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CARD: protests will go ahead against Sheffield United (26/11/16) regardless of management situation



  • Thanks for posting that on the Facebook Group, @jdmotion .
  • Essex_Al said:

    Protest embarrassing as usual


    pleasantly surprised at the backing for the team after the Roland out chants well done for that at least!

    Who shouted ''alright Al'' from the first taxi?

    Just getting back to Beckenham after today's game. Not me!
  • Essex_Al said:

    Protest embarrassing as usual


    pleasantly surprised at the backing for the team after the Roland out chants well done for that at least!

    Who shouted ''alright Al'' from the first taxi?

    Just getting back to Beckenham after today's game. Not me!
    No doubt as pissed as a fart.......
  • CARD protests are clearly organised by an intelligent group of supporters who invariably choose the most effective, sensible and effective ways to protest.

    I believe that the decision to "support the team, oppose the regime" was an inspired way to keep the support united. Ticket sales alone will never be enough to keep a 1st division team afloat which make this workable.

    The problem is, that boycotting could make the match day experience so un enjoyable, that some fans leave forever and the team don't reach the performance level required to get promoted.

    How this can be sorted I have no idea.

  • jdmotion said:

    There's some serious anti protest nonsense on the Charlton Athletic (my only desire) Facebook group. Really agressive (and inarticulate) vitriol.

    I suspect I've joined the wrong group.
    I posted this. Applies to antis here too.

    Whether you protest or not, remember CARD believe they are acting in the best interests of the club. They act within the law. They don't make anybody protest who doesn't want to. They only exist because fans donate their hard earned wages to the cause.
    If no-one supports them, then the protests will die of natural causes.

    Bear in mind that the only club to get rid of Duchatelet actually came close to using violence. CARD will never do so. Many of those involved in CARD are those who fought the good fight to get the club back to The Valley.

    I know many protestors and many non-protestors. They all want the same things for the club. The only difference is how you go about achieving them.

    But don't let's become divided, or the club will die. It just won't be fun any more. The crowds will dwindle until the club become unsustainable.

    Is this group private and if not do you have a link? Thanks.
  • I think the danger is that these sort of protests are a bit old hat now and won't get the media coverage of some previous protests because of that. I also think the regime are pretty immune to it now and prepared to let it happen because they know it will be over in a few minutes and then normal service will be resumed. Protests like those in Belgium are going to hit home harder because it will impact on Roland directly and he doesn't like that. If we are going to protest at The Valley a new strategy is needed. Don't ask me what but I'm sure that CARD will be on the case on our behalf. We need to find other ways to embarrass them. The Companies House stunt for example. I looked around today during the Roland Out chants and although a lot were not singing along a great many were clapping along and so the support for getting Roland Out is definitely there.

    It was also noticeable that the protest only held the game up by 2 and a half minutes. Come half time there was only 4 minutes added time, we've had that before in non-protest games and the game didn't really finish any later than we usually do (we always seem to be one of the last games to finish each week).

    This alone suggests the impact of interrupting games is weakening and that the greater impact seems to be had in Belgium.
    Careful there, someone could construe that as a Target20K member sanctioning CARD activities in Belgium.. ;)
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  • I joined the Facebook group some time ago and resigned long before the protests even started as it was dominated by inarticulate individuals who couldn't string a sentence together without the persistent use of expletives, mostly aimed at the team and individual players, and a total lack of intelligent threads.

    Their general pro-Roland stance does surprise me unless they are all influenced by their Facebook guru Sue Parkes.

  • LuckyReds said:

    I think the danger is that these sort of protests are a bit old hat now and won't get the media coverage of some previous protests because of that. I also think the regime are pretty immune to it now and prepared to let it happen because they know it will be over in a few minutes and then normal service will be resumed. Protests like those in Belgium are going to hit home harder because it will impact on Roland directly and he doesn't like that. If we are going to protest at The Valley a new strategy is needed. Don't ask me what but I'm sure that CARD will be on the case on our behalf. We need to find other ways to embarrass them. The Companies House stunt for example. I looked around today during the Roland Out chants and although a lot were not singing along a great many were clapping along and so the support for getting Roland Out is definitely there.

    It was also noticeable that the protest only held the game up by 2 and a half minutes. Come half time there was only 4 minutes added time, we've had that before in non-protest games and the game didn't really finish any later than we usually do (we always seem to be one of the last games to finish each week).

