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Another Shooting In America?



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    ExxonMobil have developed a fuel from sand that returns 1,000mpg from a petrol engine on a single grain, with no emissions, as well as increasing power by 500% .

    Bastards are keeping it to themselves just to make mega profits from oil.

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    To be clear I was talking about his decision to ban the modification that makes a gun more automatic, rather than the ‘guns for teachers’ that followed.

    The former, however insignificant, seemed positive and better than nothing to me.
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    To be clear I was talking about his decision to ban the modification that makes a gun more automatic, rather than the ‘guns for teachers’ that followed.

    The former, however insignificant, seemed positive and better than nothing to me.

    Not sure banning modification will make much of a difference to be honest.

    A semi automatic weapon with a magazine holding 20 rounds can be emptied almost as quickly as a fully automatic weapon. only a matter of a couple of seconds different.
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    edited February 2018
    It is human nature to resist change even when all the evidence shows you should. Very sad really as these deaths were and are (as there will be more) avoidable. Incredible that the solution Trump proposes is to arm teachers but then again, totally predictable!!!
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    Addickted said:

    To be clear I was talking about his decision to ban the modification that makes a gun more automatic, rather than the ‘guns for teachers’ that followed.

    The former, however insignificant, seemed positive and better than nothing to me.

    Not sure banning modification will make much of a difference to be honest.

    A semi automatic weapon with a magazine holding 20 rounds can be emptied almost as quickly as a fully automatic weapon. only a matter of a couple of seconds different.
    You might well be right, but everyone is quick to jump on him for everything (often with justification) that I just thought it strange there was no mention whatsoever of a positive proposal, however minimal the affect might actually be.
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    edited February 2018
    Scoham said:

    There are actual people - Even in the UK - who believe that this shooting and others like it are stories invented by an evil world government in order to get support for gun control and so be able to bring in such control and so exert control over the people and prevent them having any means of fighting back against this new world order.

    I know one such example, someone who went to school with my GF went through the English school system and got a good degree from a good uni. Clearly an intelligent person but also so fucking stupid. She's a bit mental in other areas flat earther etc which I've always just laughed about but to come out with bullshit like this really angered me. I nearly flipped at her. I told her to fuck off an just left. I refuse to meet such vile and disgusting people again...

    Does she also believe there's a cure for cancer that is being kept from us as doctors make more money treating patients than curing them?
    If she came out with that one I'd probably need restraining given my family circumstances at the moment.
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    Trumps doing the bare minimum to make it seem he's taking action but it will have no real effect. It's totally cosmetic.

    If I were Mexican, I'd be wanting that wall up fast to keep the stupid yanks out.
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    The murder rate in Mexico makes the U.S seem like the the Isle of Wight.
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    edited February 2018

    The murder rate in Mexico makes the U.S seem like the the Isle of Wight.

    Granted, these stats come from Wikipedia but:

    Gun deaths per 100,000 population:
    USA - 10.54
    Mexico - 7.76

    The US is 11th in the list and the 10 countries above it are not really ones that you would be bragging about being better than!
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    Rizzo said:

    The murder rate in Mexico makes the U.S seem like the the Isle of Wight.

    Granted, these stats come from Wikipedia but:

    Gun deaths per 100,000 population:
    USA - 10.54
    Mexico - 7.76

    The US is 11th in the list and the 10 countries above it are not really ones that you would be bragging about being better than!
    I’m not suggested that it’s anything to brag about.

    Those figures are (I think) for all gun related deaths (ie including suicide).

    If you look at the rates fur gun murder I’d imagine Mexico is way above the USA.

    Again - nothing to brag about....just responding to the comment (joke albeit) that Mexico should put the wall up to keep Americans out.
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    edited February 2018
    anything above 0 per 100,000 is nothing to brag about.
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    I see Trumps decision today has been completely ignored on here (unless I’ve missed it?)

    Arguably the most positive move yet by an American president on this issue??

    You get your internet point for pointing that out sure, and any move towards gun control is a good one. However, he was the one that signed a resolution that allowed for people with mental illness to buy a gun, despite it being blocked previously by Obama. He has also been funded by the NRA more than any previous presidential candidate.

    Obama, (following Sandy Hook) tried to revive the assault weapon ban - a MUCH more positive move on the issue, however this was blocked, because Colt et al want to sell as many assault rifles to as many people as possible.

    I would say trump banning bump stocks is nothing more than him being thrown a bone by his paymasters at the gun lobby, as we've all seen how a populist wave can bring change...

    PS. I don't think any lawmaker on any side has been tough enough on guns, any controls won have been too easily sidestepped.
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    edited February 2018

    Addickted said:

    To be clear I was talking about his decision to ban the modification that makes a gun more automatic, rather than the ‘guns for teachers’ that followed.

    The former, however insignificant, seemed positive and better than nothing to me.

    Not sure banning modification will make much of a difference to be honest.

