Say for arguments sake ben hamer had said to Chris Powell "Lose the cap and sell me to Millwall you lairy- dressing mug" then waved his john thomas* in his boat race prompting Powell to land one on him would the boo boys be calling for his sacking?
*This may not have happened
"happens all the time in changing rooms up and down the country"
It has become a very staged show, so for that reason the format could be repeated with different presenters. In some ways it could even be freshened up in this way. But the personalities have to be developed so getting the right mix would be a risk and a challenge. I think James May would be the hardest to replace, but Clarkson could be replaced with somebody like Robbie Savage quite easily. Or you could go with Lee Mack and Tim Vine replacing both Clarrkson and Hammond.
The concept of a guest presenter on HIGNFY after Angus Deayton got himself sacked is an idea. It's a concept that has worked well albeit with some disasters - there are some you wouldn't want back - like Rolf Harris and Adrian Chiles and Clarkson himself who guested HIGNFY a number of times. But it's not like TG needs anyone with driving skills - Clarkson is a mediocre driver - Brian Blessed for TG might be fun...
It has become a very staged show, so for that reason the format could be repeated with different presenters. In some ways it could even be freshened up in this way. But the personalities have to be developed so getting the right mix would be a risk and a challenge. I think James May would be the hardest to replace, but Clarkson could be replaced with somebody like Robbie Savage quite easily. Or you could go with Lee Mack and Tim Vine replacing both Clarrkson and Hammond.
The thing is the presenters and above all Clarkson are far more than mouthpieces for some Svengali behind the scenes. It's not like some panel show in which you could replace the regulars and continue with little change
The fact that they have taken the last 3 episodes off the air and have now confirmed that at this stage they will not be showing them at all is baffling. The only other thing I can recall in recent memory that the BBC has taken off the air due to off-air trouble is old TOTP re-runs with Jimmy Savile in them. Fair enough suspend Clarkson but cancelling Top Gear makes no sense.
It has become a very staged show, so for that reason the format could be repeated with different presenters. In some ways it could even be freshened up in this way. But the personalities have to be developed so getting the right mix would be a risk and a challenge. I think James May would be the hardest to replace, but Clarkson could be replaced with somebody like Robbie Savage quite easily. Or you could go with Lee Mack and Tim Vine replacing both Clarrkson and Hammond.
The thing is the presenters and above all Clarkson are far more than mouthpieces for some Svengali behind the scenes. It's not like some panel show in which you could replace the regulars and continue with little change
In what way? What special skills do they have other than journalism? It's certainly not driving. The presenters were chosen for other reasons and the mix of personalities is very deliberate in an attempt to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. So you get Clarkson for the audience that remembers when you could get drunk and still drive without becoming a social pariah; Hammond for the girls and May for those that like knitting for a hobby. Experiment with the blend and it's fairly easy to come up with a replacement combo I'd have thought.
Don't get people saying we need people like him who don't care what he says.
That's not why he is suspended he assaulted someone, if the BBC keep him on, he will start to to think he is unsackable.
It begs the question for those leaping in to defend him without knowing the facts, at what point do you stop defending him?
He's been offensive - yay it's what he does! He's hit someone - reinstate him now!
What if he murdered someone? I suspect some of his supporters would be suggesting the victim deserved it and it shouldn't mean he has to lose his job or go to jail....
FWIW I find him a bore, albeit at times a witty one. I don't think he should be fired as a kneejerk thing, but if he has thumped someone at work, does he really think he can get away with it?
if its not a publicity stunt then who the fuck actually cares?! if you do then head down to tory heartland (somwhere from surry to swindon) and have a pint in a pub. you meet loads of cants like him.
if its not a publicity stunt then who the fuck actually cares?! if you do then head down to tory heartland (somwhere from surry to swindon) and have a pint in a pub. you meet loads of cants like him.
There's a lot of cants in labour heartlands. What a stupid statement.
if its not a publicity stunt then who the fuck actually cares?! if you do then head down to tory heartland (somwhere from surry to swindon) and have a pint in a pub. you meet loads of cants like him.
if its not a publicity stunt then who the fuck actually cares?! if you do then head down to tory heartland (somwhere from surry to swindon) and have a pint in a pub. you meet loads of cants like him.
There's a lot of cants in labour heartlands. What a stupid statement.
Yeah but there aren't cants like Clarkson, they're more cants like John Prescott.
The 'PC brigade' stuff really makes me cringe. It's such a lame term. I don't think there are any groups, just a generic term thrown around to suit the poster's argument.
