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Will Trump become President?



  • Clinton will never be able to show her face again. What an embarrassment for her.

    Her old man still shows his face enough.
  • Leuth said:

    Leuth said:

    LuckyReds said:

    Leuth said:

    @TelMc32 no bother about the grammar it's early and no coffee yet, no issue with people having an opinion but why are they labelled idiots the same as brexit voters.

    Because the left are shitting themselves the realisation that us regular hard working, working class folk want and will get change is frightening to them and what do they do when they shit themselves and don't know what to say? They call names
    The Labour movement that gave a meaningful voice to left wing politics was all about working class folk fighting for change in their favour. Why would I, as a person whose political stance is generally left of centre, be scared of working class folk? I am one myself, as is my wife and all our family.

    What I'm scared of is a world where people think that foreigners and ethnic minorities are all to blame for their problems and then vote for millionaires who've never done a hard days work in their life because they've swallowed the hate filled lies, and over simplistic solutions that have been spat at them with barely disguised disdain by yet another bunch of self serving politicians who are using the people to get what serves them best, not what serves the people best.
    This is just it though, labour is not for the working class. Not even close. They scream racist every time you bring up a genuine immigration related concern. I'm not silly enough to think that immigration is the cause of all problems, but it is a problem, I see it first hand quite often people being undercut for ridiculous prices from cheap Romanian work forces etc. Doesn't mean I want them sent home, just want things tightened up.

    The left claim to be for the little people but when we've stood up to be counted and voted for change (brexit) labour cronies and other leftie, are trying to block it.

    On my site, I don't know a single person whose voted for Labour, all ukip or Tory. Labour and the left don't represent the working class people one bit as far as i see it.
    And how has two terms of Tory government been working out for you? Feeling richer?

    Mainstream politics has left the working classes behind, I don't disagree. the left has lost site of its roots and the right has never really been for the good of all. The growth in the gap between the haves and the have nots has continued under successive governments - New Labour, Lib Con coalition, Conservative. All three have failed to stop the trend.

    I was against Brexit but it made more sense as a protest vote, even if I believe it will back fire on the very people who most hope it will change their lot in life. As I said above, my dislike for Trump is not about his right wing policies, not that I'd be a fan of them in al honesty, but it's about his social attitudes and it upsets me that so many people don't care more aboutbthatbside of things. Just like it upsets me that Brexit was used by some people as an excuse for racist behaviour that blackens the name of my country, of which I am proud.
    I am, a lot richer. I've never ever been out of work under Tory government, my industry is booming and is only getting stronger.

    Don't get me wrong I understand your point on trump, I'm glad he's not running over here cos he's a div, but he's the people's div. he's given a lot of people a lot of hope. Whether it comes to fruition I don't know. Yes people will vote for him and use it as an excuse for racist behaviour but you will always get things like that happening in any situation, it's the human race, unfortunately. People will hide their agendas with smoke screens.

    World politics needs a big shake up, this, I feel, is undeniable and it looks like it's going to happen.
    Your industry's booming? I thought the fucking gyppo cunts from Romania, the Slavs, the fucking Eastern Menace had decimated it? At least you're getting political representation from men of the fucking people Farage and Trump, men of great conscience and notions of social equality. What sort of shakeup did you have in mind? Death camps for Muslims?
    The reason behind the silent majority, ladies and gentleman.

    Why on earth would people not want to discuss issues when they get well thought out arguments like this back?
    Why on earth would people not let off steam after learning that a narcissistic tyrant with no fucking clue about running a country is POTUS?
    Grow up Leuth. I know this is a difficult time for you considering how focused you are on being this board's white knight but re-read what you just said to Greenie Junior and tell us honestly that you haven't been an absolute twonk there
    Well, sure. What am I white-knighting this time, though? Eastern Europeans? The religion of Islam? The entire exploited working class? Seems like I'm white-knighting most of humanity
    You're not white-knighting anything today, you're just being a silly boy. You accused Greenie Junior of being in favour of Muslim death camps because he's happy to have made more money under a Conservative government. That's an arsehole move and you know it. Go to bed.
    I do detect sarcasm, but I'm not sure.

    Please confirm before I Like this post
  • WSS said:

    Well done Donald..... Great speach too.

    Yeah - was great the way he contradicted absolutely everything he said in the campaign. Respect for Clinton and the work she's done for America. Bringing together all races and religions. Finding common ground with other countries.

    'Speech' by the way.
    See, nothing to worry about. He's acting like a true politician already.
  • Nikki reacts by dropping 5.5%, those Trump protectionist noises actually being taken seriously by some traders.

    "Coincidence" :wink:

  • WSS said:

    Well done Donald..... Great speach too.

    Yeah - was great the way he contradicted absolutely everything he said in the campaign. Respect for Clinton and the work she's done for America. Bringing together all races and religions. Finding common ground with other countries.

    'Speech' by the way.
    Thanks for correcting my grammar. Your obviously a sore loser. Well done Donald - Enjoy the moment.
  • #makeamericavoteagain
  • edited November 2016
    JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
  • LuckyReds said:

    WSS said:

    Well done Donald..... Great speach too.

