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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • I thought I was feeling pissed off but the faces on the West Ham fans sitting opposite me on the train look like they had just suffered a worse game than us, and they drew.
  • Good thing they recorded this video then, happier days when they could board a train!
  • For so many reasons, this is turning out to be a bad situation.
  • More trouble after the game, elderly Boro fan bottled.
  • West ham at work reckons all the trouble was avoidable. Possibly. It would be even more avoidable if the west hams fans aren't a Shower of dipsys
  • Oh dear, it's not getting any better for our poor friends from down the road.


    Awe... at least they got a free stadium!
  • I travelled through Stratford at about 1pm and came back just after that evacuation ended - it was equally grim both times.
  • This will only get worse as Christmas shoppers get thrown in the mix as well!
    Is it just me, or does the fact that the stadium bodies are called by numbers, makes them seem faceless and therefore easier to hide and avoid responsibility? 'Stadium Landlords E20' and 'Stadium Operators LS185'.
    Somebody is going to have to accept they are responsible for the poor stewarding and policing and act on it because it seems that Gullivan and Brady can just abrogate all responsibility because of the contract.
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  • This will only get worse as Christmas shoppers get thrown in the mix as well!
    Is it just me, or does the fact that the stadium bodies are called by numbers, makes them seem faceless and therefore easier to hide and avoid responsibility? 'Stadium Landlords E20' and 'Stadium Operators LS185'.
    Somebody is going to have to accept they are responsible for the poor stewarding and policing and act on it because it seems that Gullivan and Brady can just abrogate all responsibility because of the contract.

    It also calls into the question of the stadium's safety certificate.
  • 3 football fans arrested after the game.
  • Chelsea coming in a few weeks. I expect carnage.
  • Might make things easier if West Ham didn't play on Saturday afternoons. Most of their new "customers" would probably prefer Sunday afternoon games anyway.
  • This will only get worse as Christmas shoppers get thrown in the mix as well!
    Is it just me, or does the fact that the stadium bodies are called by numbers, makes them seem faceless and therefore easier to hide and avoid responsibility? 'Stadium Landlords E20' and 'Stadium Operators LS185'.
    Somebody is going to have to accept they are responsible for the poor stewarding and policing and act on it because it seems that Gullivan and Brady can just abrogate all responsibility because of the contract.

    LS 185 is especially interesting. The stadium operator is actually French company Vinci, who operate several other large stadia, including Stade de France as I recall. Yet this is the first operation where they go all shy and come up with a name like this. That is surprising for a private company. You expect them to proudly display their credentials and build up their brand awareness. Unfortunately being private, we cannot ask under FOI why they have done this.

    Anybody happen to know?
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  • Seems all the lowlives and thugs have pounced on West Ham's desperation to fill their new ground and cheap prices to pile in and rekindle the violent spirit of the 1980s. I think the issue the police have outside the ground is that fans disperse across a wide area as soon as they leave the ground.
  • I see the club will not have to pay for the police to be in the stadium. I think one officer should be enough.
  • edited October 2016
    I think I read something to the effect that the police did enter the ground at some point yesterday. Presumably, they are willing to do so in response to a specific incident of violent behaviour that involves a threat or potential threat to public safety, but are not yet in the stadium throughout the build-up, game, etc?
  • @PragueAddick any chance you have other at some point you could knock up a quick bullet point summary list of all the things that are shit about the wet spam os contract. Basically all the things they're not paying for and taxpayers are. Trying to explain to a housemate that it's not a good deal.
  • @PragueAddick any chance you have other at some point you could knock up a quick bullet point summary list of all the things that are shit about the wet spam os contract. Basically all the things they're not paying for and taxpayers are. Trying to explain to a housemate that it's not a good deal.

    This is what you need
  • This will only get worse as Christmas shoppers get thrown in the mix as well!
    Is it just me, or does the fact that the stadium bodies are called by numbers, makes them seem faceless and therefore easier to hide and avoid responsibility? 'Stadium Landlords E20' and 'Stadium Operators LS185'.
    Somebody is going to have to accept they are responsible for the poor stewarding and policing and act on it because it seems that Gullivan and Brady can just abrogate all responsibility because of the contract.

    LS 185 is especially interesting. The stadium operator is actually French company Vinci, who operate several other large stadia, including Stade de France as I recall. Yet this is the first operation where they go all shy and come up with a name like this. That is surprising for a private company. You expect them to proudly display their credentials and build up their brand awareness. Unfortunately being private, we cannot ask under FOI why they have done this.

    Anybody happen to know?
    LS185 is simply London Stadium and the 185 refers to the number of GB Olympic & Paralympic medal winners in 2012.
  • @PragueAddick any chance you have other at some point you could knock up a quick bullet point summary list of all the things that are shit about the wet spam os contract. Basically all the things they're not paying for and taxpayers are. Trying to explain to a housemate that it's not a good deal.

    This is what you need
    Thanks a lot mate!
  • edited October 2016
    TelMc32 said:

    This will only get worse as Christmas shoppers get thrown in the mix as well!
    Is it just me, or does the fact that the stadium bodies are called by numbers, makes them seem faceless and therefore easier to hide and avoid responsibility? 'Stadium Landlords E20' and 'Stadium Operators LS185'.
    Somebody is going to have to accept they are responsible for the poor stewarding and policing and act on it because it seems that Gullivan and Brady can just abrogate all responsibility because of the contract.

    LS 185 is especially interesting. The stadium operator is actually French company Vinci, who operate several other large stadia, including Stade de France as I recall. Yet this is the first operation where they go all shy and come up with a name like this. That is surprising for a private company. You expect them to proudly display their credentials and build up their brand awareness. Unfortunately being private, we cannot ask under FOI why they have done this.

    Anybody happen to know?
    LS185 is simply London Stadium and the 185 refers to the number of GB Olympic & Paralympic medal winners in 2012.
    I think the original query isn't about what the name stands for, it's why does Vinci feel the need to create a sub-brand specifically for this project.
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