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General Election 2015 official thread



  • Unfortunately the politicians from the major parties havent really listened to what the majority of the Electorate want to hear ie a clear direction with clear policies without one bitching about the other ....all you get is spin and buzz terms they have been taught by their respective spin departments and a few catchy off the cuff policies thrown in the way you throw in a special offer

    "hardworking families" ....phrase owned by conservatives

    "working families" owned by labour

    i think we ll probably see another election by the end of the year

    incidentally the 2 major parties dont seem to have considered the idea of a coalition which arguably may be the best thing for the country for the time being
  • Ignore the billionaires what about the good honest people who work hard in the city (I think the labour definition is scumbag bankers)

    What about the people that have grafted from the bottom from a 10k salary to a 150k salary

    Those are the people that labour hate...
  • edited April 2015
    Anyway, back to a reasonable debate.

    What happens, if there is, (probably will be) a minority government and it's not working, so another election is called after 6 months.

    Why should it have a different outcome ?

    Are we going to have to vote every 6 months ?

    PS Fiish what job do you do ? I can't comprehend how you can be posting on here all day & work as well. I'm not meaning to be rude and don't expect an answer tbh. I'm not questioining the others, because I believe many of them to be retired.
  • Ignore the billionaires what about the good honest people who work hard in the city (I think the labour definition is scumbag bankers)

    What about the people that have grafted from the bottom from a 10k salary to a 150k salary

    Those are the people that labour hate...

    Rubbish - The Blair government were highly supportive of such people. I am left of centre and I am very much supportive of the 10-150k grafters. More power to them. I started at the bottom and am a higher rate tax payer. Oddly enough this government totally shafted me. I lost my child benefit , got no gain on my top rate of tax, paid more on prescriptions etc etc
  • edited April 2015
    The problem is it will be incredibly expensive for the parties - they don't budget for another election. To be honest, I hope we see a minority government - Politics needs shaking up a bit and with the numbers we are looking at - I think a minority government could work ok.
  • holyjo said:

    Ignore the billionaires what about the good honest people who work hard in the city (I think the labour definition is scumbag bankers)

    What about the people that have grafted from the bottom from a 10k salary to a 150k salary

    Those are the people that labour hate...

    Rubbish - The Blair government were highly supportive of such people. I am left of centre and I am very much supportive of the 10-150k grafters. More power to them. I started at the bottom and am a higher rate tax payer. Oddly enough this government totally shafted me. I lost my child benefit , got no gain on my top rate of tax, paid more on prescriptions etc etc
    Surely proving that the Tories are getting the more wealthy to pay a bit more, whilst taking the lowest earners out of tax altogether.
  • Anyway, back to a reasonable debate.

    What happens, if there is, (probably will be) a minority government and it's not working, so another election is called after 6 months.

    Why should it have a different outcome ?

    Are we going to have to vote every 6 months ?

    PS Fiish what job do you do ? I can't comprehend how you can be posting on here all day & work as well. I'm not meaning to be rude and don't expect an answer tbh. I'm not questioining the others, because I believe many of them to be retired.

    Oi!! I'll have you know I'm in the group of hardworking families!!

    (OK - so 'hardworking is stretching it a bit).

  • All I can say is, thank Christ I'm here to even things up and post factual interesting titbits
  • I'm a hardly working Technical Support guy...

    Really should be too busy to be here... can't help it though it's so addicktive.
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  • Carry on posting Fiiish - you do more good for Labour than anything.

    What is with your sad obsession with me? And what is your sad obsession of posting things that aren't true?
  • I can assure you - no obsession, and keep on posting
  • I can assure you - no obsession, and keep on posting

    You too matey, your pointless ramblings and constant personal attacks are showing everyone what a nasty bunch you lot are.
  • holyjo said:

    Ignore the billionaires what about the good honest people who work hard in the city (I think the labour definition is scumbag bankers)

    What about the people that have grafted from the bottom from a 10k salary to a 150k salary

    Those are the people that labour hate...

    Rubbish - The Blair government were highly supportive of such people. I am left of centre and I am very much supportive of the 10-150k grafters. More power to them. I started at the bottom and am a higher rate tax payer. Oddly enough this government totally shafted me. I lost my child benefit , got no gain on my top rate of tax, paid more on prescriptions etc etc
    If you are a higher rate tax payer you shouldnt bloody have any child benefit! I dont get child benefit and frankly why should I? If you earn over £60k and you think you cant afford to have kids then trade in the flat screen and make sacrifices (that comment is not targeted at you - more at anyone who thinks the child benefit rules are too tight.).
    Well said Damo
  • edited April 2015
    The GDP figures, while only preliminary and subject to change (no other country has got their figures out yet!) show an interesting divide. Services have been doing remarkably well while construction, manufacturing and production (I don't know what the difference between manufacturing and production is?) remain a bit of a drag on progress with construction in particular going backwards for two quarters now. (The figures are seasonally adjusted so it should not be the bad winter weather). That might go some way towards explaining why the Govt. have been saying the economy is growing and a lot of people are saying we haven't noticed. Here's an ONS chart which details the issue further. With construction, manufacturing and production all still below 2008 levels.

  • edited April 2015
    holyjo said:

    holyjo said:

    The wealth of the richest grows ever higher. This is at the expense of the hard working poor.

