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Another Shooting In America?



  • Chaz Hill said:

    PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I don't think the school shooters were native Americans...
    A foreigner then? Going on the premise that anyone other than native Americans are foreign.

    I've been flagged as well. I'm distraught and beside myself with worry. Any advice on how to come to terms with such an event?
    Not really the time for trolling.
    It's not a troll by any stretch of the imagination.
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    Nowhere did he refer to the way people look, "funny" or otherwise.
    I apologise. I must have completely misread the line that says, in a crystal clear fashion, "(and no terrorist/funny foreign people link)".

    Again, sincerest apologies for my huge mistake.

    What's wrong with you?
  • Another 'serious' thread completely ruined, well done chaps, well done.
  • se9addick said:

    PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    Nowhere did he refer to the way people look, "funny" or otherwise.
    I apologise. I must have completely misread the line that says, in a crystal clear fashion, "(and no terrorist/funny foreign people link)".

    Again, sincerest apologies for my huge mistake.

    What's wrong with you?
    You're assuming that it's me with the/a problem.

    If nobody sees the problem with the terminology used, and the context in which it's been used, then there is no hope or point in continuing.
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I don't think the school shooters were native Americans...
    A foreigner then? Going on the premise that anyone other than native Americans are foreign.

    I've been flagged as well. I'm distraught and beside myself with worry. Any advice on how to come to terms with such an event?
    Google the words Native American.

    As for the thread not being serious. There's a serious issue and we're completely helpless, I think making jokes is understandable. Just be glad it's not happening over here.
  • Another 'serious' thread completely ruined, well done chaps, well done.

    Apologies. I genuinely take on board what you've said and fully appreciate where you and others are coming from.

    I'll stay away for a while.
  • Another 'serious' thread completely ruined, well done chaps, well done.

    Apologies. I genuinely take on board what you've said and fully appreciate where you and others are coming from.

    I'll stay away for a while.
    I wasn't actually aiming my comment or you, more those who can resist a quick comment what I can only assume is a quick 'like' mining exercise.
  • Another 'serious' thread completely ruined, well done chaps, well done.

    Apologies. I genuinely take on board what you've said and fully appreciate where you and others are coming from.

    I'll stay away for a while.
    Don't be so sensitive BBW, you love it here don't make a minor confusion stop you posting!

    On the subject, i try not to listen to what goes on in the world ' ignorance is bliss' as they say. Although its alarming how many shootings prop up and thats from someone who actively avoids anything to do with the news. No excuse really and agree they should be banning guns full stop especially when you can kill 100's in minutes.
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  • Nothing to see here.
    Or should that be nothing to do here. We've seen this time and time again.
    We've seen the reaction of what appear to be sound thinking Americans, although distressed, failing to condemn the law.
    They will NEVER change.

    On to the next massacre.
  • What a horrible, pointless waste of life.

    I can't imagine living in a society where the news of a school shooting isn't surprising (a bit like we have with young people stabbing each other)
  • edited February 2018
    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.
  • Another 'serious' thread completely ruined, well done chaps, well done.

    shame the Americans don't take it seriously

  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I think you should spend some time this morning looking for your sense of irony. You have obviously misplaced it somewhere.
  • Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    a campaign to limit the exposure shooters get as opposed to a campaign to eradicate such events. says it all really.

    It's not an either/or situation though. The shooter gets discussed at length, gets remembered... Its the killers' names associated with Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Aurora and all the number of others. But without looking it up, who here could name any single one victim of any of these shootings?

    The infamy and notoriety appeals to a certain frame of mind, taking that away certainly wouldn't make these killings any MORE frequent.
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I think his point is crystal clear. He's saying that it would take an event of overwhelming proportions, committed by someone of domestic origin, that is not driven by terrorist ideology of any sort for the 'tipping point' in public opinion to be reached. Until then incidents will continue to be attributed to terrorism or written off as the isolated actions of the mentally ill.

    Nowhere did he refer to the way people look, "funny" or otherwise.
    I'm a stickler for clarity as much as anyone, and... erm, sorry, @Big_Bad_World that I didn't make it quite as clear as Bournemouth has.

    Only when an event happens where it is clear and irrefutable that the mass use of guns to massacre thousands (imo) is what made it possible, will gun control really be debated.

    The gun lobby remains with a vice-like grip on US politics despite its size, because of that cash dollar.

    We can but hope for change.
  • Missed It said:

    Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    Isn't this a bit like closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalala not listening?"

    These shooters don't do it for fame do they? These mass shootings are merely a symptom of a deep rooted malaise at the heart of American society. People are driven to these bitter, resentful killings by the circumstances of their lives. Everybody focuses on gun control, but does anybody stop to think why America is such an angry, hopeless country that sees people express their rage and impotence in this way?

