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Olympic Stadium - Please sign the NEW PETITION



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    6031 as I signed it.
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    Well, let's see if I'm any good first, eh? ;-)
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    razil said:

    put yourself in their position, what would our response be if it were us?

    Anyway, this needs support from MPs and as widespread coverage as possible in my view

    But I'd like to think I wouldn't be deluded enough to think we weren't getting a massive handout from public funds.
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    Anyone placed the link on the Millwall site?
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    edited August 2015
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    How can these so called presenters not 'understand' how this move and deal will impact on clubs like Palace ! They clearly know very little about football or their finances!
    Well done Matt and let's hope it kick starts further coverage. Let's aim for 10,000 today!

    It's a curious thing that practically all radio interviews (both BBC and Commercial) are adversarial. The interviewer(s) take up an opposing position to the interviewee and ask questions along the lines of, "but what about this...?", "why should blah blah care...? [segmenting the population]", "but so and so says this...!". This style of interviewing does not serve the public well as it doesn't allow the interviewee to open up and explain their case, instead they are forced to defend specific counter-claims and accusations. Unfortunately, radio producers seem to have unanimously agreed that this style of interviewing is what the public wants. It's only a small handful of feature-shows on Radio 4 that buck this trend.
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    edited August 2015
    Signed anyway...

    Also known as 21.

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    Now in top 30 of 570 live petitions.

    Since we safely passed the rail re-nationalisation petition I signed that too :-)
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    6260 now
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    Signed. 6,570
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    Done 6716
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    Target 10k in 24 hours looking possible - please Tweet, share on Facebook and email your friends! This is relevant to all UK taxpayers...
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    Done. 6,755.
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    This is as bad as when Zabeel were meant to be taking over. Hitting the F5 button on that petition is freakin' addic(k)tive!!!!!! :wink:

    P.S. Just hit 6,800!!!
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    Doing the rounds with Spanners now. My Millwall supporting mate just forwarded it to me!
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    If I were a West Ham supporter I'd sign the petition as I'd want any Inquiry to prove that everything was all cushty so I could be all smug about it and have a knees-up.....
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    7k now, though given how things can go viral, i'm a bit surprised it hasn't got to more so far
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    edited August 2015

    7k now, though given how things can go viral, i'm a bit surprised it hasn't got to more so far

    Good to hear from you, *****. I trust AFKA is physically unharmed. We never pay ransoms, btw

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    7074 now
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    I notice that the coalition of supporters trusts does not include Millwall ? Do they in fact have a supporters trust ?
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    I notice that the coalition of supporters trusts does not include Millwall ? Do they in fact have a supporters trust ?

    Discussed in one of the other two threads. Can't be assed to discuss them further. Joke.

    I thought the pace of signatories might tail off, but it seems to have increased. 570 in the last hour

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    well done all involved, strange that the spanners aren't driving this as well
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    At least HamburgHammer has put our side of the story across on the Claret and Hugh site comments section, albeit he doesn't agree with us!
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    7k now, though given how things can go viral, i'm a bit surprised it hasn't got to more so far

    Good to hear from you, *****. I trust AFKA is physically unharmed. We never pay ransoms, btw

    ooooiiii! Shameless manipulation from admin :-)
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    Done - 7377 now
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    Just signed too.
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