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Adam Johnson



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    Only just caught up with this thread.
    Can I quickly clarify:
    When I got together with my now wife, I was 18 and she was 17 (only 5 months between us).
    We've been married for nearly 8 years.

    Should I be killed or not? Just want to make provisions while I can, before I turn myself over to the death penalty.

    the burning question is, how fit do you think AJ's Mrs is?
    Not sure, anyone got a picture?
    Would ya?
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    Only just caught up with this thread.
    Can I quickly clarify:
    When I got together with my now wife, I was 18 and she was 17 (only 5 months between us).
    We've been married for nearly 8 years.

    Should I be killed or not? Just want to make provisions while I can, before I turn myself over to the death penalty.

    the burning question is, how fit do you think AJ's Mrs is?
    Not sure, anyone got a picture?
    Would ya?
    Not a nosh.
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    @cafcdave123 probably would
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    teeth like a bag of chips and still gobbles like a pro...
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    To quote a doomed fish, recently attached to a hook; I don't like where this thread is going.
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    How do you walk backwards into a lamppost and do your teeth in?

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    How do you walk backwards into a lamppost and do your teeth in?

    She sneezed too hard.
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    Adam Johnson --> Mrs Johnson --> Woman on Jeremy Kyle --> Eidur Gudjohnson

    For threads that fail to remain on topic this seriously has got to be up there with the best of them!!
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    Rizzo said:
    ffs, no need.
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    have not read this anywhere else, not that I've looked extensively, but the Metro reported this morning that the young girl contacted Conor Wickham on social media and he reported it to the Police. Now, I don't know if he reported Johnson, or maybe just that this girl had contacted him inappropriately, but either way he did the right thing in informing the Police of his concerns. Shame Johnson wasn't as sensible.

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    Eidur Gudjohnsen, now there was a player
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    Playa or player?
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    According to the girl's dad she wanted to "kill herself" according to the stories today.
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    Eidur Gudjohnsen, now there was a player

    Still playing for Iceland this summer!
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    According to the girl's dad she wanted to "kill herself" according to the stories today.

    I've been following the trial on Chronicle Live. Experienced defence lawyer vs 16-year-old victim and her three teenaged friends. It's really not fair. The lawyer is trying everything he can to lead them to making it like the girl was also at fault.

    I take back what I said last time on this thread. The girl was only 15. She had a huge crush on Johnson. My views have changed since reading what the girl said at the trial in the past couple of days. It was a tragic story. The girl kept crying while being cross-examined. I think Johnson will be found guilty of the other two charges. The question is how long the sentence will be.
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    colthe3rd said:

    Only just caught up with this thread.
    Can I quickly clarify:
    When I got together with my now wife, I was 18 and she was 17 (only 5 months between us).
    We've been married for nearly 8 years.

    Should I be killed or not? Just want to make provisions while I can, before I turn myself over to the death penalty.

    You sick fuck.
    'Angings too good fer im!
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    Today is meant to be the last day of the prosecution's evidence so next week it wll be the defence and probably in the early part of next Adam will presumably go into the witness box to give his version of events and I'm intrigued to hear what they are.
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    I've not been following any of the details of the case but anyone able to tell me the basic grounds for AJs defence? Is he saying the events didn't happen or that it was the girls fault?
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    Rizzo said:

    I've not been following any of the details of the case but anyone able to tell me the basic grounds for AJs defence? Is he saying the events didn't happen or that it was the girls fault?

    He probably doesn't have one but that said the prosecution evidence always sounds bad. Once we have heard the defence we will have a clearer picture. My guess is that Adam's evidence probably won't add up but we know till we've heard it. A jury can't make its decision based on prosecution.
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    Rizzo said:

    I've not been following any of the details of the case but anyone able to tell me the basic grounds for AJs defence? Is he saying the events didn't happen or that it was the girls fault?

    I think that it would be a case of talking down the amount of grooming that he actually did, paint her out to be more of an obsessed 'stalker' type fan rather than a victim and to talk down the actual acts he's accused of engaging in with her (could get a bit grim here).

    That's based upon the fact that he's pleaded guilty to a couple of the charges, although admittedly I don't remember which ones.
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    Rizzo said:

    I've not been following any of the details of the case but anyone able to tell me the basic grounds for AJs defence? Is he saying the events didn't happen or that it was the girls fault?

    He's owned up to grooming and to a one comparatively minor charge of sexual activity with a child - not sure exactly what, but from what I've read I presume it means a bit of snogging and nothing below the waist - carrying a maximum sentence of two and a half years.

    He has pleaded not guilty to two more serious charges of sexual activity with a child, which I think carry a maximum sentence of 14 years - dunno exactly what, lets just say below the waist. His defence is basically that she has made up/exaggerated some of what happened. For example, she said that he undid his trousers and pushed her hand towards his todger, the Defence QC says that he was wearing a cast on his wrist at the time, so how could he have.
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    Thanks guys
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    MrLargo said:

    Rizzo said:

    I've not been following any of the details of the case but anyone able to tell me the basic grounds for AJs defence? Is he saying the events didn't happen or that it was the girls fault?

    He's owned up to grooming and to a one comparatively minor charge of sexual activity with a child - not sure exactly what, but from what I've read I presume it means a bit of snogging and nothing below the waist - carrying a maximum sentence of two and a half years.

    He has pleaded not guilty to two more serious charges of sexual activity with a child, which I think carry a maximum sentence of 14 years - dunno exactly what, lets just say below the waist. His defence is basically that she has made up/exaggerated some of what happened. For example, she said that he undid his trousers and pushed her hand towards his todger, the Defence QC says that he was wearing a cast on his wrist at the time, so how could he have.
    All classic offending behaviour - Deny, minimise and blame shift.

    Nasty man - hope they throw the book at him.
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