    America needs to take a long, cold, hard look at itself. Covering up mass shootings isn't going to help get that done.
    Don't think this comment is very fair. There are lots of angry and bitter people in the world but the difference in the States is they get access to guns.

    I dread to think what would happen in the UK if we had the same access to guns.
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  • Missed It said:

    Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    Isn't this a bit like closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalala not listening?"

    These shooters don't do it for fame do they? These mass shootings are merely a symptom of a deep rooted malaise at the heart of American society. People are driven to these bitter, resentful killings by the circumstances of their lives. Everybody focuses on gun control, but does anybody stop to think why America is such an angry, hopeless country that sees people express their rage and impotence in this way?

    America needs to take a long, cold, hard look at itself. Covering up mass shootings isn't going to help get that done.
    Don't think this comment is very fair. There are lots of angry and bitter people in the world but the difference in the States is they get access to guns.

    I dread to think what would happen in the UK if we had the same access to guns.
    We've seen it, tragically in Hungerford, Dunblane and Cumbria to name three.

    I can't imagine those types of incidents on a regular basis. How can anybody make a case for living in a society where that is possible.
  • Missed It said:

    Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    Isn't this a bit like closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalala not listening?"

    These shooters don't do it for fame do they? These mass shootings are merely a symptom of a deep rooted malaise at the heart of American society. People are driven to these bitter, resentful killings by the circumstances of their lives. Everybody focuses on gun control, but does anybody stop to think why America is such an angry, hopeless country that sees people express their rage and impotence in this way?

    America needs to take a long, cold, hard look at itself. Covering up mass shootings isn't going to help get that done.
    They may not commit a mass shooting purely for the 'fame' but it is a factor, especially with young men/teenagers. As others have mentioned, they get a lot of fame/notoriety. Their picture is everywhere, their name is everywhere, they go down in history - the victims get pretty much forgotten about.

    It's a way of trying to prevent more mass shootings. It's not going to stop it completely.

  • thenewbie said:

    Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    a campaign to limit the exposure shooters get as opposed to a campaign to eradicate such events. says it all really.

    It's not an either/or situation though. The shooter gets discussed at length, gets remembered... Its the killers' names associated with Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Aurora and all the number of others. But without looking it up, who here could name any single one victim of any of these shootings?

    The infamy and notoriety appeals to a certain frame of mind, taking that away certainly wouldn't make these killings any MORE frequent.
    without looking it up I couldn't remember any of the perps names. There are so many of these incidents in the States their notoriety lasts for a matter of days before you move on to the next one.

  • thenewbie said:

    Wilma said:

    There's a good series on Sky Atlantic at the moment called Active Shooter - - looking into these mass shooting events, usually from relatives, people involved, medical and police etc.

    The first episode featured parents of a man killed in the cinema shooting at Aurora. They have launched a campaign called No Notoriety - - trying to limit the coverage that the shooters get on TV. A lot of copycat shootings occur shortly after mass shooting events due to the 'fame' these individuals get.

    a campaign to limit the exposure shooters get as opposed to a campaign to eradicate such events. says it all really.

    It's not an either/or situation though. The shooter gets discussed at length, gets remembered... Its the killers' names associated with Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Aurora and all the number of others. But without looking it up, who here could name any single one victim of any of these shootings?

    The infamy and notoriety appeals to a certain frame of mind, taking that away certainly wouldn't make these killings any MORE frequent.
    without looking it up I couldn't remember any of the perps names. There are so many of these incidents in the States their notoriety lasts for a matter of days before you move on to the next one.

    I guess it’s more local notoriety they seek.

  • Lots of people sending prayers. That’ll help.
  • Lots of people sending prayers. That’ll help.

    Can't hurt can it?
  • JWADDICK said:

    Lots of people sending prayers. That’ll help.

    Can't hurt can it?
    It can if they genuinely think it will have any positive impact on the issue going forward.
  • JWADDICK said:

    Lots of people sending prayers. That’ll help.

    Can't hurt can it?
    It can if they genuinely think it will have any positive impact on the issue going forward.
    It's thoughts and prayers for the victims and their grieving families - positive at best, neutral at worst.

    I agree it needs something other than prayers to knock some sense into the politicians to actually do something about guns.

  • I head Trump's comments last night " No Teacher or Child should feel unsafe in School". Thats going to really make a difference.

    Also heard policitians were starting to look into young people with mental health issues, as this seemed to be linked to mass shootings but event that hasn't got anywhere.
    Seven weeks into 2018, there have been eight shootings at US schools that have resulted in injury or death.
    They dont have a clue how to deal with it and I can only see it getting worse.
This discussion has been closed.

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