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Traffic chaos in Kent



  • The whole of Dartford was completely fucked all day
    The whole of Dartford has been fucked for a lot longer than a day……
    It has,I come up there from Medway once or twice a week,and dread the journey.It is always when the tunnel is blocked,,Lorries take what they consider a short cut and try to get to the crossing by going over the Dartford Roundabout,thereby blocking all entrances and exits,why can some system not be devised to make traffic stick to the proper route,and not balls everything up.Get some police vehicles holding up those who are using the short cots and let others access the roundabout.
    Been saying exactly this for years, ban lorries from using this “short cut” easily done just put electronic width restrictions in when the junction is busy so they can’t come off the M25 / M2. You have the ambulance station one side of this roundabout and the hospital and fire station the other, why the hell the police can’t keep it flowing I have no idea, it’s an utter disgrace, at least when they shut a road it’s signposted well in advance, but no not here you just drive straight into it and it take an hour to get round it. I’m sick and tired of it, I live 500 yards away from this utter cock up,and the longest it’s taken me to do that 500 yards is 3 hours, but at least once a week it takes an hour to an hour and a half.
  • Well this is one response I did not expect,I just invited other posters to share my misery,not get an English lesson.To be honest I am 78 years old,and do not really give a toss where the spaces and punctuation marks go,if it is something that is bugging you for a long time,well,I am really lost for words.
    You would save a heck of a lot of time if you didn't leave spaces between your words. 
  • The whole of Dartford was completely fucked all day
    The whole of Dartford has been fucked for a lot longer than a day……
    It has,I come up there from Medway once or twice a week,and dread the journey.It is always when the tunnel is blocked,,Lorries take what they consider a short cut and try to get to the crossing by going over the Dartford Roundabout,thereby blocking all entrances and exits,why can some system not be devised to make traffic stick to the proper route,and not balls everything up.Get some police vehicles holding up those who are using the short cots and let others access the roundabout.
    Been saying exactly this for years, ban lorries from using this “short cut” easily done just put electronic width restrictions in when the junction is busy so they can’t come off the M25 / M2. You have the ambulance station one side of this roundabout and the hospital and fire station the other, why the hell the police can’t keep it flowing I have no idea, it’s an utter disgrace, at least when they shut a road it’s signposted well in advance, but no not here you just drive straight into it and it take an hour to get round it. I’m sick and tired of it, I live 500 yards away from this utter cock up,and the longest it’s taken me to do that 500 yards is 3 hours, but at least once a week it takes an hour to an hour and a half.
    You have my sympathy,yesterday,on my way up,I could not even turn off at Dartford so had to go on to the Crayford turn off and come back,it seems it is such a solvable problem but no one bothers.
  • edited April 2022
    Well this is one response I did not expect,I just invited other posters to share my misery,not get an English lesson.To be honest I am 78 years old,and do not really give a toss where the spaces and punctuation marks go,if it is something that is bugging you for a long time,well,I am really lost for words.
    Oh get a grip. It was hardly a lesson, I literally just asked why. The fact that you do it doesn’t bother me, the not knowing why made me slightly curious.
  • The Grammar police are watching every poster. There seems to be a lot of digging out of Lifers who don't confirm to other Lifers view of the world. I wonder if the overall disappointment of CAFC this season has pissed off people to the extent we have all become Victor Meldrew. 
    I don't believe that.
  • edited April 2022
    So a company decides to sack all 800 workers & suddenly the chaos is down to Brexit.

    Perhaps if everyone had just accepted the decision of the referendum then Brexit would have happened sooner & we would be through it by now.

    And dont forget the now Labour leader brought into the Labour manifesto the policy of a 2nd referendum if Labour had got into power, which directly led to the landslide Tory victory in 2019.

    If anyone is to blame then its him. And Tony Blair for signing the GFA which states that there cant be a border between NI & Eire. 

    Go figure. 
    Yes, peace in Northern Ireland is definitely the fly in the ointment here. Surely Sadique Khan and Gary Lineker aren’t blameless either?
  • seth plum said:
    So a company decides to sack all 800 workers & suddenly the chaos is down to Brexit.

    Perhaps if everyone had just accepted the decision of the referendum then Brexit would have happened sooner & we would be through it by now.

    And dont forget the now Labour leader brought into the Labour manifesto the policy of a 2nd referendum if Labour had got into power, which directly led to the landslide Tory victory in 2019.

    If anyone is to blame then its him. And Tony Blair for signing the GFA which states that there cant be a border between NI & Eire. 

    Go figure. 
    You invite people to ‘go figure’ so here goes.
    Everybody has accepted the leave majority.
    The trouble is it hasn’t been implemented.
    People have then chosen to label events since the vote to leave as ‘Brexit’.
    In order to be ‘through’ whatever Brexit is supposed to be the UK must leave the EU.
    There is a 300 mile completely open land border between the UK and the EU, so despite everybody accepting that leave was in the majority, the UK has not yet left the EU.
    What has occurred is a shuffling miasma of an expensive process that is doing nothing but harm to millions, but it is most certainly not the implementation of ‘leave’ as was voted for.
    The Belfast/Good Friday is worth reading, because it doesn’t say what you think it says.
    The impact of that particular binding international treaty endorsed by the United Nations and other bodies is to massively move towards a peace that was barely imaginable before, not a perfect peace, but a better situation.
    Whatever of the many faults of Tony Blair there may be, his work and the work of Mo Mowlem helped enormously in improving life on these islands.

