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Another Shooting In America?



  • edited February 2018
    Just read an article from the Guardian.
    Has some great comments made by kids who are just looking for a common sense approach to gun control and for intensive checks before handing out guns.

    One kids said “We’re not asking to repeal the second amendment, we’re asking for common sense, like more intensive background checks. It’s always a troubled young man, in our case somebody who’s been expelled, reported to police 39 times, and he’s still able to buy a weapon of war without anybody flinching. It’s just not viable any more.”
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    How to google Mr Feis, what a man.
  • The line "it wouldn't have happened if the students had guns" has had me thinking a little while.

    This is victim blaming. In a sense at least it says the victims died because they were unarmed.

    If they were armed they would not be dead, their death is their own fault in the mind of the NRA, because they chose not to carry life ending weapons...

  • The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    The line "it wouldn't have happened if the students had guns" has had me thinking a little while.

    This is victim blaming. In a sense at least it says the victims died because they were unarmed.

    If they were armed they would not be dead, their death is their own fault in the mind of the NRA, because they chose not to carry life ending weapons...

    Apparently they need their guns to protect themselves from their government.

  • Read somewhere that total of the NRA political lobbying/donations to politicans over last 10 years is something like $300m

    Surely some of the socially responsible multi billionaires can say 'we will replace any current NRA funding you receive dollar for dollar' to help negate this power they seem to hold.

    Alternatively, the American public need to speak out and mobilise and push for big businesses to demand better gun control from the government.
    Am sure someone can come up with a catchy slogan along lines of 'we wont give you another cent, until you push for gun sense'

  • Scoham said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    The line "it wouldn't have happened if the students had guns" has had me thinking a little while.

    This is victim blaming. In a sense at least it says the victims died because they were unarmed.

    If they were armed they would not be dead, their death is their own fault in the mind of the NRA, because they chose not to carry life ending weapons...

    Apparently they need their guns to protect themselves from their government.

    The mind boggles at the stupidity, but this does come from someone called TrumpGirl4Life, so it shouldn't really come as a surprise.

  • How do you possibly reason with such a warped and entrenched mindset such as that?

    That's absolutely fucked.

    Amazing what centuries of inbreeding does.....
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  • Twitter handle: TrumpGirl4Life
    Twitter message: Government is corrupt

    What a moron.
  • .
    IdleHans said:

    The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.

    While I don't agree with the sentiment you express, that sort of thing has already happened. Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a practice session for the Congressional baseball game.

    Even though he was nearly killed, Scalise remains a card carrying NRA member and staunch defender of the right to bear arms. I've said it before, if Sandy Hook didn't change the US attitude to gun control, nothing ever will.
  • Missed It said:


    IdleHans said:

    The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.

    While I don't agree with the sentiment you express, that sort of thing has already happened. Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a practice session for the Congressional baseball game.

    Even though he was nearly killed, Scalise remains a card carrying NRA member and staunch defender of the right to bear arms. I've said it before, if Sandy Hook didn't change the US attitude to gun control, nothing ever will.
    I'm assuming it would require the whole of congress and their families to be wiped out in a gun attack for a debate to be had.
  • Missed It said:


    IdleHans said:

    The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.

    While I don't agree with the sentiment you express, that sort of thing has already happened. Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a practice session for the Congressional baseball game.

    Even though he was nearly killed, Scalise remains a card carrying NRA member and staunch defender of the right to bear arms. I've said it before, if Sandy Hook didn't change the US attitude to gun control, nothing ever will.
    Hope is putting it a bit strongly, I will admit. And I agree that Sandy Hook was the nadir, and if that didn't do it, nothing ever will.

    But i do wonder if these idiots were targeted systematically whether a sudden change of stance might be apparent in some quarters.

    Ironic that a reason for taking up arms against the government might be to get the government to do something about how easy it is to take up arms in the first place.
  • Missed It said:


    IdleHans said:

    The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.

    While I don't agree with the sentiment you express, that sort of thing has already happened. Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a practice session for the Congressional baseball game.

    Even though he was nearly killed, Scalise remains a card carrying NRA member and staunch defender of the right to bear arms. I've said it before, if Sandy Hook didn't change the US attitude to gun control, nothing ever will.
    I'm assuming it would require the whole of congress and their families to be wiped out in a gun attack for a debate to be had.
    Even then, I'm not sure it would make any difference!
  • Missed It said:


    IdleHans said:

    The arseholes that govern America will do what they always do - wait for the fuss to die down and keep banking the gun lobby dollars.
    I hope every single senator and congressman refusing to even consider sensible controls on reducing the easy availability of guns to the mentally unstable, putting their political comfort before the lives of children, is shot in the head by a psychopath with an assault weapon for which no background checks were needed.

    While I don't agree with the sentiment you express, that sort of thing has already happened. Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a practice session for the Congressional baseball game.

    Even though he was nearly killed, Scalise remains a card carrying NRA member and staunch defender of the right to bear arms. I've said it before, if Sandy Hook didn't change the US attitude to gun control, nothing ever will.
    I'm assuming it would require the whole of congress and their families to be wiped out in a gun attack for a debate to be had.
    Any volunteers?
  • edited February 2018
    These politicians that take money from the NRA are a shining example of them working for the companies that line their pockets instead of the people that voted them to power.
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  • If Trump wants to really 'drain the swamp' he should start with the gun lobby. But as they fund him and represent his base we all know that's not going to happen. Good to see him coming under pressure now from the survivors: hopefully it will be the start of a major movement that says enough is enough.
  • If Trump wants to really 'drain the swamp' he should start with the gun lobby. But as they fund him and represent his base we all know that's not going to happen. Good to see him coming under pressure now from the survivors: hopefully it will be the start of a major movement that says enough is enough.

    Unfortunately this will soon become just yesterday’s news and forgotten until the next time when they go through the hand wringing and crocodile tears and on it goes.

  • Scoham said:
    Each child should have their own armed guard and set of nuclear warheads to ensure their safety.
  • Scoham said:
    Each child should have their own armed guard and set of nuclear warheads to ensure their safety.
    Interesting use of the word "... effectively defending our kids" in that nonsense. How many times has a school shooting incident been stopped through the armed intervention of a teacher does anyone know?
  • Scoham said:
    You can't reason with such a lack of logic.
  • Scoham said:
    You can't reason with such a lack of logic.
    Sounds logical to most Americans.
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    Why is it they don't see that most of these shootings are carried out by people with little or no criminal history and most are assumed to have mental illness issues.

    The availability of guns IS the issue. If you can't own a gun (unless a farmer etc) & have a gun against the law, prepare to be arrested.

    The only people that should be armed in the WORLD not just America are the law enforcement and the military.

  • This so-called logic also ignores the fact that if criminals have guns and you don't they probably won't need to shoot you!. Sure, you might get robbed but at least you'll still be alive. And how many of the mass shooting involved weapons that were not acquired legally?
  • edited February 2018

    Scoham said:
    You can't reason with such a lack of logic.

    (Not you, Canters, for the avoidance of doubt)
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