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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • edited March 2016
    I'm eagerly awaiting the opportunity to post my views on the "Ownership vs fans 15th March 2016" post match thread

    Still suspect we have at least the second half of the game left though, if not extra time and penalties...
  • So glad it wasn't a spoof/hack, they really are the gift that keeps on giving.
  • This looks like it was written by KM. If RD is alleged to have written it my guess is he simply took Meire's draft, checked it for spelling mistakes and content, and then authorised it to be published.

  • The statement is really sad, there is no reconciliation or attempt to work with fans. If true he is totally deluded and has no understanding. As for supporting KM that is arrogance only.
    I can only say - oh dear.
  • Sundays statement was full of promise for a brighter future with the fans and club. They had a few days to consider possible the options:

    - announce they are selling the club

    - do Peter Varney the courtesy of actually talking to him

    - get an English, experienced assistant manager in, doesn't matter if he is paid more than Jose and KM

    - get a top draw out of contract player in - doesn't matter what he's paid. Roland will fund out of own pocket and not as loan to the club

    - announce a drop in already published ST prices as way of apology


    - issue an insulting statement and create a new email address

    I think we can look forward to many more new email addresses over the next few weeks.
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  • edited March 2016
    Stig said:

    INGSOC landscape 13

    The minute I read the CAFC statement, it immediately reminded me of one of your Ingsoc posts. It's incredible that someone at the club thought this was a good idea.
  • And now we see why KM is more spoilt brat than CEO. Her judgement is appalling. By consistently trying to defend the indefensible in her Dublin comments she just keeps raising its profile, several news outlets now reporting this section negatively as their lead, on a statement that had plenty of other gaffes to lead on.

    The fact that they don't get it is never more clearly demonstrated than when they think that swapping out 'weird' for 'unique' would make that quote palatable.
  • Oh dear!!
    This is a classic example of the perils of 'drafting by committee' where everyone involved insists on their rant being included in the final statement. Meire's pathetic attempt to redefine the word 'weird' to try and justify her Dublin debacle is toe-curling. She thought that over there she was among like minded individuals and NEVER suspected that her comments would come to light.
    The result is a disjointed and incoherent criticism of the very people they purport to want to support the club.
    Although many (including me) will not renew their season tickets, the majority will do so. One had only to see the numbers who remained in their seats on 74 minutes, black and white scarves notwithstanding, to realise that they will renew next season regardless of the division the club is in. They would renew and turn up to watch even if Charlton's first team consisted of the under15s. As seems increasingly likely to be the case under these lunatics.
  • Amid all the chaos, Murray seems to have taken the hint and headed for cover. His last contribution was also banging on about better communication. Seems there's something about the c word that troubles them
  • Rob62 said:

    Katrien needs to take the advice that Fraeye gave her and resign.

    Not heard that bit before

  • Can I suggest we use this to test the new address and all send emails asking who the writer of the statement is? And also if it is genuine or an early April Fool? Will test the promised response time ...
  • That reporter has clearly got the wrong end of the stick and thinks Meire's words are Roland's. Still, it's all bad publicity for Roland.
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  • seth plum said:

    Steve Tongue lives in Charlton. Football journalist, founder of 'FOUL' magazine and Leyton Orient fan.
    He sees the threat to Orient from West Ham and the Olympic Stadium move, and figures if Charlton closed down it would create a few floaters who might gravitate to Orient.
    He has a daughter, carefully shielded her from the Glenda Slag character created in FOUL, encourages her to grow up a feminist, and helps her set up an organisation called Women in Football.
    Steve gets his daughter Jo to accidentally bump into Katrien in Notting Hill and spill soup down her chest. This encourages a friendship, but Steve Tongue advises Jo Tongue how to fuel Katrien's victim mentality.
    Katrien eventually loses it, and so Roland closes down Charlton in a huffy act of revenge.
    Hey presto Orient gain an extra fifty fans.
    Steve Tongue is the hidden hand of power nobody suspected.
    The above makes perfect boring sense compared with what is spewing out of the club at the moment.

    I did wonder how Steve Tongue, with such a long history reporting on London football, could have written such an unhelpful PA piece a week or so back.
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    boggzy said:

    They're absolutely clueless

    You caused all this with you on the pitch stunt :p
    Did he call you a pitch stunt ?!
  • I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for the words used in Dublin but not for the tone of utter disdain.

    Agree with this-the way she referred to fans as "they" throughout that statement showed what she thinks of us. As has her demeanour towards us before Dublin and since. And pretty much ever since she arrived!
  • If history is anything to go by the club will now follow up this statement with a wall of silence, then when you think it's all over they'll release another even more bizarre statement.

    Weird. {....}

  • That reporter has clearly got the wrong end of the stick and thinks Meire's words are Roland's. Still, it's all bad publicity for Roland.
    This makes me think this was sent without any input from Mel. Nobody with even a week's work experience in PR would make such a basic cock-up as hanging those quotes at the end of the release without making really clear who said them and why they are being repeated.
  • If Ms Baroni had no input into this statement, then this is great experience for her as to how not to do things.This should stand her in good stead for the rest of her career. On the down-side, she has to avoid being permanently tainted by her involvement and association with Duchatelet, Meire and Murray. With the wide exposure a result of the current crop of gaffes from Meire and Duchatelet, Ms Baroni might be better off leaving now, and keeping her time with the club off her cv.
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