    A semi automatic weapon with a magazine holding 20 rounds can be emptied almost as quickly as a fully automatic weapon. only a matter of a couple of seconds different.
    You might well be right, but everyone is quick to jump on him for everything (often with justification) that I just thought it strange there was no mention whatsoever of a positive proposal, however minimal the affect might actually be.
    How many times have there been proposals? By the time it gets to a vote the NRA will have come up with some excuse to say banning bump stocks are restricting a humans right to shoot a million rounds a minute.
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    Just love Trump's answer to curbing the school shootings is to give teachers ??? Is this supposed to be a "real" answer to the problem ???. bonkers.
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    There is absolutely zero point in arming teachers as the schools' lawyers will be saying that they shouldn't fire under any circumstances. If they did open fire then the school would be liable under any and all the following circumstances:

    1) Teacher hits a pupil
    2) Teacher kills the attacker, thus traumatising the kids
    3) Teacher misses the attacker, thus allowing the attacker to kill kids
    4) The teach doesn't kill the attacker, but successfully stops the attack, thus traumatising the kids, of harming the attacker who then sues.

    There is practically no outcome of teachers being armed that won't result in a lawsuit against the school/teacher in the event of an attack. Any teacher who doesn't want to appear in court should make sure they haven't got a gun, otherwise they're just a target for lawyers looking to profit out of an incident.
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    If your main priority is to save lives then go for gun control - sadly it seems the President, the NRA and most Republicans value guns more than lives. It's plainly evident they don't give a shit about the school shootings.
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    Also, continuing the teachers with guns theme. What guns will they have? If a shooter comes in with an automatic rifle, and they have handgun, how will that work?
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    There is absolutely zero point in arming teachers as the schools' lawyers will be saying that they shouldn't fire under any circumstances. If they did open fire then the school would be liable under any and all the following circumstances:

    1) Teacher hits a pupil
    2) Teacher kills the attacker, thus traumatising the kids
    3) Teacher misses the attacker, thus allowing the attacker to kill kids
    4) The teach doesn't kill the attacker, but successfully stops the attack, thus traumatising the kids, of harming the attacker who then sues.

    There is practically no outcome of teachers being armed that won't result in a lawsuit against the school/teacher in the event of an attack. Any teacher who doesn't want to appear in court should make sure they haven't got a gun, otherwise they're just a target for lawyers looking to profit out of an incident.

    In fact despite all the warnings beforehand the latest shooter blended into the crowd and got clean away, at least for a while. A teacher with a gun would have made no difference whatsoever.
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    Well it teachers with guns won't help there's only one option left. Give all the students guns too!
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    cabbles said:

    Also, continuing the teachers with guns theme. What guns will they have? If a shooter comes in with an automatic rifle, and they have handgun, how will that work?

    Especially as the first target will then in fact be the teacher.
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    If routinely arming school teachers is the way to protect pupils from legally owned firearms then the same logic demands that checkout workers pack shooters at the grocery store, crossing guards tote M16's, peanut sellers holster 45's at the baseball; in short everyone packing heat is safest of all, just like the wild west.
    The incidence of firearms related deaths (not including military action, conflict etc) correlates almost perfectly with the laxity of legal ownership controls, right across the developed world. As night follows day: the more legally held firearms there are at the disposal of citizens = more casualties and fatalities involving firearms. Before anyone considers criminality on any level.
    When the (ahem) democratically elected leader of the "Free World" advocates teachers with firearms as a safety measure it is time to live somewhere else.
    If there is a place beyond stupid, the USA just checked out and moved beyond the beyond.

    The "issue" around banning the upgrade of a semi automatic to fully automatic is a very long winded way of saying that anyone advocating stricter gun control is fundamentally a seditious trouble maker to be ridiculed. WT shimmering F? It matters not one jot if you can upgrade a semi cos the fully automatic weapons are fucking legal anyway.

    The bereaved families must surely formulate a class action against POTUS himself.
    Legally owned firearms and ammunition were used to execute innocent children on state property. That state endorses minimal restriction on the ownership of those lethal weapons ergo that state is directly accountable for that outcome.
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    bobmunro said:

    cabbles said:

    Also, continuing the teachers with guns theme. What guns will they have? If a shooter comes in with an automatic rifle, and they have handgun, how will that work?

    Especially as the first target will then in fact be the teacher.
    Handguns are also notoriously difficult to shoot accurately over range.

    Assault rifles can be flicked from auto to semi or even burst (M4a1's can have this I believe?)

    Which will give the psycho a mix of rate and range.

    The hand gun toting Teacher will have to be very lucky.

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    But, of course, good teachers never miss a learning opportunity in a situation:

    Mr. Watkins: Right, Class 4, we have a maniac outside with an assault rifle. His gun can fire 30 bullets in 4 seconds, whereas my gun fires single rounds. How many shots will he be able to get off in the class, if I can fire 6 shots with a 1 in 100 chance of hitting him instead of one of you lot? Jones?

    Jones ( looking flummoxed) : Er..... is it 28?

    Mr Watkins : No, think boy! Uh oh here he comes, everybody under the tables, whilst I get my gun from the office. And no talking while I’m gone.

    For a President to come up with such a horseshit solution for a problem that should never be there in the first place just sums up what a moral vacuum currently resides in the White House. It’s all about the money.
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    Dazzler21 said:

    bobmunro said:

    cabbles said:

    Also, continuing the teachers with guns theme. What guns will they have? If a shooter comes in with an automatic rifle, and they have handgun, how will that work?

    Especially as the first target will then in fact be the teacher.
    Handguns are also notoriously difficult to shoot accurately over range.

    Assault rifles can be flicked from auto to semi or even burst (M4a1's can have this I believe?)

    Which will give the psycho a mix of rate and range.

    The hand gun toting Teacher will have to be very lucky.

    He’s really thought this one through, like he had the wall, climate change and whatever else he’s been tweeting about since he got elected
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