    Yeah - was great the way he contradicted absolutely everything he said in the campaign. Respect for Clinton and the work she's done for America. Bringing together all races and religions. Finding common ground with other countries.

    'Speech' by the way.
    I really liked it, but.. Yeah. Not what I expected at all.

    It was almost as though he was going to stop at any minute and say "Just kidding. She was a criminal, and we will send her to prison! What are we going to build?!".
    Great post... Some on here need to man up. Especially making childish remarks about grammar.
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  • edited November 2016

    And the left needs to take some responsibility for Brexit (and in the US, Trump) because of this.

    What on earth do you think happens when the party that's meant to be looking out for a specific part of society decides it doesn't give a crap about them anymore? That part of society gets angry, and they bottle it up.

    What on earth do you think happens when people feel afraid to have "difficult discussions" in case they get called a racist bigot? They get angry, and they bottle it up.

    Or what about those who don't live in the city, and live in dead end rural areas where there are no jobs, they don't feel particularly looked after by Westminster (or Washington) and feel fed up with voting every year and seeing no change? They look for anyone who is going to make a change, someone to shake things up.

    Then what do you think happens when a chap like Farage (or Trump) comes along and says he doesn't care about that crap, he's straight talking and he's telling you that he's going to sort it all out? He doesn't give a lot of substance mind you, but he says everything "is going to be great, real great"! This guy is exactly what you need!

    Rather than acting surprised by the presence of a silent majority, perhaps it should be asked why they're silent? Why don't people feel comfortable voicing their views? (I'll give you a tip, if you're going to say "because they're racist" then look in the mirror.)
    100% right.

    I'll add to that: it's quite clear that 'background' is a non-issue, if we're wondering how the passed-over seem to vote for privately-educated rich men. FWIW Clement Atlee & Tony Blair were not from a mining-background.

    People don't like or respect politicians, or the political system in general. So anyone that appears to be more 'ordinary' and less like a career politician is on a roll at the moment. Fortunately the UK system doesn't have primaries and so still favours the insider at the moment (so we have May and not a Farage rabble-rouser). But we also have Corbyn, too -- and he has no chance of connecting with much of blue-collar Britain.

    I'd also add that us liberal types can fume all we like about the Mail, Sun, etc - but you can see that this was not a factor in the US at all....
  • WSS said:

    WSS said:

    Well done Donald..... Great speach too.

    Yeah - was great the way he contradicted absolutely everything he said in the campaign. Respect for Clinton and the work she's done for America. Bringing together all races and religions. Finding common ground with other countries.

    'Speech' by the way.
    Thanks for correcting my grammar. Your obviously a sore loser. Well done Donald - Enjoy the moment.
    I was correcting your spelling.
    Thanks Miss
  • Never liked Clinton but at least she had the good grace to accept she had lost and phone Trump and tell him so. The American people have spoken. Brexit moaners take note.l
  • edited November 2016
  • WSS said:

    Well done Donald..... Great speach too.

    Yeah - was great the way he contradicted absolutely everything he said in the campaign. Respect for Clinton and the work she's done for America. Bringing together all races and religions. Finding common ground with other countries.

    'Speech' by the way.
    Thanks for correcting my grammar. Your obviously a sore loser. Well done Donald - Enjoy the moment.
    Lol thanks you sitting next to the other fool.
  • What is they say about the world when America sneezes......

    Well now The yanks have Trumped, the rest of the world should hold its nose and find a bloody big shovel!
  • Did I want Clinton to win - yes.
    Do I think Trump is an idiot -yes

    But at the end of the day it is Democracy.
    a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  • France , Italy and the Germans have elections coming up interesting times coming up.
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  • Leuth said:

    I'd also add that us liberal types can fume all we like about the Mail, Sun, etc - but you can see that this was not a factor in the US at all....



    Try watching Fox News for a week
    Sure, but CNN, MSNBC -- Fox News is poison but not big enough to carry a country. And almost ALL the papers were for Hillary.

    Where the media (collectively) won it was making Trump a star in the first place...
  • More latinos and african americans voted for Trump than voted for Mitt Romney in the last election

    No that can't be right, no way, no way. Smiley *what a surprise* face.
  • Yeah, the speech is all rainbows and unicorns. Let's see. Damn it all to hell, but let's see.
  • France , Italy and the Germans have elections coming up interesting times coming up.

    Indeed say goodbye to the euro
  • Trump says the government will serve the people.

    “Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation,” he says. “I’ve gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential... every single American will have the ability to realize his or her potential...

    “We are going to fix our inner cities... we’re gonna rebuild our infrastructure, which will become by the way second to none. And we’re going to put millions of people to work as we rebuild it.

    “We will finally take care of our great veterans.”

    sounds good to me.

    As long as he sticks to his words. Not like the spivs we had., Cameron and Osborne who said the same.
  • Leuth said:

    I'd also add that us liberal types can fume all we like about the Mail, Sun, etc - but you can see that this was not a factor in the US at all....



    Try watching Fox News for a week
    Please keep going. I've not seen a performance this embarrassing since Llera at Colchester.
    Are you trying to say that Fox News is fair and balanced?
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