What a wonderful weasel word 'handbags' is. It admits that violence has taken place, but diminishes its severity to next to nothing and implies that no one in particular is at fault. The reality seems to be quite far off of that though. One-sided violence coupled with a sustained verbal attack and unreasonable threats to sack a subordinate. These are the unacceptable actions of a workplace bully. You can call this 'handbags' if you like. But this behaviour is not acceptable in any modern workplace.
Surely without Top Gear on you'll be out of a job?
JC second story on BBC News tonight (after a terrible plane crash in which three Brits confirmed dead).
Back to JC. Says the Old Bill want to get involved even though the alleged victim apparently said he was not filing a complaint. Glad they haven't got any paedophiles to be investigating in their part of the world.
JC second story on BBC News tonight (after a terrible plane crash in which three Brits confirmed dead).
Back to JC. Says the Old Bill want to get involved even though the alleged victim apparently said he was not filing a complaint. Glad they haven't got any paedophiles to be investigating in their part of the world.
That's absolutely disgusting.
Zane Magic leaving No Directions should have been the top story.
What a wonderful weasel word 'handbags' is. It admits that violence has taken place, but diminishes its severity to next to nothing and implies that no one in particular is at fault. The reality seems to be quite far off of that though. One-sided violence coupled with a sustained verbal attack and unreasonable threats to sack a subordinate. These are the unacceptable actions of a workplace bully. You can call this 'handbags' if you like. But this behaviour is not acceptable in any modern workplace.
Thanks for that oh and have a big slice of whoosh. ;o)
Juat sorry he'll get a job with some other station so we wont have seen the back of the violent racist. Just glad the Beeb finaly had the balls to ditch the narcissistic windbag. Now if they can stop the disproportionate amount of coverage they give to the other rightwing attention seeking embarrasment Farage just because they feel they have to kowtow to the blustering subnazi aspect of the national psyche I'll be proud of our national broadcaster.
Bet he wished he well and truely parked that producer up properly now, there'll be a next time Jezza!
Yeah! What a hero, subjecting a blameless junior colleague to a prolonged, foul mouthed, abusive rant in public before splitting his lip eh? How the effing hell in all this has the victim of a clear case of workplace bullying ended up being the villain of the piece?
Bet he wished he well and truely parked that producer up properly now, there'll be a next time Jezza!
Yeah! What a hero, subjecting a blameless junior colleague to a prolonged, foul mouthed, abusive rant in public before splitting his lip eh? How the effing hell in all this has the victim of a clear case of workplace bullying ended up being the villain of the piece?
Had to go.
In the meantime...paddy power
Back to JC. Says the Old Bill want to get involved even though the alleged victim apparently said he was not filing a complaint. Glad they haven't got any paedophiles to be investigating in their part of the world.
Zane Magic leaving No Directions should have been the top story.
But James May
As a person he's mostly just an absolute wanker.
On the subject of him and Piers Morgan....I'd still rather have a beer with clarkson, he wins every time.
That's like saying would you rather die by having your cock cut off or by having a red hot poker shoved up your arse?
But Clarkson AND Morgan is a slow slow death.
I will be too busy knitting yogurt to notice.
but he's not touching my lentils!
It was free though, so that's OK, plus he had just had a dig at motorcyclists.