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Saturday, Jan 2nd, 5pm sit-in protest at The Valley.



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    The airman article needs a new thread

    made sticky possibly with flashing lights above it!!

    Everyone with an ounce of Charlton in their DNA needs to see it.


    I'm in
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    Not sure if its been mentiond but what about protesting prior to the game and going in at half time. (assuming) they will let us in Surely an empty stadium for the first half would send a clear message. Enough is enough.
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    Plenty of hyperbole on here and other threads about these emails! Interestingly none of which comes from the author himself.

    Really interesting insight and I appreciate the content being allowed to do the talking.

    Varney has surely been round the block enough times for this to have happened before. He's got a proposal that they don't want to hear, so he's gone public to force he issue. Good on him, and a good move as so far when the supporters have pushed some, albeit limited, ground has been made in terms of communication.

    Think it's pretty clear that we need to follow the suggested course of action by AB on this, if we can help bring them to the table then we need to do all we can. Peacefully and politely or the siege mentality continues in afraid.

    Really intrigued to know about the varney, Murray dynamic, but I guess this will come out in the wash too.
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    Uboat said:

    It would really help if people stopped proposing alternatives and just go with one thing. We can try other stuff another time.

    You need to brainstorm ideas thats why they are being mentioned.
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    Uboat said:

    It would really help if people stopped proposing alternatives and just go with one thing. We can try other stuff another time.

    You need to brainstorm ideas thats why they are being mentioned.
    No you don't, not on this thread. Just get on board with the OP and turn up if you can. Discussing other options is just going to cause confusion and possibly dilute the protest that's been put forward.

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    SID said:

    Uboat said:

    It would really help if people stopped proposing alternatives and just go with one thing. We can try other stuff another time.

    You need to brainstorm ideas thats why they are being mentioned.
    No you don't, not on this thread. Just get on board with the OP and turn up if you can. Discussing other options is just going to cause confusion and possibly dilute the protest that's been put forward.

    Precisely. We need to go for one thing and we need to be there in numbers for it.
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    I assume, following Airman Brown's article, we're going for the carpark protest after the game?
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    I assume, following Airman Brown's article, we're going for the carpark protest after the game?

    Absolutely, and loud and proud with it!
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    Not sure if its been mentiond but what about protesting prior to the game and going in at half time. (assuming) they will let us in Surely an empty stadium for the first half would send a clear message. Enough is enough.

    2nd Jan is the the memorial game when we remember all those Addicks who've died in the last year so not an option for me to go in late for the Forest game.

    For other games certainly.
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    firstly @AirmanBrown thanks for publishing the link to the emails and your further piece regarding a potential investor. It is not for me to do but, if you haven't already, can you publish both of the above on as many CAFC forums as you can, including Facebook and Twitter? The more supporters that see this the better.
    Now for my opinion, I am absolutely gobsmacked at both RD and KM's unprofessional and amateur response. I have had to deal with many high level CEO's in my time from major blue-chip companies and I have never met one so inept and completely out of their depth. A true CEO would always want to at least hear of potential investment to add value to their respective businesses, and when a business is leaking money, most CEO's would be praying for an investor to either add funds or take over.
    As many have said instead of pouring scorn on your own customer base, as she did in THAT video, she had at least half a day spare to go and see Mr Varney and listen instead of spouting rubbish. I will be sending the email I mentioned in another thread tomorrow and will now be adding my thoughts on this latest piece of news. I will then cut and paste the email on here for all to see. Well done @AirmanBrown and thanks.

    Thanks, Redmidland. I've had about 100 retweets so far, but the more the better - I'm @airmanbrown on Twitter, you'll be surprised to hear. My daughter has put it on the unofficial Facebook group.
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    firstly @AirmanBrown thanks for publishing the link to the emails and your further piece regarding a potential investor. It is not for me to do but, if you haven't already, can you publish both of the above on as many CAFC forums as you can, including Facebook and Twitter? The more supporters that see this the better.
    Now for my opinion, I am absolutely gobsmacked at both RD and KM's unprofessional and amateur response. I have had to deal with many high level CEO's in my time from major blue-chip companies and I have never met one so inept and completely out of their depth. A true CEO would always want to at least hear of potential investment to add value to their respective businesses, and when a business is leaking money, most CEO's would be praying for an investor to either add funds or take over.
    As many have said instead of pouring scorn on your own customer base, as she did in THAT video, she had at least half a day spare to go and see Mr Varney and listen instead of spouting rubbish. I will be sending the email I mentioned in another thread tomorrow and will now be adding my thoughts on this latest piece of news. I will then cut and paste the email on here for all to see. Well done @AirmanBrown and thanks.

    Thanks, Redmidland. I've had about 100 retweets so far, but the more the better - I'm @airmanbrown on Twitter, you'll be surprised to hear. My daughter has put it on the unofficial Facebook group.
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    Thank You Airman - We now have a cause to get behind. We need to forget differences and do it now
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    Well RM can come out and deny it then as the clear accusation is out there. If he doesn't he looks guilty.
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    Well RM can come out and deny it then as the clear accusation is out there. If he doesn't he looks guilty.

    Yes Muttley, that is probably exactly what he will do. Even though, or perhaps because, your write that he looks guilty when not a shred of evidence was presented. The character traits I described dictate that that is probably what will happen. And then more mud will fly around in the opposite direction. And in the meantime the chances of us making something positive of this diminish with every bit of mud that sticks to both sides.

