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Game of Thrones



  • se9addick said:
    Is the actor that plays Bran terrible or is the wooden way of talking part of the role? 

    Don't think he's the type of actor, you can just push around.
  • Firmly believe they’ve made his character that way to cover up bad acting.
  • se9addick said:
    Is the actor that plays Bran terrible or is the wooden way of talking part of the role? 

    Don't think he's the type of actor, you can just push around.
     Boom boom
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Cersei was drinking wine, she's not pregnant.

    She wasn't drinking when Tyrion visited as it's all a ruse. She will be known as the Mad Queen before the series ends.

    The Mad King was killed by the Husband of the Mad Queen.

    I think Dany is going to go off the rails too. She was becoming threatening towards Sansa in her discussion with Jon.
    Plenty of people drink whilst pregnant, I don't think that's a real clincher.
    Cersei made a point when she saw Tyrion of not drinking wine to show she was pregnant, now she's back with a glass every scene...
    I’m not sure why but I’ve never bought that she’s pregnant. I don’t just mean cos of the prophecy thing. There’s something about the way people are jumping to conclusions and she doesn’t say anything. I dunno. It just seems off. I certainly don’t believe she’ll ever have a baby! 
  • Agree 100% 

    I think it's a ploy to catch people out.
  • Re. Dany going mad. I think the Sansa stuff is just tension that they will overcome. I don’t think we’d buy it if she was a popular arrival so they have to pay service to that. And establish Sansa as a hard-ass. 

    Also, her telling Sam about killing his family is more about showing her the consequences of her actions, but hard to tell which way she’ll go on that front as they were clearly short on time to fit it all in! 
  • edited April 2019
    I think Tyrion at some point betrays Dany and he gets executed. It seems like the only major twist no one seems to be thinking possible and he is probably the most popular character... both of these things are not good things to be in RR Martin's world.
    When he met Cersei in last season's finale, Cersei told him "You are destroying our family." He responded "I am trying to save our family." Really? By working with Dany to defeat Cersei? Hmmm. Also, he knows she is preggo and has not yet told Dany. Why?It would be a tremendous advantage for Dany to know that.
    So is it possible he is essentially going to turn out to be a double agent?

  • No, when he said he'll save the family he means from the White Walkers, who don't give a crap whose bum is on the throne they will kill everyone, North, South the whole lot. Even Jaime has apparently reached the same conclusion as he's headed up north as well. EVERYONE else has worked out that the fighting between them has to wait, they can't play politics and go fighting each other until the Night King has been stopped. 
    Cersei on the other hand has gone completely nuts and has convinced herself that she can let the Night King fight the others and then swoop in and finish whoever is left standing. But if a massive army and two dragons isn't enough to win that fight, she's completely fucked. Even the psychotic Viking guy looks like he's going to abandon her now he's got his leg over given what he said to Yara.
  • Bit of an anticlimax. I re-watched season 7 over the weekend in the build up and episode one of season 8 seemed to be filmed in a completely different way. I know they have different directors but this one seemed very off to me. The Dragon scene with the two lovers racing was a bit of a cliche and unnecessary as we knew Jon was Dragon friendly from the previous season. Certainly not one of the best episodes, but as far as scene setting goes it did its job. Glad Tormund Giantsbane survived the fall of the wall, definitely one of my favourite characters.
  • JiMMy 85 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Cersei was drinking wine, she's not pregnant.

    She wasn't drinking when Tyrion visited as it's all a ruse. She will be known as the Mad Queen before the series ends.

    The Mad King was killed by the Husband of the Mad Queen.

    I think Dany is going to go off the rails too. She was becoming threatening towards Sansa in her discussion with Jon.
    Plenty of people drink whilst pregnant, I don't think that's a real clincher.
    Cersei made a point when she saw Tyrion of not drinking wine to show she was pregnant, now she's back with a glass every scene...
    I’m not sure why but I’ve never bought that she’s pregnant. I don’t just mean cos of the prophecy thing. There’s something about the way people are jumping to conclusions and she doesn’t say anything. I dunno. It just seems off. I certainly don’t believe she’ll ever have a baby! 
    Didn’t she tell Jamie she was pregnant (he asked who they should tell people the father was and she replied “you”).

    i don’t think she’s actually pregnant btw.
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  • TEL said:
    Bit of an anticlimax. I re-watched season 7 over the weekend in the build up and episode one of season 8 seemed to be filmed in a completely different way. I know they have different directors but this one seemed very off to me. The Dragon scene with the two lovers racing was a bit of a cliche and unnecessary as we knew Jon was Dragon friendly from the previous season. Certainly not one of the best episodes, but as far as scene setting goes it did its job. Glad Tormund Giantsbane survived the fall of the wall, definitely one of my favourite characters.
    When you re-watch GoT in 10 years time the CGI for the dragon scene will look horrific. Given that time was tight to fit everything in I’m not sure why they included that scene. 
  • se9addick said:
    TEL said:
    Bit of an anticlimax. I re-watched season 7 over the weekend in the build up and episode one of season 8 seemed to be filmed in a completely different way. I know they have different directors but this one seemed very off to me. The Dragon scene with the two lovers racing was a bit of a cliche and unnecessary as we knew Jon was Dragon friendly from the previous season. Certainly not one of the best episodes, but as far as scene setting goes it did its job. Glad Tormund Giantsbane survived the fall of the wall, definitely one of my favourite characters.
    When you re-watch GoT in 10 years time the CGI for the dragon scene will look horrific. Given that time was tight to fit everything in I’m not sure why they included that scene. 
    Perhaps it more about the way the dragon looked at Jon, when he was kissing Dany. I think later she will order the dragon to kill Jon and it won’t, thus the secret will be revealed.
  • edited April 2019
    I've notice so far in this season and also the last, the producers are going from scene to scene with very little character development or dialogue. I use to LOVE the way scenes were drawn out and their use of silence and also extended conversations about power. Nowadays it's just skipping that in favor of the next action scene (the first three seasons had almost none) and moving the plot along.
    Here are two quick examples of what I miss...
    1. This hilarious scene of Tyrion showing up to the Small Council and dragging his chair. No way in hell they take the time to do this now, having 90 seconds with no dialogue.

