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Another Shooting In America?



  • It a mute point obviously because there is no will in the USA to reform gun laws but even if there was a genuine debate how on earth do you put the genie back in the bottle. How many hand guns, rifles and automatic weapons are in circulation ? How would you prevent a nut job from getting one ?

    I wouldn’t go as far as golfie and say I just don’t care anymore but I see where he’s coming from. I think the world has to accept that the USA regularly has mass shootings. Wring our hands and get on with our day.

    It would be very difficult. I think an Australia-esque buyback program is something that should be explored. But it would require long term, wide ranging solutions to a very immediate problem.

    I understand how you and golf feel. Personally, I've become numb to this. These incidents simply don't phase me anymore. They do not give me pause for thought.

    That said, no one should die, let alone continue to die, from Assault Rifles and other Military weapons because we have become detached from reality about what realistic gun restrictions are. It's insane.

    Also, it's just emerging that it looks like there was some sort of domestic incident in the gunman's life, and he had gone to Military jail for domestic violence in the past. A history of domestic violence is very common amongst mass shooters and killers in general. In terms of gun control, stopping domestic abusers from having guns would be a very good, low barrier to entry solution.
  • So Trump blames the shooting on someone with mental health issues yet made it easier for the mentally ill to buy guns.....
  • Chizz said:

    On the 163rd day of 2016 the 173rd mass shooting of 2016 occurs in the USA.

    That's astonishing. And horrific.
    How comes he gets 6 likes for his post and I don't get a single one?! :cry:

    Pretty bored of talking about American mass shootings, so glad that I don't live there.
    That's astonishing. And horrific.
  • Primary school, California.
    100 shots fired.
    4 reported dead, plus shooter.
    When will it stop?
    When will they see sense?
  • Primary school, California.
    100 shots fired.
    4 reported dead, plus shooter.
    When will it stop?
    When will they see sense?

    Sadly I suspect the answers are never and never!
  • Primary school, California.
    100 shots fired.
    4 reported dead, plus shooter.
    When will it stop?
    When will they see sense?

    Just another day in Paradise. I expect the gun lobby to say that if the school children were armed then they could have stopped the gunmen before he killed anyone. Trump will also say that primary school kids are now going to learn how to shoot & will have a lesson a week on the rifle range.
  • Primary school, California.
    100 shots fired.
    4 reported dead, plus shooter.
    When will it stop?
    When will they see sense?

    Just another day in Paradise. I expect the gun lobby to say that if the school children were armed then they could have stopped the gunmen before he killed anyone. Trump will also say that primary school kids are now going to learn how to shoot & will have a lesson a week on the rifle range.
    Didn't make the front page of bbc online.
    Sadly it's an everyday thing now, not newsworthy.
  • Primary school, California.
    100 shots fired.
    4 reported dead, plus shooter.
    When will it stop?
    When will they see sense?

    Just another day in Paradise. I expect the gun lobby to say that if the school children were armed then they could have stopped the gunmen before he killed anyone. Trump will also say that primary school kids are now going to learn how to shoot & will have a lesson a week on the rifle range.
    I know this is intended as satire, but there have been calls from the fun lobby to arm teachers and the whole kids being taught to shoot thing is not that far fetches.
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  • edited December 2017
    Officer acquitted of killing unarmed Daniel Shaver who was on his knees pleading not to be shot.
  • Psychopath? Join the feds. You'll probably get to kill someone
  • Seemed like the policeman was waiting for the guy to make a mistake so he could shoot him.

    Lots of shouting and anger probably confused the guy, you would like to think that the police would remain calm in these instances.
  • Maybe not murder in the strictest sense of the word but there must surely be a criminal charge of some kind that can be laid against this totally incompetent, shameful, inadequate arsehole.
    I hope the victims family have the courage and strength to follow this up, they must surely be utterly devastated, the poor guy was scared shitless and was in pieces.
    I would imagine there are civil rights lawyers literally queuing up to take this further.....I sincerely hope so.
  • Leuth said:

    Psychopath? Join the feds. You'll probably get to kill someone

    I didn't mean the UK police, btw, before anyone gets riled
  • If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.
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  • Absolutely disgusting, he should be on the chair not walking the streets.
  • If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.

