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Another Shooting In America?



  • DRAddick said:

    If he thought he was reaching for a gun why not shoot him in the arm to stop him.
    Absolutely no excuse for killing the man.

    Sorry, whilst I agree I don't think this killing is justified and the Officer should be punished, your sentiment is said time and time again by people with no experience of guns or being in a percieved life or death situation. The average person isn't an accurate shot especially in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping. Why do you think people are trained to aim for the torso to take someone down? Because it's the biggest part of the body and easier to hit. Why do you see so many incidents of people, including trained professionals, standing close to each exchanging fire and keep missing? I guarantee that if you were actually in a situation where you thought someone might be about to kill you, you wouldn't think about aiming for their arm.
    I think we should be able to hold armed police to a higher standard than the 'average person'
    In general yes but in the heat of the reality even the best trained shooters, including highly experienced soldiers, miss. This should be accounted for and it is. The Westminster attacker was apparently hit once but there was at least two shots fired by the Officer, it happens. As I said I'm not defending the Officers choice to shoot the bloke, just criticising the "shoot them in the arm" brigade.
  • IT_Andy said:

    I'm confident if this happened in the UK or Europe it would be dealt with differently.
    Giving the bloke various instructions and then kneeling with your hands in the air is stupid.
    Surely lying on the floor with your hands down prevents him from potentially grabbing a gun, then another officer cuffs him.
    Anywhere else in the world there would be outrage at this shooting.

    I agree. The main thing I take from it is that the police officer needs to be in control of the situation & that means being calm & making any suspect calm. It wouldn't have taken much for another police officer to handcuff him before making him stand-up.The poor lad hadn't run or made any sign of being aggressive or non-obedient. In the same situation I would wonder who it was pointing a semi automatic at me & barking orders at me & like the poor lad would feel nervous & unsure what is going on. The police officer should be taken off any duties that involve firearms & be given anger management lessons.
  • IT_Andy said:

    I'm confident if this happened in the UK or Europe it would be dealt with differently.
    Giving the bloke various instructions and then kneeling with your hands in the air is stupid.
    Surely lying on the floor with your hands down prevents him from potentially grabbing a gun, then another officer cuffs him.
    Anywhere else in the world there would be outrage at this shooting.

    The police officer should be taken off any duties that involve firearms & be given anger management lessons.
    why do you always manage to come out with the worst take
  • .
    Addickted said:

    He was in possession of an air rifle, which he used for his job as a pest control worker.

    Be vigilant @i_b_b_o_r_g

    One of the tools of the trade mate, I've not read the story, but had he used a hammer, would it have gained the same publicity?
  • IT_Andy said:

    I'm confident if this happened in the UK or Europe it would be dealt with differently.
    Giving the bloke various instructions and then kneeling with your hands in the air is stupid.
    Surely lying on the floor with your hands down prevents him from potentially grabbing a gun, then another officer cuffs him.
    Anywhere else in the world there would be outrage at this shooting.

    I agree. The main thing I take from it is that the police officer needs to be in control of the situation & that means being calm & making any suspect calm. It wouldn't have taken much for another police officer to handcuff him before making him stand-up.The poor lad hadn't run or made any sign of being aggressive or non-obedient. In the same situation I would wonder who it was pointing a semi automatic at me & barking orders at me & like the poor lad would feel nervous & unsure what is going on. The police officer should be taken off any duties that involve firearms & be given anger management lessons.
    Was with you until the final sentence which is really totally absurd.
    As a matter of fact he was considered unsuitable for police work and has been dismissed. Which makes the courts decision even more unfathomable to say the least!
  • IT_Andy said:

    I'm confident if this happened in the UK or Europe it would be dealt with differently.
    Giving the bloke various instructions and then kneeling with your hands in the air is stupid.
    Surely lying on the floor with your hands down prevents him from potentially grabbing a gun, then another officer cuffs him.
    Anywhere else in the world there would be outrage at this shooting.

    I agree. The main thing I take from it is that the police officer needs to be in control of the situation & that means being calm & making any suspect calm. It wouldn't have taken much for another police officer to handcuff him before making him stand-up.The poor lad hadn't run or made any sign of being aggressive or non-obedient. In the same situation I would wonder who it was pointing a semi automatic at me & barking orders at me & like the poor lad would feel nervous & unsure what is going on. The police officer should be taken off any duties that involve firearms & be given anger management lessons.
    Was with you until the final sentence which is really totally absurd.
    As a matter of fact he was considered unsuitable for police work and has been dismissed. Which makes the courts decision even more unfathomable to say the least!
    Sorry, I didn't realise that he was no longer a serving policeman.
  • CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
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  • edited December 2017
    Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    I’d say he looked more scared shitless than reaching for a gun.....the poor lad was trying to pull his shorts up so he could crawl like a dog for the insane cop.
    I have to say seeing that video has really upset me over the weekend.......and still does, I only watched it the once and have no wish to see it again.
  • Leuth said:

    That cop wanted to kill someone that day. Terrify them and then kill them.