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    Going back to some of the earlier comments on here, and having looked carefully at what is in the Voice, I think it's important to say one thing, even if @carly burn doesn't want to hear it:-)

    There is not a shred of evidence presented that Richard Murray stopped KM and RD from responding to PV's approach. Not a shred. Go back and read it for yourselves. Certainly, Peter Varney invites you to believe that in his piece. As does @Airman Brown. But that is not evidence. Furthermore, it has been argued on here for the last two years that RM has no power, is just a figurehead, etc, so to suggest he suddenly had power on this particular issue rather goes against the received CL wisdom of the last 2 years.

    The reason I'm writing is is NOT to take sides, defend my "mate" etc. My point is this:

    Here we have two successful businessmen who have fallen out. One of the personality traits which characterizes successful businessmen is pride, and another is strong will.
    These two guys, together, brought us older people the very best days of our Charlton lives. It is tragic that they have fallen out. But it happens in business, and the character traits I've described are usually at play.

    In order for something good to come out of this development some of us need to somehow get these two proud guys to back down, and talk, even if that talking is through mediation.

    I'm not going to tell people on here what to write about Richard Murray, and I'm not going to defend him against every Lifer who chooses to attack him. What I am saying is that if you do that without evidence, you reduce rather than increase the chances of us making something positive happen.

    Why would any new owner or indeed any fan want Murray involved at all?
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    edited December 2015

    Going back to some of the earlier comments on here, and having looked carefully at what is in the Voice, I think it's important to say one thing, even if @carly burn doesn't want to hear it:-)

    There is not a shred of evidence presented that Richard Murray stopped KM and RD from responding to PV's approach. Not a shred. Go back and read it for yourselves. Certainly, Peter Varney invites you to believe that in his piece. As does @Airman Brown. But that is not evidence. Furthermore, it has been argued on here for the last two years that RM has no power, is just a figurehead, etc, so to suggest he suddenly had power on this particular issue rather goes against the received CL wisdom of the last 2 years.

    The reason I'm writing is is NOT to take sides, defend my "mate" etc. My point is this:

    Here we have two successful businessmen who have fallen out. One of the personality traits which characterizes successful businessmen is pride, and another is strong will.
    These two guys, together, brought us older people the very best days of our Charlton lives. It is tragic that they have fallen out. But it happens in business, and the character traits I've described are usually at play.

    In order for something good to come out of this development some of us need to somehow get these two proud guys to back down, and talk, even if that talking is through mediation.

    I'm not going to tell people on here what to write about Richard Murray, and I'm not going to defend him against every Lifer who chooses to attack him. What I am saying is that if you do that without evidence, you reduce rather than increase the chances of us making something positive happen.

    Murray has previously been bragging that he has stopped the Belgians talking to Varney.

    On Saturday, on learning about the Voice, he told other people in the directors' box well known to many on here that he knew nothing about the Varney interest.

    Then he discovered the emails showed he had been copied in by RD. He is snared in a web of his creation and it's time you woke up and smelt the coffee.
    This does sound pretty damning. People will see previous posts from me where I have backed Murray. That has been my position until relatively recently, but this feels not right. Airman, make the protest clearly about talking to the potential investor. If that is clear to fans, you should have most of the supporters out there protesting!
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    None really
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    edited December 2015

    Going back to some of the earlier comments on here, and having looked carefully at what is in the Voice, I think it's important to say one thing, even if @carly burn doesn't want to hear it:-)

    There is not a shred of evidence presented that Richard Murray stopped KM and RD from responding to PV's approach. Not a shred. Go back and read it for yourselves. Certainly, Peter Varney invites you to believe that in his piece. As does @Airman Brown. But that is not evidence. Furthermore, it has been argued on here for the last two years that RM has no power, is just a figurehead, etc, so to suggest he suddenly had power on this particular issue rather goes against the received CL wisdom of the last 2 years.

    The reason I'm writing is is NOT to take sides, defend my "mate" etc. My point is this:

    Here we have two successful businessmen who have fallen out. One of the personality traits which characterizes successful businessmen is pride, and another is strong will.
    These two guys, together, brought us older people the very best days of our Charlton lives. It is tragic that they have fallen out. But it happens in business, and the character traits I've described are usually at play.

    In order for something good to come out of this development some of us need to somehow get these two proud guys to back down, and talk, even if that talking is through mediation.

    I'm not going to tell people on here what to write about Richard Murray, and I'm not going to defend him against every Lifer who chooses to attack him. What I am saying is that if you do that without evidence, you reduce rather than increase the chances of us making something positive happen.

    Murray has previously been bragging that he has stopped the Belgians talking to Varney.

    On Saturday, on learning about the Voice, he told other people in the directors' box well known to many on here that he knew nothing about the Varney interest.

    Then he discovered the emails showed he had been copied in by RD. He is snared in a web of his creation and it's time you woke up and smelt the coffee.
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    sorry Airman, I confused your post with Kent Red's

    But my answer to your question lies in my earlier remarks about the personalities of both parties. Whatever the rights and wrongs, neither is going to back down easily in public. You know that.
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    Me too
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    edited December 2015

    Murray has the chance now to step away from the current regime to back the protests & the potential takeover, it may wound his pride and most likely mean he has no more power then most of us fans but this could be his last chance to salvage any respect from your average Charlton fan.

    I hope he takes that chance.

    Sadly for all concerned I think it's too late if as has been reported he denied in the directors box on Monday any knowledge of PV wanting a meeting when he has actually been copied in on the infamous emails! Unless of course they went to his junk mail :open_mouth: I hope I'm wrong.
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