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Exclusive: Karel Fraeye responds to Charlton Athletic recruitment rumours - SLP



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    Whether or not he is responsible in any way, shape or form for the recruitment of the players doesn't really factor into the situation as it stands. He's managed to take a bunch of confused and demoralised looking players... and somehow contrive to make them play even worse. That's why he's got to go, no matter what responsibility he has in them being here the players aren't playing well enough with this berk in charge.
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    Whether he's lying or telling the truth, all trust has gone. Once trust has gone, the marriage is over. Nothing any of them say or do from now on will be believed, they have been caught out too many times telling lies.

    This sums it up perfectly. Karel has 0 trust from us, not entirely his thought but he took the job knowing how disgruntled the fans are.
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    cafc999 said:

    I know it's not what people want to hear, but it is true that he has no input into our player recruitment previously.
    The suggestion that he was, was only a rumour that became an assumed fact over time.

    That is interesting as someone told me face to face that he had actually scouted two of the current squad.

    That someone was KF
    Bauer and Igor?
    He didn't elaborate
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    I know it's not what people want to hear, but it is true that he has no input into our player recruitment previously.
    The suggestion that he was, was only a rumour that became an assumed fact over time.

    Olly I trust you, you're a top bloke.

    However, please can you explain how you know that Fraeye had no input into our player recruitment previously ?

    Your statement is based on what knowledge or who told you ?

    If you know it wasn't Fraeye, then who was it ?

    Thanking-you kindly.
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    The bottom line is that it's nobody's fault we've signed a load of duds. All these good yet anonymous scouting networks Carol refers to yet a load of duds keep getting shipped in . Very mysterious. Aliens, possibly?
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    edited January 2016
    "But Fraeye says that talk he was the one identifying players for the Addicks is totally wrong."

    If he is not lying. I can only assume, he was watching the games, with a view to letting RD/KM know his opinions on the footballing side as RD did not trust Powell. Perhaps he recommended areas for strenghtening, but not specific players. The specific players just being sent over by the "invisible scouts".

    Perhaps, he also recommended, who had a value and could be sold ? Maybe why Kermorgant was sold so quickly to pay for the pitch ?

    This to me is plausible. But if this is the truth, then why not say so ?

    The main reason to not explain, is because you are hiding something.

    The trouble is once someone lies, they then have to lie, to cover up the lies and we end up we are.

    Maybe KF is not lying, but he and Murray et al, have to be economical with the truth, as KM has lied so much, it's impossible for them to say anything with confidence of not contradicting, what has been previously said.
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    so he did all the recruitment for just one of the network clubs but not a single hand in any of ours? Yeah. Sure. Which begs another question, if it isn't fraeye, who the hell is? How are they qualified to do it?
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    Roland told SCP to drop Solly and Hamer because he had a RB (Nego) and a goalie (Coco) who were better. Roland doesn't watch football so it wasn't his opinion. Carol just happened to be watching Charlton at the time. Co-incidence? I think not!
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    Just for the record and according to Soccerway, between May 14 and October 15 (call it 18 months), Alcorcon recruited about 50 players and released or transferred out about 47.

    Some points to make:

    The great majority were Spanish (roughly 80%).
    No fee is known of in any case; zero euros in, zero euros out.
    Many of the players would appear in both totals.
    It probably includes second team players.
    Fraeye was also head coach at Hamme throughout that time.
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    So that poster that got loads of stick for telling people KF had nothing to do with player recruitment at Charlton was right?

    Depends on whether you take this statement as gospel mate. Which I dont.

    It's clear KF was heavily involved from the start with RD and Charlton. Hence why he was Rigas assistant. Hence why he's 'trusted' by RD. Hence why he's not been replaced despite a shocking run of results.

