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Another Shooting In America?



  • Since 2013, there have been 291 reported school shootings in America, which averages out to about one per week.

    Wake up America. That is insane!
  • edited February 2018

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders and carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It was Sandy Hook. That was just over 5 years ago. Since then there have been ~300 school shootings alone.

    By the way, this is not a something that dies because of a lack of public support. Bans on assault weapons, background checks, and a Federal registry of guns polled at around 80% favorable in the wake of the Vegas shooting last year. This is down to a small, vocal, and well funded minority. And Democrats are absolutely terrified of the NRA in House, State, and local elections.

    This is someone who was widely considered a rising star in the Democratic Party a couple years ago.
  • Although slightly off topic, one of the core problems here is the whole “primary” process. I don’t pretend to know the answer, but the notion that just about anyone can put themselves forward as a candidate for the party, regardless of whether the party wants them, is quite bizarre. It’s how we get a confirmed Nazi as the Republican candidate somewhere in Illinois (I think) and there’s nothing the Republican Party can do about it.

    It allows well funded fringe candidates to effectively hijack the party.
  • Said on this very thread many many pages ago that if America didn't wake up and do something after Sandy Hook when twenty 6-7 year olds were killed then nothing will ever be done.

    A few "condolences to the dead" statements go out and then they carry on as normal.
  • 17 dead, 15 injured. How the hell did an ex-student, age 18, get an AR-15?
  • I would of be surprised if the fact it happened on Valentine's Day was not a coincidence.
  • There is a growing conspiracy that sandy hook didn't happen, and the answer to school children having assault weapons? More assault weapons! The cat is out the bag unless there is a ban on assault weapons including an amnesty/buy back of current weapons. No chance that will ever happen.
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  • There was a bill after Sandy Hook to regulate (not sell to the mentally ill) assault rifles and it was defeated 60 to 40.

    As said above the difference in guns from the 18th century to today is massive. If guns are to protect yourself from the government then you can see the mindset for wanting assault rifles. Due to this I Don't believe even a 9/11 type tragedy will change anything. 18 school shootings by early February FFS.
  • SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    Numb? So when are you going to stop being numb about it?

    When a neighbour's child is shot dead at school?

    When a work colleagues child is shot dead at school?

    When a child in your family is shot dead at school?

    How many dead school children does it take for America to stop being numb

    Land of the free? As long as you armed to the teeth.

    RIP to those poor innocent victims and the struggle their parents and families will have for the rest of their lives asking themselves how the fuck does this happen time and time again in a civilised society in the 21st Century and we sit back and do nothing about it.

  • edited February 2018

    "This epidemic of mass slaughter, this scourge of school shooting after school shooting," Murphy said, "it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction. We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else."
  • edited February 2018
    Given this is yet another mass shooting in a school I'm wondering what the approach from the teaching unions and associations is in the US? These are, by definition, educated people and must be able to see the links between gun ownership and what happens so regularly in their workplace. Both to themselves and the children under their care.

    I don't know the answer to this question but I'm sure in any other country teaching staff and their representatives would be working with parents to campaign for any measure available that results in a safer learning environment. Is this happening or are teaching unions taking the opposite view and pushing for more armed guards and guns in the classroom?
  • Horrendous news, RIP to the dead.
  • edited February 2018
    Apparently there are approximately 300 million guns in the US (ITV news last night) out at roughly one gun per person, (population is around 320 million)....RIP to all the victims.
  • edited February 2018
    The right to bear arms was probably included as one of the contributors (founding fathers) had a relative who owned a gun factory. A lot of old and stupid things are written down on paper (and books) that people follow without question. Stupid world.
  • It is what it it is. It’s the American way. It won’t be changed.
    The American public don’t want it to change - they have the power to change it if they want.
  • Human beings are stupid.
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  • MarkyE83 said:

    The right to bear arms was probably included as one of the contributors (founding fathers) had a relative who owned a gun factory. A lot of old and stupid things are written down on paper (and books) that people follow without question. Stupid world.

    The 2nd amendment.....there will now be a 'debate'....the left will argue for greater gun control, the right will support the 2nd amendment, this will slowly fade away from the news/media attention until the next shooting, and then the cycle begins again.
  • edited February 2018
    PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I don't think the school shooters were native Americans...
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    I don't think the school shooters were native Americans...
    A foreigner then? Going on the premise that anyone other than native Americans are foreign.

    I've been flagged as well. I'm distraught and beside myself with worry. Any advice on how to come to terms with such an event?
  • PaddyP17 said:

    SDAddick said:

    Officials are reporting that he used an assault-style gun. Because those are legal. What can ya do? The NRA is an incredibly strong lobbying group with ties to Russia now. They propagate fear not just of the government taking your guns but so of black and brown people. I don't think anything will be done about this for a long time, and personally I'm pretty numb to it at this point.

    At what point do you think it'd be time for you to do something about it though?

    This is what really bothers me about the entire situation, the amount of Americans who don't agree, yet shrug their shoulders any carry on. There must be a tipping point, surely?
    It will take a massacre of probably thousands in one event - I'm talking 9/11 style proportions but with guns (and no terrorist/funny foreign people link) - which almost certainly won't happen, so the tipping point won't be reached.

    Anyone other than a native American, then.

    Or did you really mean 'brown/black/*insert hyperbolic religious terminology for maximum effect*'?

    Not really the thread to play those sort of games.

    That said, what about if if the next one was carried out by someone who claims to be a sexual/genderqueer/they/ze/hir/hirs/zee/here/heres/ey/em/eir'? Would they need to be funny foreign looking or could they just be white?
    Nowhere did he refer to the way people look, "funny" or otherwise.
    I apologise. I must have completely misread the line that says, in a crystal clear fashion, "(and no terrorist/funny foreign people link)".

    Again, sincerest apologies for my huge mistake.

  • I met some Canadian Sociology lecturers who said the more accurate term for 'native Americans', is 'aboriginal'.
  • seth plum said:

    I met some Canadian Sociology lecturers who said the more accurate term for 'native Americans', is 'aboriginal'.

    I think they're confusing native Americans with aborigines
This discussion has been closed.

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