    In short something has happened that people choose to call Brexit.
    What has happened is not what was voted for.
    This government has created a democratic deficit that betrays everybody who voted leave.
    And I agree with you 100%. 
  • This country is a shambles at present.
  • A2 london bound between black prince and danson turn off fcked. Engines off. Down to one lane and then amount of police and ambulances driving up the hard shoulder suggests an accident too.
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  • A2 london bound between black prince and danson turn off fcked. Engines off. Down to one lane and then amount of police and ambulances driving up the hard shoulder suggests an accident too.
    I went down the A2 about an hour ago, looks like an accident involving a motorbike with a couple of people on it. 
  • A2 london bound between black prince and danson turn off fcked. Engines off. Down to one lane and then amount of police and ambulances driving up the hard shoulder suggests an accident too.
    I went down the A2 about an hour ago, looks like an accident involving a motorbike with a couple of people on it. 
    Roadworks forcing 3 lanes into one. The accident with the motorbike and I noticed 2 cars looked like they had broken down. I got off at danson after about an hour and decided to knock work on the head and enjoy the sunshine. Any excuse 🤣
  • If KCC do these and enforce them there will be some happy people (or unhappy if you get caught out by them)
  • Today is a day to remember,travelled to and from Dartford from Medway without the slightest problem,I have no doubt this will come back and bite me on the arse soon.
  • If KCC do these and enforce them there will be some happy people (or unhappy if you get caught out by them)
    Will be interesting to see if these. 5&6 caused massive issues when I used to work in Crossways
  • The Grammar police are watching every poster. There seems to be a lot of digging out of Lifers who don't confirm to other Lifers view of the world. I wonder if the overall disappointment of CAFC this season has pissed off people to the extent we have all become Victor Meldrew. 
    Conform, not confirm.

    Just saying.
    I wrote that 4 days ago. Taken a long time to spot the error. What an exciting life you must lead. I will now stand in the corner with a pointy hat on and facing the wall.
  • edited April 2022
    The Grammar police are watching every poster. There seems to be a lot of digging out of Lifers who don't confirm to other Lifers view of the world. I wonder if the overall disappointment of CAFC this season has pissed off people to the extent we have all become Victor Meldrew. 
    Conform, not confirm.

    Just saying.
    I wrote that 4 days ago. Taken a long time to spot the error. What an exciting life you must lead. I will now stand in the corner with a pointy hat on and facing the wall.
  • The Grammar police are watching every poster. There seems to be a lot of digging out of Lifers who don't confirm to other Lifers view of the world. I wonder if the overall disappointment of CAFC this season has pissed off people to the extent we have all become Victor Meldrew. 
    Conform, not confirm.

    Just saying.
    I wrote that 4 days ago. Taken a long time to spot the error. What an exciting life you must lead. I will now stand in the corner with a pointy hat on and facing the wall.
    I'm  not Happy either!. More like Dopey following Charlton these days.
  • If KCC do these and enforce them there will be some happy people (or unhappy if you get caught out by them)
    Will be interesting to see if these. 5&6 caused massive issues when I used to work in Crossways
    The problem is lorries not taking the prescribed route to the crossing and going up and over the roundabout,getting blocked and stopping local traffic from leaving dartford.It is easy,when they leave the A2,make the "over the roundabout"route "no access to Dartford crossing.Number plate recognition would catch offenders.
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  • If KCC do these and enforce them there will be some happy people (or unhappy if you get caught out by them)
    Will be interesting to see if these. 5&6 caused massive issues when I used to work in Crossways
    The problem is lorries not taking the prescribed route to the crossing and going up and over the roundabout,getting blocked and stopping local traffic from leaving dartford.It is easy,when they leave the A2,make the "over the roundabout"route "no access to Dartford crossing.Number plate recognition would catch offenders.
    I've sat on that bridge many times wondering what the solution could be and you've got it in one - ANPR - at the A2 slip road lights and on the crissing slip road itself.  Issue big fines and it would reduce the national debt to nothing in no time !
  • On a lighter note, the A225 at Sutton at Hone was blocked yesterday - by a house!
  • Look, people have got to live somewhere, haven't they. 
  • Looks like it fell off the back of a lorry.
  • A warning for anyone travelling in Kent this weekend, the coastbound M2 will be closed between junctions 5 & 7 from 8pm on Friday for the whole of the weekend.

    Operation Brock is still in force on the M20 between junctions 8 & 9 and given the likelihood that it will probably be disrupted should an accident or breakdown occur, travelling in mid Kent might be problematic.
  • A warning for anyone travelling in Kent this weekend, the coastbound M2 will be closed between junctions 5 & 7 from 8pm on Friday for the whole of the weekend.

    Operation Brock is still in force on the M20 between junctions 8 & 9 and given the likelihood that it will probably be disrupted should an accident or breakdown occur, travelling in mid Kent might be problematic.
    Thank you for that - didn’t know about the M2 - we were going to go to the coast this w/e - have binned that now !!
  • Does anybody know what happened on the on slip A2 westhorne Ave last night. Slip close around 5pm lots of emergency vehicles.
  • I've sent an email to my local MP about the disruption of Operation Brock. I said Kent Highways are making the Tory party look like numpties and it's almost as if Brexit is a shitstorm. Got a nice reply, thanking me for my comments.
  • edited June 2022
    Looks like a bloody nightmare today to get over the bridge today. 
    Spillage between J2 & 3 and and queuing on M25 back almost to the M11
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