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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • The problem isn't that they have the OS but how the move was supported by public money.
    I couldn't care less as long as they stump up the right amount.
    It is funny that it's not a fans stadium though and is just about revenue. Loadsa money, sterile ground.
  • I can see a lot of WHU fans complaining that they are too far from the pitch.
  • This game didn't deserve a goal. Turgid display from both and taxing to watch...very taxing!!
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  • sam3110 said:

    Hmmmm, thought it was illegal to have standing areas in top flight English football?
    I was under the same impression.
    Nothing that a bit of cash can't sort out though I'm sure.
  • edited August 2016
    sam3110 said:

    Half the 'fans' have no idea what the hell the bubbles thing is all about. Stand up if you love West Ham also sung, with only a third of them bothering to get up out their seats.

    It will be full for the first few games, maybe even the season, but as the novelty wears off and everyone realises how shit the ground is for football, they'll start leaving in droves

    I really hope so. I will even be hoping Manure, Chelski and even Palarse beat them which shows how strongly I feel about this corruption.
  • The issue was never Imo West hams it was a political issue with dodgy dealings

    Their stadium Imo looks quality they have filled it far more than we would have

    We would have taken the deal on offer

    Some sound very bitter and jealous

  • Without opening this thread and taking it back 44 pages Westham Imo don't have to do anything who ever dome the negotiations on behalf of the tax payer is either a complete dumb fuck or as crooked as Robert maxwell

    West ham took a deal that I would have taken for CAFC if offered,

    It wasn't up to them to ensure the tax payer got the best deal possible

    Do I think it stinks Fucking right I do

    Would I have ripped an arm off to have got that deal

    Yes I would
  • The corruption needs to be proven until then it's the person who negotiated on the behalf of the tax payer who looks dodgy
  • But Johnson and anybody else who had a potential interest could have declared it and kept out!
  • Yep they could have and should have we were screwed by the powers that be

    West ham benefited from it

    I wish we did
  • But Sullivan and Gold not only benefitted, they were clearly part of it. If it just fell on their lap i'd make you right.
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  • They may well have been part of it mate but it was still down to a political process that was flawed to ensure they were unable to gain advantage from it,

    It's looking a gift horse in the mouth and acting upon it
  • The Olympic Stadium may superficially look great, but as a football ground has flaws

    1) The Upper Tiers are a LONG way from the pitch, especially at the ends
    2) They've added in a new lower tier section which brings the seating forward, but this is basically temporary seating on scaffolding, not proper movable seating like the Stade de France

    They whole project has been incredibly secretive, with any other new ground detailed seating layouts are in the public demain, whereas West Ham have kept things pretty secretive
  • There is a difference between money falling on your lap and nicking it from tax payers. You can disagree, but I hope that makes my position on this clear!
  • I don't disagree with what you say I just expect it to be policed better and as such stop them from taking advantage
  • But it wasn't and i'm not going to shrug my shoulders and say good luck to them!
  • The Olympic Stadium may superficially look great, but as a football ground has flaws

    1) The Upper Tiers are a LONG way from the pitch, especially at the ends
    2) They've added in a new lower tier section which brings the seating forward, but this is basically temporary seating on scaffolding, not proper movable seating like the Stade de France

    They whole project has been incredibly secretive, with any other new ground detailed seating layouts are in the public demain, whereas West Ham have kept things pretty secretive

    Agreed, it's an awful stadium for football. I've said before and I'll say it again, I'd have been devastated had Charlton moved there.

    But it guarantees them premier league status for the foreseeable future and some would take a shit ground for that and I'm not one to tell them they shouldn't be happy about it. It's not hammers fans who are at fault.

    The fact that there wasn't a deal in place before the thing was built is crazy and is the reason they were handed this ridiculously good deal. If Coe had actually thought about it beforehand then he could've a) drawn up an actual plan for how it would work as a full time athletics stadium financially and failing that b) designed it in such a way that it could be easily and properly converted into a football stadium like they achieved at the Etihad.

    Neither of these were done so now we're left with this horrible mess of a stadium that doesn't look like it's been made for either athletics or football.

  • Seats missing - have they recently played Millwall ? Four years and £272m not enough time/money to get ready ? Seem to be plenty of empty seats elsewhere - why were the seatless tickets not transferred ? Stadium safety certificate, and ground regulations/legal requirements, not compromised ? Incompetent, illegal and insulting. Would be no surprise either if London Utd didn't put in a discreet claim to E20 and keep the refunds.
  • edited August 2016
    The reason the stadium wasn't built for football was because the intention was not for football to be played in it. The value for money argument was adapted later to justify the need for a football club tenant and then the original Olympic bidders (who only bloody won us the Olympics FFS before anybody wants to slag off Coe!) Were criticised by newly created Boris criteria. But the amount of tax payer's money that has gone into it has made that ridiculous so then it is about usage. But the stadium could have been used as the national athletics stadium - Despite hosting the Olympics, we don't have one to inspire future athletes. We have world class velodromes and look at how well we do at cycling! What is wrong with young athletes using it every week and it hosting sporting events and concerts to keep it ticking over - how would that be more expensive than all the extra money that has been spent to accommodate West Ham? A club who had a more than adequate and historic ground already!
  • Yep they could have and should have we were screwed by the powers that be

    West ham benefited from it

    I wish we did

    How was Bardy allowed to be involved in the deal, when she was the government's Small Businesses Ambassador, surely that's a conflict of interest.
  • edited August 2016
    We may not have won the Olympic bid if we said upfront the Olympic Stadium was going to be the home of a Premiership team afterwards. It was wrong for Boris to change the criteria after the event ignoring our promise of a legacy! So you set knew criteria which means a football club has to have it - then you have a bid from Spurs which builds a national athletics stadium and is much better for tax payers which loses. If you can't smell it you must have plugs up your nose!
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