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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • I'm going from feeling dumbstruck to laughing at it to wanting to go down the ground and smash the crap out of him, her and the cronies.
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  • (ed. this time Roland Rant and it's a cracker)

    Is this insinuating Roland wrote it because I'm certain he did not.
  • An absolutely extraordinary own goal. Surely this alone would merit serious questioning of the CEO in any sane management structure? To alienate so many of your own "customers" in full public glare at a time when your actions have already helped attract unwanted media attention is mind-blowingly incompetent. Keep up the good work KM - we couldn't have asked for a better response!
  • Dazzler21 said:

    (ed. this time Roland Rant and it's a cracker)

    Is this insinuating Roland wrote it because I'm certain he did not.

    I can't imagine anyone will own up to it. It's bizarre beyond belief.
  • edited March 2016
    It's hilariously shit of them.
  • Where's the quote about selling on our young players to the premier league?
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Can we bet as to how long til Mel Baroni quits after her CEO ignores her advice about what Mel is actually the expert in?

    Quicker that our Asst Managers?
  • Sky SSN spoke with Shay Given and Gerry Francis in the studio at 1030 about general unrest within football at present. Gerry took a general neutral stance but understood the need for protesting, providing it is legal; also recognised the importance of fan/club relationship.

    Shay Given thought we went too far with regard to the funeral possession but didn't offer a viable method of protest.
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    (ed. this time Roland Rant and it's a cracker)

    Is this insinuating Roland wrote it because I'm certain he did not.

    I think @LouisMend said that it came from Roland, having got some inside info on the matter whilst at Ebbsfleet yesterday.

    I tend to agree with you - it reads like something you'd expect from someone a bit immature and completely out of their depth, I can almost hear Katrien reading it out.

    Maybe Roland's signed it off, I'd be astonished if he drafted it though.
  • It is too late to remove it now – they have to ride it out. I think logic tells us that it can only have been written by two people in one of three scenarios. The first is that Roland has written it in a fit of anger, the second is that Katrien has written it or the third is that they both wrote it together or at least had a part in it. It can’t be anybody else as it has clearly bypassed the head of Comms. By the look and sound of it, it has been rushed out – probably when the possibility of points being docked was highlighted. It clearly hasn’t been thought through very well.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    (ed. this time Roland Rant and it's a cracker)

    Is this insinuating Roland wrote it because I'm certain he did not.

    apparently according to Louis Mendez (someone posted his twitter feed on here. gawd knows what page) it is from Roland himself.
  • A lesson in illiteracy.
  • HandG said:

    I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for the words used in Dublin but not for the tone of utter disdain.

    Agree with this-the way she referred to fans as "they" throughout that statement showed what she thinks of us. As has her demeanour towards us before Dublin and since. And pretty much ever since she arrived!
    A last desperate attempt to divide fans.
  • edited March 2016

    Dazzler21 said:

    (ed. this time Roland Rant and it's a cracker)

    Is this insinuating Roland wrote it because I'm certain he did not.

    apparently according to Louis Mendez (someone posted his twitter feed on here. gawd knows what page) it is from Roland himself.
    Ah, but was the wicked witch of the West sitting on his knee dictating it? :open_mouth:
  • edited March 2016

    It is too late to remove it now – they have to ride it out. I think logic tells us that it can only have been written by two people in one of three scenarios. The first is that Roland has written it in a fit of anger, the second is that Katrien has written it or the third is that they both wrote it together or at least had a part in it. It can’t be anybody else as it has clearly bypassed the head of Comms. By the look and sound of it, it has been rushed out – probably when the possibility of points being docked was highlighted. It clearly hasn’t been thought through very well.

    Good point... I guess RD / KM dont want to see the club being relegated to League One because they do realise that they'll lose a lot of money in the process (Whilst at the same time they'll refuse to change tactics as that too will prove they've been wrong).

    After Sunday they were probably happy with the first Statement they've put out yet have now released this second one because the FA have contacted them, letting them know about their own investigation into what happened Sunday.

    Thats caused RD / KM to panic and worry that a points deduction could follow, if not this time then possible next.

    EDIT: If that is the case then just say that the new Statement is being released because of impending investigations by the FA, the fans arent going to give a toss either way but at least its not going to make them look as stupid as they currently look!!
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