flogging Yann and Stephens. Imagine them still here with a decent owner and manager making two or three additions. Wish Solly, Cousins and Jacko would leave so I have absolutely no attachment whatsoever to the club as it is now. Heartbreaking. Galls me this season seeing players not giving a toss against woeful opposition who we could beat with a tiny bit of effort/team spirit/intelligence. And even worse the few players that do care beating their heads against a brick wall.
Boycotts and protests will be water off a duck's back as people say, they won't do anything. I won't go as it's simply f***ing unenjoyable and depressing, and I expect others will do the same if they're not already. This experiment is even worse than almost anything we could have had happen as it sucks any passion out of football, team spirit, will to win, community. It's hideous. Not to mention the pathetic posts on social media carrying on as if everything is fine and pretending this clown/puppet is a manager in the same way as Curbishley or Powell was!!
I would add Beds that I'd be happy if I'd seen my last game at The Valley rather than turn up every home game and feel utterly demoralised, insulted and wishing for "my" Charlton back.
More ironically perhaps in the context of Charlton and the way he seems to run the club, his political party supports direct democracy. He says on his website:
"Vivant also promotes direct democracy, by which the population can express its views on major questions of governance, independent of political persuasion. Furthermore, Vivant is fighting for greater personal freedom, higher regard for the environment and more effective organs of State. The rôle of Government, in Vivant’s view, is to assist and serve the citizen. Vivant does not pretend to have a solution for every problem. Vivant aims to set forth signposts, and promote ideas, leading to a better quality of life for the greatest number.
Founder and chairman of VIVANT"
So he probably thinks he is leading us the right way already and we don't need to worry him with our trivial concerns!
Personally I think the loss of Kermogant, then Chris Powell and then Morrison were key pivotal moments, which is why a lot of people here are still troubled by one or all of those events. Powell's return presents an opportunity for a meaningful (symbolic) protest. Empty seats at the £5 game will likely draw attention, and from those in the ground lots of "we want our Charlton back" that day, and some may even prefer "Chrissy Powell's red and white army", would probably help get the message out, if not across to RD and his cohort directly.
Of course a couple of good results before then and enough people will probably calm down enough to make Huddersfield's visit and talk of protest relatively meaningless. Regardless, i think in RD we have an unusual character who will be a tough nut to crack by conventional means.
Football fans are fickle and and maybe a few good results might persuade people otherwise but in the longterm i don't think it's about people calming down it's more about people losing interest and NOT coming back.
The Next home gane is against Norwich and is a Classified GOLD game which means an increase in the matchday price ticket for a non season ticket holder, after Todays game who would want to pay the extra for a game we could maybe lose.
I personally don't want an owner who you describe as a tough nut to crack but an owner who has the clubs best interests at heart.
I have no issue with your post but it's just my respone and how i feel.
But, as to your post - sorry son , but you haven't got a clue
Don't like the manager!
Don't like the network system!
Really don't like being told we have to accept what Roland is doing! No we do not!
Network players do not care about the club and it shows!
Am losing the pull of going to games fast And I've been a solid " customer " for over thirty years!
Were not putting money into the club now but into the network and I hate it!
How I pray for a take over of some sort. we may be financially secure but at what cost !
People are giving up a lot of their time and money to watch this tripe. They are not enjoying it. Just going through the motions. The I would actually get a court order up and get them off my land.