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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • Amused at the rather feeble attempts to claim when she said 'weird' she meant 'unique'. Why not just go on to state she actually meant 'fans' when she said 'customers'. Oh, wait ..
  • edited March 2016

    Starting to wonder if this tweet following the first statement put out on Sunday was the prompt to hark back again to the 'misunderstanding ' over the weird comment

    Well if it was, top work because what it prompted has been priceless, with the best own goal the regime could have ever scored.

    From the slight chance of opening up some dialogue with the Trust, with the first statement, to waving two fingers at us all in 24 hours shows the true colours of a regime in turmoil. Keep up the pressure everyone, it's definitely having an effect :wink: .
  • My biggest worry is that it's KM's work rather than RD. If it's KM then she could/should be fired but then we will get another KM and RD will get a stay of execution. Please, please let it be RD's rant.
  • If Ms Baroni had no input into this statement, then this is great experience for her as to how not to do things.This should stand her in good stead for the rest of her career. On the down-side, she has to avoid being permanently tainted by her involvement and association with Duchatelet, Meire and Murray. With the wide exposure a result of the current crop of gaffes from Meire and Duchatelet, Ms Baroni might be better off leaving now, and keeping her time with the club off her cv.

    Where is Murray these days? Keeping a very low profile, pretty much seems to have disappeared after the Q&A with himself
  • If this is from RD it's madness.
    Starts off like the only 2% statement. Can he not admit the vast majority ( I will not put a% on it) know he is ruining the club and want him out. Not a few that wanted to disrupt the players!
  • All morning i have had this going through my head! £500million would be 500 times more crazy right?

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  • Not wishing to tempt fate, but I wonder what Sue Parkes's take on this is. Is she still sticking to her defence of Meire?
  • In Sky's defence the following looks reasonable: I'm paraphrasing,

    We need the fans to back the team, we need six points more than our rivals in the next nine games and we have achieved seven points in the last three games.

    The fact that they are untrustworthy and, frankly, full of shit, is probably not quite as well understood by the journalists at Sky, who I suspect are more interested in appearance/glamour than content.

    The Sun has, in reality, gone too far the other way - even though I like it.

    This creates balance though and Sky need to be careful not to piss off too many significant people in football. It would reflect badly on them if the club were to set out to make life difficult for them.

    Besides, I don't think we need Sky's help at this point. The FA investigation, even if it finds no reason to punish the club, is going to be embarrassing to RD and KM and we all know that any kind of suspended sentence is going to guarantee that CARD do the same thing again. With the fixtures it is likely we will be live on Sky at home to Burnley at the end of the season. The FA, FL and Sky don't want that day 'ruined' by protests do they?
  • edited March 2016
    Red7Oak said:

    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    Time to get serious here!!!

    Pitch invasion? :-)
    Very clever! only took you 3 days to think that one up :)

    an improvement on the months and MONTHS it took you to see that Rolland wasn't Right! :D
  • Could this work against us, he's that pissed off he's going to stubbornly sit tight, carry on & not sell the club??
  • Astonishing stuff. Let's just take this statement: "in recent weeks Roland Duchatelet has met the fans".

    Simple question: who were they then?

    Bournemouth season ticket holders :smile:
  • Astonishing stuff. Let's just take this statement: "in recent weeks Roland Duchatelet has met the fans".

    Simple question: who were they then?

    Bournemouth season ticket holders :smile:
    Ah he's getting a new sunseeker then!
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  • I can't believe it's still there. Where the hell is Mel?
  • Hex said:

    seth plum said:

    Steve Tongue lives in Charlton. Football journalist, founder of 'FOUL' magazine and Leyton Orient fan.
    He sees the threat to Orient from West Ham and the Olympic Stadium move, and figures if Charlton closed down it would create a few floaters who might gravitate to Orient.
    He has a daughter, carefully shielded her from the Glenda Slag character created in FOUL, encourages her to grow up a feminist, and helps her set up an organisation called Women in Football.
    Steve gets his daughter Jo to accidentally bump into Katrien in Notting Hill and spill soup down her chest. This encourages a friendship, but Steve Tongue advises Jo Tongue how to fuel Katrien's victim mentality.
    Katrien eventually loses it, and so Roland closes down Charlton in a huffy act of revenge.
    Hey presto Orient gain an extra fifty fans.
    Steve Tongue is the hidden hand of power nobody suspected.
    The above makes perfect boring sense compared with what is spewing out of the club at the moment.

    I did wonder how Steve Tongue, with such a long history reporting on London football, could have written such an unhelpful PA piece a week or so back.
    Could you post the link of this piece?
  • edited March 2016
    All so funny really. Just compare the amateurish style compared to the professional versions of CARD and the Trust. Besides being amateurish it is hostile and angry. Great shows they know they are losing.

    I shall be writing and emailing the club in response later today when I tone the wording
  • I am staggered. I have a day in London yesterday and a late night which kept me off of here and I come in this morning to read the statement.

    The pressure is getting to them!!
  • edited March 2016
    Can we bet as to how long til Mel Baroni quits after her CEO ignores her advice about what Mel is actually the expert in?
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