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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • edited November 2016

    I think the argument that the state aid issue will go nowhere because we will be out of the EU before they can do anything gives Gavros away. I mean he could say, there was no state aid so nothing can come of it. But his position admits there was/is from his perspective!

    Mind you, I'd imagine that one of the loose ends that will be negotiated as part of the divorce proceedings will be about things like ongoing investigations. If illegal state aid happens, or is alleged, during the UK's membership of the EU, the EU would argue (with some reason) that the Commission would have legal competence to investigate and make a ruling.
  • gavros said:

    Fiiish said:

    Good enough reason as any for the taxpayers to flatten a section of a major city and built a terrible stadium.

    Except its not the reason, is it? The reason is a long and rather dull list of reasonings that start with those early pre-bid plans, through West Ham's original offer to pay into a proper multipurpose stadium, to the decision to make it a 20k athletics venue, to deciding against that and keeping the whole thing, which then naturally led to West Ham becoming anchor tenants. Its been a total shambles since day one, but it ain't West Ham's fault.

    Who said it was?
  • edited November 2016
    gavros said:

    ...But that's not West Ham's fault.

    That's marvellous.

    Presumably, your point is that West Ham shouldn't pick up the tab for any cock ups, provided the said cock up is 'not their fault'? On the face of it, I agree.
    However, which part of the whole sorry mess is the taxpayer's fault? Only it seems the taxpayer is picking up an awfully large tab for this giant turd of a situation, so I can only guess that you, me, the bloke down the road and millions of other people did something stupid or careless and we've been rightly hit with a dirty great big bill.

    Serves us right, eh?

    On the other hand, maybe West Ham were, at least partly, to blame for this mess?
    In which case you seem to be pleading a case that if it's not West Ham's fault, they shouldn't pay, while if it is West Ham's fault, they shouldn't pay.
  • The amount of times that @gavros has been on here saying "You wait for the naming rights" & "You won't get the deal published" and getting it wrong is unbelievable. Now it's "It's not West Ham's fault"

    Surely he must be running out of feet to put in his mouth.
  • The real question is who will they groundshare with when the whole thing fucks up? Spurs? Us? Orient? Dagenham?
  • sam3110 said:

    The real question is who will they groundshare with when the whole thing fucks up? Spurs? Us? Orient? Dagenham?

    I'm sure Katrien will negotiate a cracking deal if they want to share with us. If you thought the existing deal was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet!!
  • Tbf to Gavros the only thing I do agree with him on is that it isn't West Ham's fault. The fault and blame lies with the Government and the powers that be that allowed this to happen. Absolutely West Ham took advantage of the situation and why wouldn't they? Morally it's questionable but I wouldn't say they are to blame for this.
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  • Is it not their jobs to get the best possible deal for West Ham though? Imagine if you were a fan and it came out that Gullivan offered more than they had to just because they felt bad for the tax payer? Absolute nonsense. Like I said the fault lies with the Government(s) and LLDC. They were the ones that built a stadium not fit for purpose and they accepted such a ridiculous deal. They didn't have to do any of that.
  • colthe3rd said:

    Is it not their jobs to get the best possible deal for West Ham though? Imagine if you were a fan and it came out that Gullivan offered more than they had to just because they felt bad for the tax payer? Absolute nonsense. Like I said the fault lies with the Government(s) and LLDC. They were the ones that built a stadium not fit for purpose and they accepted such a ridiculous deal. They didn't have to do any of that.

    Perhaps, but the relationship between the Tories (the party in power at both a national and London level at the time) and the owners/SMT of West Ham was incestuous to say the least. Is West Ham, as in the football team and the fans, responsible for the deal? No. But did the owners play any part in the deal being a total snafu? Abso-fucking-lutely.
  • This is a meeting tomorrow (Thursday 1st) and it seems it will be webcast if you're interested Prague.
  • rikofold said:

    Is it West Ham's fault? Not really the question. You should be considering whether it is West Ham's responsibility to ensure any 'great deal' it negotiates falls within parameters of law. If not, they are no less culpable than the LLDC for the consequences.

    Bit like being aware of FoIA responsibilities when you're signing a contract with a public body. It's called due diligence.

    What aspects of the contract did not fall within the parameters of the law? All the appeals and length of time it took would suggest the legal responsibilities, regarding FoIA were not so cut and dry.

    As clear as it is that West Ham have taken the piss, their obligations are towards their shareholders, not the tax payer. Surely it's those sitting across the table from them that need to take the flak here.
  • Tutt-Tutt said:

    Apparently 85% were in favour of the move. Perhaps they deserve to be mugged off.

    I'd assume that the 85% were in favour because they thought that off the back of a decent season, the move to a bigger ground with more revenue would mean that it would suddenly give them the right to gatecrash the top 4. Worked out well.
  • edited December 2016
    Oh what have they given up so easily? Sold the soul of that great old club for what?

    A hand full of silver.

    Saddens me.
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  • Small piece in CityAM today (p.7) confirming that the Hamsters have avoided paying £43K police costs.

    "West Ham has managed to dodge over £43,000 in policing costs for their recent home game against Stoke. The information was revealed to Labour London Assembly member Andrew Dismore by Sadiq Khan as part of Mayor's questions"
  • edited December 2016
    The bloke who has 20 kids and two wives all paid for by us has a moral obligation not to take the proverbial. The party Brady, Sullivan and Gold support and which made her a Baroness FFS! use the issue of scroungers to get votes at every election. But these people have nicked far more of our money than the scroungers they berate. Not defending any scroungers - I have never nicked tax payers money so feel I can do so. But that scrounging cow shouldn't get away with it! Maybe they should make the bloke with 20 kids a Baron! The money they have stolen from tax payers is mind blowing.

    This is not a party political statement - just a point of fact about these particular scumbags!
  • Just knock the bastard down.
  • The stadium I'm guessing.
  • That 3rd Sanchez goal was unreal.
  • Nice to see the West Ham ball boys all rush to get Sanchez's shirt and have a selfie taken with him. A no partisanship spirit still lives at the Olympic Park
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