    I have to agree......some really weird and unfathomable stuff went on there.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    I’d say he looked more scared shitless than reaching for a gun.....the poor lad was trying to pull his shorts up so he could crawl like a dog for the insane cop.
    I have to say seeing that video has really upset me over the weekend.......and still does, I only watched it the once and have no wish to see it again.
    Thanks for this. I understand what happened in the video now.

    When I saw it, I couldn't understand what he was doing when he reached behind him. Was he going for a concealed weapon, for example?

    But I'm sure you're right. The poor guy was simply reaching to hitch up his trousers/shorts.

    It was the only part of the issue where I had some sympathy with the cop. Because, at the point where the cop felt threatened by someone drawing a weapon, he might be justified in applying force.

    But clearly, this wasn't the case.

    The cop was insufficiently-trained. And that was exacerbated by him being a vicious psychopath.

  • Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    I’d say he looked more scared shitless than reaching for a gun.....the poor lad was trying to pull his shorts up so he could crawl like a dog for the insane cop.
    I have to say seeing that video has really upset me over the weekend.......and still does, I only watched it the once and have no wish to see it again.
    Haven't read all the posts on here so don't know if it has been said but the guy had been drinking before the police came with work colleague's so was intoxicated
  • Just watched the vid and have to say the kid does put his hand behind his back whilst crawling towards the cop however it looks like he is pulling his trousers up.

    That aside that cop looks like he wanted to kill someone that day.
  • Red_James said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    I’d say he looked more scared shitless than reaching for a gun.....the poor lad was trying to pull his shorts up so he could crawl like a dog for the insane cop.
    I have to say seeing that video has really upset me over the weekend.......and still does, I only watched it the once and have no wish to see it again.
    Haven't read all the posts on here so don't know if it has been said but the guy had been drinking before the police came with work colleague's so was intoxicated
  • edited December 2017

    Just watched the vid and have to say the kid does put his hand behind his back whilst crawling towards the cop however it looks like he is pulling his trousers up.

    Easy to say when you're watching after the event not having to question if there is a gun in his shorts or not.
  • Easy to say if you're not in the scenario.

    Do I think the killing was right? Of course not but it takes less than a second to pull a firearm from behind your back and squeeze the trigger.
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  • I watched the video of this in work on Friday. Knew what was coming, butbhave to say that I physically shook when that murderer let of his automatic. Quite possibly the most horrendous thing I have seen.

    No excuses. There was no need to do anything other than have the man on the floor with hands laced on head and legs crossed. The other cops could have cuffed him then. If he was the senior cop at the scene, that’s horrendous. If he wasn’t, then his superior(s) should be sacked from the force as well.

    Acquitting this (former) cop, when there’s evidence like this, gives carte blanche to every officer to do what they like. He should be enjoying the company of other murderers in prison right now.
  • edited December 2017
    I genuinely can't remember which police shooting is being discussed here because the description could fit any number or them.
  • Not defending the copper but these things are going to happen in a country that pretty much lets everyone own a fucking gun.
  • Been reading this but only just watched the video.

    Seriously WTF !!

    Big supporter of the police but this was a fucking execution.

    I had not heard about this incident - were there riots after the verdict?
  • Usually the UK police are fine (Dalian Atkinson? de Menezes? discuss) but if I lived in America I would, unless I personally knew all of my local cops, regard the police with nothing but suspicion and fear
  • edited December 2017
    If that lad was a close member of my family he’d (the cop that is) be scared for his life!
    Red_James said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    I’d say he looked more scared shitless than reaching for a gun.....the poor lad was trying to pull his shorts up so he could crawl like a dog for the insane cop.
    I have to say seeing that video has really upset me over the weekend.......and still does, I only watched it the once and have no wish to see it again.
    Haven't read all the posts on here so don't know if it has been said but the guy had been drinking before the police came with work colleague's so was intoxicated
    So.... terrified, slightly drunk, innocent guy wearing loose baggy shorts meets clearly out of control weirdo cop, resulting in justifiable execution.
    Watch out out!
  • I remember in the book Freakanomics, they found that if you just fired the 3% of cops with the most complaints against them, police violence would drop 50% overnight. Something like that.
  • I remember in the book Freakanomics, they found that if you just fired the 3% of cops with the most complaints against them, police violence would drop 50% overnight. Something like that.

    Listening to Deray McKenssen talk today on Pod Save America, he brought up a similar point. Police are almost never punished for these actions, and if that were to change there might be a change in approach.
  • edited December 2017

    I remember in the book Freakanomics, they found that if you just fired the 3% of cops with the most complaints against them, police violence would drop 50% overnight. Something like that.

    Napa......can you give us some idea to the general reaction in The States at this outrageous and man in the street reactions etc.
    Are the family going to let it rest or is there more to follow?
  • Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Massive over-use of force, but to play devils advocate, the guy did look like he was reaching back to pull what could've been a gun

    I’d have to agree.
    You're joking, right?
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