    Sorry, whilst I agree I don't think this killing is justified and the Officer should be punished, your sentiment is said time and time again by people with no experience of guns or being in a percieved life or death situation. The average person isn't an accurate shot especially in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping. Why do you think people are trained to aim for the torso to take someone down? Because it's the biggest part of the body and easier to hit. Why do you see so many incidents of people, including trained professionals, standing close to each exchanging fire and keep missing? I guarantee that if you were actually in a situation where you thought someone might be about to kill you, you wouldn't think about aiming for their arm.
  • DRAddick said:

    If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.

    Sorry, whilst I agree I don't think this killing is justified and the Officer should be punished, your sentiment is said time and time again by people with no experience of guns or being in a percieved life or death situation. The average person isn't an accurate shot especially in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping. Why do you think people are trained to aim for the torso to take someone down? Because it's the biggest part of the body and easier to hit. Why do you see so many incidents of people, including trained professionals, standing close to each exchanging fire and keep missing? I guarantee that if you were actually in a situation where you thought someone might be about to kill you, you wouldn't think about aiming for their arm.
    yeah happens all the time..
  • Addickted said:

    First degree murder. Plain and simple. After shooting him he just carried on as if nothing had happened.

    The man is a obviously a psychopath.

    Couldn’t agree more. It’s murder, there is no two ways about it. It’s horrible and really upsetting. There is no excuse as to why they couldn’t just arrest him whilst he is clearly terrified laying on the floor.

    Something needs to be done in the US because it’s beyond anything and has been for a long, long time.
  • edited December 2017
    DRAddick said:

    If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.

    Sorry, whilst I agree I don't think this killing is justified and the Officer should be punished, your sentiment is said time and time again by people with no experience of guns or being in a percieved life or death situation. The average person isn't an accurate shot especially in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping. Why do you think people are trained to aim for the torso to take someone down? Because it's the biggest part of the body and easier to hit. Why do you see so many incidents of people, including trained professionals, standing close to each exchanging fire and keep missing? I guarantee that if you were actually in a situation where you thought someone might be about to kill you, you wouldn't think about aiming for their arm.
    You wonder what goes into police training if the officer is giving the man so many orders which clearly confuse the man who has an automatic rifle pointed at him and being told he will die if he does the wrong thing. Apparently the officer also used his own weapon which had “you’re fired” etched into the barrel in a previous case.
  • Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun
  • 1StevieG said:

    DRAddick said:

    If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.

    Sorry, whilst I agree I don't think this killing is justified and the Officer should be punished, your sentiment is said time and time again by people with no experience of guns or being in a percieved life or death situation. The average person isn't an accurate shot especially in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping. Why do you think people are trained to aim for the torso to take someone down? Because it's the biggest part of the body and easier to hit. Why do you see so many incidents of people, including trained professionals, standing close to each exchanging fire and keep missing? I guarantee that if you were actually in a situation where you thought someone might be about to kill you, you wouldn't think about aiming for their arm.
    You wonder what goes into police training if the officer is giving the man so many orders which clearly confuse the man who has an automatic rifle pointed at him and being told he will die if he does the wrong thing. Apparently the officer also used his own weapon which had “you’re fired” etched into the barrel in a previous case.
    I'm not defending the Officer in this case or the judgement. Just pointing out the frankly silly comments that get trotted out time and time again by people who's usual biggest risk at work is getting a paper cut.
  • Was was he being arrested for?
  • He was in possession of an air rifle, which he used for his job as a pest control worker.

    Be vigilant @i_b_b_o_r_g
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