    Same old Labour bollox. Why are the poor so hard working in comparison to everyone else?!

    Don't assume everyone with wealth was born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

    And even if they were, that silver spoon was bought and placed by someone that was very successful and worked hard.

    Lots of people work hard from all walks of life. The issue I have with a lot of lefties is this major chip on the shoulder with anyone who has bought success to themselves. It's life - everyone will know someone that has been more financially successful than them. Friend of mine has just bought a house for £2.5m in Virginia Water. My first thought is 'bloody well done pal' not 'oooo I hope Labour get in so he gets hammered with some bolloxy mansion tax'.

    So to be clear, in your judgement aside from "same old Labour Bollox".....the quote from the Billionaire about the "The top 1% will share 36-37 % of income and the bottom 50 % will share 1% " is just down to good honest hard work.

    Thank-you for your shrewd and canny insights !
    Yet more leftie leftieness (Oxford English Dictionary copyright DamoNorthStand).

    Why is the focus on everyone else earning lots of money? Why is the focus not on helping the poorer in society - such as creation of jobs and getting people back to work, and encouraging entrepreneurial spirit? Sorry to roll out Maggies line - but there is a problem if people would rather the rich were less rich but the poor were no richer.
  • what are our views on non dom taxation ?
  • Can we move away from the "bloody left/right" nonsense? Whatever your views, it's prohibitive to proper debate and progress.
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  • Brand is trying absolutely anything to raise his stock at the moment.

    Two very desperate men.

  • lolwray said:

    what are our views on non dom taxation ?

    Personally think they should scrap it. Make them cheaper to buy and more people will use them. May cut unwanted pregnancies and STD's. Oh hang on, nondoms, sorry my mistake.
  • Fiiish said:

    I can assure you - no obsession, and keep on posting

    You too matey, your pointless ramblings and constant personal attacks are showing everyone what a nasty bunch you lot are.

    Does Muttley speak for all of us who don't buy into right-wing beliefs because I'm a tad confused who this 'nasty bunch' are?
  • 700 posts since i last looked at this thread and the same old people are posting the same old left wing / right wing bullshit.
    Roll on next Thursday.
  • left wing / right wing bullshit.

    To be fair we did it for Waggy vs Green for long enough.
  • left wing / right wing bullshit.

    To be fair we did it for Waggy vs Green for long enough.
    Don't start talking about the Greens!
  • Brand is trying absolutely anything to raise his stock at the moment.

    Two very desperate men.

    With young people, Brand's stock couldn't really get any higher.

    I would imagine Miliband is looking to tap into Brand's typical audience and convince them of Labour's policies. Remains to be seen if it'll work.

    Nonetheless, I am pleased to see him debating with sceptics and looking at new ways of reaching wider audiences.

    Politics in the 21st century.
  • image

    No problem with the Greens. I am all for recycling old waste and doing my bit for the environment.

    (photo from my Dads downstairs toilet - who says politics doesn't run in the family!)
  • I am aware that enterprise and business making money ends up paying for everything, and the Conservatives are promoting a 'growing economy' as their main slogan.
    OK I get that, and the debate seems to be a) how to keep the economy growing and b) how to divvy things up.
    Now philosophically one may argue that Conservative free marketism is about the economy growing no matter what, and socialism is about the divvying up.
    I want to pause on the free market bit, and take a moment to consider the idea of making money, and ask if there is any hindrance to businesses being compelled to making as much money as possible, or ought there to be?
    I came across the Ford Pinto case, where freedom of business, and a notion called 'cost benefit analysis' was being applied. In a kind of nutshell it transpired that the big business (Ford) would rather not spend $10 per vehicle to ensure safety as there were so many vehicles needing the part, but that it would be cheaper to pay out compensation to the injured and those affected by bereavement for those vehicles that crashed due to the mechanical fault.
    In terms of cost benefit analysis, or as interpreted by me the machinations of big business where the numbers come first, then avoiding the vehicle upgrades, and paying out to the bereaved makes sense.
    However in terms of other values, human values if you like, Fords attitude of distain is in my world view reprehensible.
    My problem here is that philosophically I link the Tories to the big businesses, and by association I see them as (to quote Wilde) people who know the cost of everything, but the value of nothing.
    Yes a bit of a sweeping generalisation, but the underlying philosophies of the right, and the underlying philosophies (as understood by me) of the left, is that I would prefer a hospital that tried to help me to get better after a crash in a Ford Pinto, than a hospital content to help me to the morgue after a crash in a Ford Pinto.

    An example of how some businesses (used to, and maybe still do) really think.
  • Fiiish said:

    I can assure you - no obsession, and keep on posting

    You too matey, your pointless ramblings and constant personal attacks are showing everyone what a nasty bunch you lot are.

    Does Muttley speak for all of us who don't buy into right-wing beliefs because I'm a tad confused who this 'nasty bunch' are?
    I think you're confused. It's not about buying into right-wing beliefs, it's about getting upset and attacking anyone who doesn't buy into Labour being the best party to run the country. I don't have a right-wing agenda, I just think politicians ought to be held to account. Some people on here think politicians are allowed to be unaccountable if they're wearing a red rosette.
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