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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • I don't get people saying the mock funeral is wrong, funny really given Leeds held one a week before and no one said anything about that...
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  • Have just read the sponsors meeting thread. I assume the 'open day' for hospitality people (eg @ME14addick ) was the 'we have been meeting with fans etc' comment in the statement?
  • "Some individuals did not come to The Valley to watch the game and support the team, but came to create disorder on the pitch and interfere with the players and the game"

    Which shows how much he knows. Everyone came to support, some came to support and protest. The implication here is that those who caused trouble are some kind of rent-a-mob who rarely visit the Valley. Which means they have at least one thing in common with Roland.

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  • buckshee said:

    LuckyReds said:
    Stan has been very supportive as have most of the Talksport team , same goes for sky sports. Don't seem to be getting the same support from the BBC it seems , no wonder I guess when their phone in has KM's friend working on it.
    That is massively incorrect and you obviously don't listen to Radio London Sport. 606 long ago became irrelevant for any serious discussion about football.

    Radio London Sport were hopeless on Sunday.
    Well I am really surprised. Who was there, do you know? Phil Parry has almost crossed the line in some of his comments on our behalf. Just follow him on Twitter, youll see he has decided to make it his duty to stick up for fans.
  • edited March 2016

    Kat--Katty--Katrien allow me to share some advice given to me by a former boss who later became the first female Vice President in ExxonMobil (global)---a tad above your pay grade---one morning she appeared at my desk and "suggested" i re read the email i had sent last knockings the day before.I did and oppsss, sent with fire and a brick wrapped in it full of errors and bile
    i walked into her office and she said " i understand the anger but its UNPROFESSIONAL to send correspondence out like that and CC in so many people----when you have an "issue" write the email, leave it for a while and the re read it"

    here to help

    Of course if your so so far out of your depth to start with the above wont help.

    Spot on GH. I learned from bitter experience not to press send too quickly. Take a deep breath and leave it a while.

    I find this whole situation very bizarre.

    Its like a weird (unique) dream.

    Corporations the size and the reach of Charlton just don't make such crazy outbursts.

    They have the resources to ensure their responses are professional, literate and measured. This statement is none of those.

    I believe that it is the work of KM, even if RD sent it for publication. The Dublin statement verbatim part (with the additional clarifcation of "weird" by "unique") cannot possibly be the work of anyone but KM. The whole thrust of the statement is of somebody under massive (and possibly alcoholic induced) pressure. Let's face it, who is likely to be under more pressure :-

    a) the inexperienced CEO in the firing line on a day to day basis who's job is on the line


    b) The multimillionaire business owner and football playboy who rarely gets involved at the sharp end.

    It has to be a) every time.
  • Fiiiiiish said:

    KM's constant blethering about the misquote just reminds me of Father Ted saying "The money was just resting in my account".

    You messed up, should have apologized and tried to build bridges.


    It's because she defended the quote to Roland with the ridiculous interpretation that she keeps putting out. Roland accepted it (stupidly) and she now thinks that everyone else will believe her if she keeps repeating the same things.

    Fine with me, she's the one that looks and sounds ridiculous.

    We will win.
  • IAgree said:

    And another thing!

    Since when has weird meant unique?!

    This is the one thing where I'm prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to KM. Speaking in a second language, it would be easy for her to use 'wierd' where she meant something like 'unusual', which is what the sense of ownership fans feel for a club is, when compared to, say, they way cinema-goers feel about their local fleapit. Still, she was an idiot for not getting a native English speaker to check it for her. A piece of "Dunglish" (cf. a previous post on this thread).
    Sorry but this can never be used as an excuse because it is simply inexusable. She is from a European country, is/was a lawyer, studied in a university in the UK for some time, uses English on a daily basis at corporate level. She's a CEO of a big English company (us) and if her English is really that bad, she doesn't meet the basic requirements of this job, does she?

    English is not my native language either but even I thought the 'weird' thing was shocking and she should never have said that. It's in fact not a case about second language. Till this day she's still arguing about it, making a laughable attempt ( {...}??? Really??? I couldn't believe my eyes! What did she think she was writing? A thesis?) to explain it in such an outrageous statement so it's clear proof that they really mean what they've been saying. They do think we're weird because they don't understand us. They couldn't be drunk when they put that statement out. It's a bold confrontation. It reflects what they think about the whole situation. In fact they've been treating us as if we're the enemy to defeat or the problem to solve for almost two years. The statemente is, in a way, a good thing because it makes more people realise that Duchatelet and his incompetent CEO should never have had entered the football business and the only way for our club to survive is a change in ownership.
    An excellent assessment and clear conclusion which I agree with 100%. Well said!
  • Just read the statement on the BBC and I am flabberghasted, has either of these two idiots read anything about the history of the club?

    Katrien said to L'echo that she didn't care about the pre-Roland history.
  • bit ate to the own goal party but hey...

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