    2. This scene between Tyrion (again) and Varys discussing what "power" is. When is the last time we saw such dialogue? I miss it. Instead we just see Dany getting power-hungry and Sansa glaring at people.

  • Bron and the Hound great dialogue through the series but would get banned on CL re naughty words
  • 100% what jiMMy said.
  • edited April 2019
    Ok this is how it will go:

    Bron won't kill little an large brothers but they had to get him into the battle.He will be killed and as he dies he tells Jamie the plot by Cersi.

    The smaller dragon dies and the big one is I'll,at the battle the Ice dragon is winning until a 4th smaller dragon turns up and kills it.o yes there is a 4th

    The living win the battle but are ambushed by Cersi mercenary army.They are winning until the Northerners who deserted Jon and the Queen of the Iron Islands arrive.She kills her uncle 

    The Hound ,Aya andJamie go to kill Cersi.The mountain kills Jamie and the Hound is mortaly wounded saving Aya.Aya kills Cersi and now her list is complete.

    Jon tells Danny he is the rightfull King she orders the Dragon to kill Jon.It kills her.

    Final scene is above the caste with 2adult and 3 baby dragons

    Jon Snow knows nothing ------ he didn't know he was the Father of Dragons
  • A fourth dragon?!
  • Ok this is how it will go:

    Bron won't kill little an large brothers but they had to get him into the battle.He will be killed and as he dies he tells Jamie the plot by Cersi.

    The smaller dragon dies and the big one is I'll,at the battle the Ice dragon is winning until a 4th smaller dragon turns up and kills it.o yes there is a 4th

    The living win the battle but are ambushed by Cersi mercenary army.They are winning until the Northerners who deserted Jon and the Queen of the Iron Islands arrive.She kills her uncle 

    The Hound ,Aya andJamie go to kill Cersi.The mountain kills Jamie and the Hound is mortaly wounded saving Aya.Aya kills Cersi and now her list is complete.

    Jon tells Danny he is the rightfull King she orders the Dragon to kill Jon.It kills her.

    Final scene is above the caste with 2adult and 3 baby dragons

    Jon Snow knows nothing ------ he didn't know he was the Father of Dragons
    Surely this is a troll. 4th dragon?!
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  • They can't even remember Ghost exists, they aren't adding a fourth dragon.
  • There's a 4th dragon it's been seen on sign 

    Defo not a troll tho ain't seen any of them
  • I believe Aya has to complete her list. It was such a big issue for her in the earlier episodes, I can't see it being left incomplete. But having said that, I think she won't kill The Hound because they have gone through so much together.
  • cafckev said:
    I believe Aya has to complete her list. It was such a big issue for her in the earlier episodes, I can't see it being left incomplete. But having said that, I think she won't kill The Hound because they have gone through so much together.
    I reckon she will be the one to kill the Hound, but as an act of mercy. Can see him dying in the battle of Winterfell and Arya either finishing him off like she couldn't before, or killing the undead version of him.

    The only problem with that theory is it would put to bed any chance of Hound vs The Mountain, which I really want to see.

  • edited April 2019
    Interesting thought that Bran’s “old friend” may in fact be Theon rather than Jamie
  • cafckev said:
    I believe Aya has to complete her list. It was such a big issue for her in the earlier episodes, I can't see it being left incomplete. But having said that, I think she won't kill The Hound because they have gone through so much together.

    I think she admitted in the lying game with the waif that Clegane isn’t on her list anymore. 

    Also, I don’t think there’s any chance of anyone trying to explain to the northerners why Bran can’t be the King in the North anymore, so he has to go one way or another. Sansa will rule. 
  • Interesting thought that Bran’s “old friend” may in fact be Theon rather than Jamie
    Or Meera bringing her Dad just in time for him to back up Jon's parentage given he was at the Tower of Joy.

    But I think Jamie was the old friend.
  • Just watched episode 2 online. Have a link if anyone can’t wait till 2am or tomorrow. Can send via private messages.
  • Laddick01 said:
    Just watched episode 2 online. Have a link if anyone can’t wait till 2am or tomorrow. Can send via private messages.
  • Won’t write too much yet as I’d hate to spoil it for anyone. 
    All I will say is I expected filler, but wow...
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