    It's tough to see through the murky waters but at this stage I struggle to believe KF is squeaky clean.
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    I'd be surprised if KF doesn't get replaced before the end of the month. And you'll get some players that'll help you not getting relegated. However, as Bob Peeters explained, KM is the rotten apple and I'm not too sure she's getting replaced.
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    Most responses here are the end product of the Murray/Meire approach. We have been lied to repeatedly and so even when someone says something which might be true (and despite other failings I suspect Fraeye is a decent man) nobody believes them. All that comes down to the communication failings which Murray repeatedly tells us the club are aware of and which repeatedly remain exactly the same.
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    "For this moment, we know best what is needed for this team"

    So you and your mates keep telling us, it just that it doesn't look like it.

    “There is only one player that I had some support in [at Charlton] and that is Igor Vetokele. They asked my opinion as I was his manager when he was 16.”

    Yeh thought that one might have been down to you. Bob had never heard of him.

    “We don’t look to sell players. We’re not going to sell players. We are in a big battle. All the quality we have in the team we will keep at Charlton Athletic. That’s for sure.”

    Lets hope this one doesn't come back and bite you. Got a feeling it might. She's behind you. Basically it's a lie

    Fraeye has continually talked about his own role not being important even though supporters chanted “we want a manager” during the 1-1 draw with Forest and also

    Good point Karel. What do you do? Jason takes training, Roland picks the team.......?

    It's beyond a joke, please have some self respect and go mate.

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    IT_Andy said:

    What a mess. My conclusions from what I've read and the comments made hear just highlights what a very poor manager he is and his PR leaves a lot to be desired. How on earth can he manage a team in Belgium and find players for Alcorcon.
    Best thing he should do is don't complicate the past and concentrate on the future, as in resign.

    The 3 key words. Between 'The Statement' yesterday and this, they really are making a mess of this. And what of our CEO? By my understanding the CEO is the senior most executive that can be held to account for the day to day operations of the club/business. Yet I don't think we've heard anything from her since the fans meeting back in November.

    What is she doing, why is she so quiet?
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    "All the quality we have in the team we will keep at Charlton Athletic"

    Note the use of the word 'team' rather than 'squad' couple of quality squad members not the the most recent team.
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    The bottom line is that it's nobody's fault we've signed a load of duds. All these good yet anonymous scouting networks Carol refers to yet a load of duds keep getting shipped in . Very mysterious. Aliens, possibly?

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    This bit from the article...

    When asked how the targeting of players is done now since Chapple departed, Fraeye said: “At this moment we have a good staff. We have a good network. The board has got a good network. Mark Stow has got a good network. All this together gives us a big number of players for the positions we want.Not only does it not answer the question it sounds like no one is responsible to anyone and the whole thing is done by a committee that has no members.

    But our January activity thus far has been to sign two players that previously played for us.
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    se9addick said:

    This bit from the article...

    When asked how the targeting of players is done now since Chapple departed, Fraeye said: “At this moment we have a good staff. We have a good network. The board has got a good network. Mark Stow has got a good network. All this together gives us a big number of players for the positions we want.Not only does it not answer the question it sounds like no one is responsible to anyone and the whole thing is done by a committee that has no members.

    But our January activity thus far has been to sign two players that previously played for us.
    Three. Other loan never played for us before.
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    Redrobo said:

    se9addick said:

    This bit from the article...

    When asked how the targeting of players is done now since Chapple departed, Fraeye said: “At this moment we have a good staff. We have a good network. The board has got a good network. Mark Stow has got a good network. All this together gives us a big number of players for the positions we want.Not only does it not answer the question it sounds like no one is responsible to anyone and the whole thing is done by a committee that has no members.

    But our January activity thus far has been to sign two players that previously played for us.
    Three. Other loan never played for us before.
    A yes - I think I was out of the country when we signed him so keep on forgetting !
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    If Fraeye didn't scout the players then who did ? This is the problem with all the statements / Q&As from the club, they selectively a narrow part of the question but fail to answer the main parts. There is zero transparency and accountability at the club.
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    Henry Irving Member
    December 2015
    KF was responsible for the player recruitment

    So Mr Hayes you are not infallible after all! :smile:
    Remember I told you the difference between opinion and fact...... maybe you will not be so quick to jump to erroneous conclusions that abound on this forum but please, keep to the other good work you do for Charlton.
    There are enough lies flying around the club at the moment so we must try not to add to them eh?
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