I am have been an avid Top Gear watcher for years, but apart from the ambulance episode which was a decent laugh, I was thinking during this series that it was nearing its end. Basically because we have seen it so much, that it is all a bit predictable. I was thinking the BBC should look at all the great Top Gear challenges/set pieces over the years and create a new show where they are repeated with different celebrities. They could call it the Top Gear challenge and it could be presented by a current Top Gear presenter. Anyway, I was thinking this before Clarkson lamped the producer and I suspect quite a few would have been thinking the show’s days were numbered. It still has its moments but is looking increasingly tired
I think 'Top Gear' as a title, was a programme on the BBC before Jeremy Clarkson joined it, presented by somebody else (name escapes me). So if Jeremy Clarkson moves to another channel it may not be possible to call the show 'Top Gear'. Obviously I don't know the ins and outs of the title rights, and the title may belong to Jeremy Clarkson, or some company or other, but I am pretty sure there was a show called Top Gear on the BBC before Jeremy Clarkson became involved.
How could either Clarkson or Top Gear move to a commercial TV station? Oh that Renault was shit, closely followed by an advert for Renault. It would become a manufactured program.
Honestly I think Top Gear is way past it's sell by date and has got repetitive after all this time I find Clarkson, May and especially Hammond irritating. But that is nothing to do with this situation IF he did give this guy a smack then he has to be dismissed this is nothing to do with being PC it's employment law and practice that we are talking about there is no other option, otherwise in the future if another BBC employee in the post room lamps his boss and get's fired he can sue them for victimisation. They set a precedent that can't be changed.
Anyway Clarkson is as rich as Croesus what does he care? As for othere channels I sincerely hope not I have had enough of his boorish nonsense.
The fact that they have taken the last 3 episodes off the air and have now confirmed that at this stage they will not be showing them at all is baffling. The only other thing I can recall in recent memory that the BBC has taken off the air due to off-air trouble is old TOTP re-runs with Jimmy Savile in them. Fair enough suspend Clarkson but cancelling Top Gear makes no sense.
Isn't some of it filmed week to week though?
Be a bit odd to have the other two introducing the clips of all three of them etc and it just might not work with the material they've got so far?
How could either Clarkson or Top Gear move to a commercial TV station? Oh that Renault was shit, closely followed by an advert for Renault. It would become a manufactured program.
Dave seems to work around their endless repeats OK.
According to Channel4 News this evening, allegedly Clarkson was supposed to be flying up to Yorkshire in a helicopter, but held it up for 3 hours because he was in the pub, and when they finally got there it was too late to get food. And that was when it all kicked off.
Honestly I think Top Gear is way past it's sell by date and has got repetitive after all this time I find Clarkson, May and especially Hammond irritating. But that is nothing to do with this situation IF he did give this guy a smack then he has to be dismissed this is nothing to do with being PC it's employment law and practice that we are talking about there is no other option, otherwise in the future if another BBC employee in the post room lamps his boss and get's fired he can sue them for victimisation. They set a precedent that can't be changed.
Anyway Clarkson is as rich as Croesus what does he care? As for othere channels I sincerely hope not I have had enough of his boorish nonsense.
I agree with everything you say, right up to the bit in bold. No one makes you watch his shows, whatever channel they are on.
It really was a good programme back in the day......not
But it's not like TG needs anyone with driving skills - Clarkson is a mediocre driver - Brian Blessed for TG might be fun...
That's not why he is suspended he assaulted someone, if the BBC keep him on, he will start to to think he is unsackable.
He's been offensive - yay it's what he does!
He's hit someone - reinstate him now!
What if he murdered someone? I suspect some of his supporters would be suggesting the victim deserved it and it shouldn't mean he has to lose his job or go to jail....
FWIW I find him a bore, albeit at times a witty one. I don't think he should be fired as a kneejerk thing, but if he has thumped someone at work, does he really think he can get away with it?
if its not a publicity stunt then who the fuck actually cares?! if you do then head down to tory heartland (somwhere from surry to swindon) and have a pint in a pub. you meet loads of cants like him.
I am have been an avid Top Gear watcher for years, but apart from the ambulance episode which was a decent laugh, I was thinking during this series that it was nearing its end. Basically because we have seen it so much, that it is all a bit predictable. I was thinking the BBC should look at all the great Top Gear challenges/set pieces over the years and create a new show where they are repeated with different celebrities. They could call it the Top Gear challenge and it could be presented by a current Top Gear presenter. Anyway, I was thinking this before Clarkson lamped the producer and I suspect quite a few would have been thinking the show’s days were numbered. It still has its moments but is looking increasingly tired
Oh that Renault was shit, closely followed by an advert for Renault.
It would become a manufactured program.
Anyway Clarkson is as rich as Croesus what does he care? As for othere channels I sincerely hope not I have had enough of his boorish nonsense.
Be a bit odd to have the other two introducing the clips of all three of them etc and it just might not work with the material they've got so far?
Dave seems to work around their endless repeats OK.
Still think the program may be biased if shown on commercial TV rather than on BBC.
Clarkson is in the driving seat by the sounds of things.
He's been given a Riga ie not sacked but his contracts not being renewed