    This alone suggests the impact of interrupting games is weakening and that the greater impact seems to be had in Belgium.
    Careful there, someone could construe that as a Target20K member sanctioning CARD activities in Belgium.. ;)
    LuckyReds said:

    I think the danger is that these sort of protests are a bit old hat now and won't get the media coverage of some previous protests because of that. I also think the regime are pretty immune to it now and prepared to let it happen because they know it will be over in a few minutes and then normal service will be resumed. Protests like those in Belgium are going to hit home harder because it will impact on Roland directly and he doesn't like that. If we are going to protest at The Valley a new strategy is needed. Don't ask me what but I'm sure that CARD will be on the case on our behalf. We need to find other ways to embarrass them. The Companies House stunt for example. I looked around today during the Roland Out chants and although a lot were not singing along a great many were clapping along and so the support for getting Roland Out is definitely there.

    It was also noticeable that the protest only held the game up by 2 and a half minutes. Come half time there was only 4 minutes added time, we've had that before in non-protest games and the game didn't really finish any later than we usually do (we always seem to be one of the last games to finish each week).

    This alone suggests the impact of interrupting games is weakening and that the greater impact seems to be had in Belgium.
    Careful there, someone could construe that as a Target20K member sanctioning CARD activities in Belgium.. ;)
    He's history, they've already turfed someone out for not toeing the party line! ;)
  • I think the danger is that these sort of protests are a bit old hat now and won't get the media coverage of some previous protests because of that. I also think the regime are pretty immune to it now and prepared to let it happen because they know it will be over in a few minutes and then normal service will be resumed. Protests like those in Belgium are going to hit home harder because it will impact on Roland directly and he doesn't like that. If we are going to protest at The Valley a new strategy is needed. Don't ask me what but I'm sure that CARD will be on the case on our behalf. We need to find other ways to embarrass them. The Companies House stunt for example. I looked around today during the Roland Out chants and although a lot were not singing along a great many were clapping along and so the support for getting Roland Out is definitely there.

    It was also noticeable that the protest only held the game up by 2 and a half minutes. Come half time there was only 4 minutes added time, we've had that before in non-protest games and the game didn't really finish any later than we usually do (we always seem to be one of the last games to finish each week).

    This alone suggests the impact of interrupting games is weakening and that the greater impact seems to be had in Belgium.
    I think that was more to do with the quantities and size of stuff thrown than anything else, to be honest. The taxis were a bit small to reach the pitch and always likely to be kept as souvenirs while there was a much smaller number of footballs available to be given out than, for example, pigs.

    That said I don't disagree that the usefulness of that kind of protest reduces over time. But it's completely wrong, IMO, to think that just protesting in Belgium is the way forward or will keep the story in the media.

    The more nuisance caused to Duchatelet the better, but we are never going to be able to demonstrate numbers (thousands) effectively there and I doubt if the Belgian police would allow it even if we could.
    Also the club were prepared with a squad ready to come on and clear up.
  • Tutt-Tutt said:

    The protest did the job. The delay was 3 minutes and it served notice to Fat Robbo that he needs to understand what's going on here. If like Brussell, he comes in with a King Canute type attitude, he will also struggle. So no lectures please saying "The protests have to stop", before finding out the facts.

    If I was him, I'd contact the proper fan groups, not the hand-picked ones, and set up a few meetings, find out for myself, with none of the Vichy Charlton regime in attendance. If the current situation exists, he hasn't got a price.

    If he really doesn't know already what's going on he's got to be bloody thick.
  • clb74 said:

    clb74 said:

    Good protest, well done to those involved.

    You having a laugh
    No. It took people by surprise, I didn't think there would be another throwing protest so soon after the pigs but it worked.
    Of course it did
    Why do you think it didn't?
    Morning mr bonce
    I think part of the problem is and I can see why it happening is,
    CARD,fans are protesting but don't really want to upset thier fellow fans inside the ground.
    The club had the pitch cleared in a coupleof minutes yesterday so not much harm done , I said to a mate in the pub after the game why throw everything on the pitch at once stagger the throwing and delay the game by 15 -20 minutes.
    I don't think we need to be going to belgium all the time, how about a protest in the week when people can go after work as the club's closing up resident s start ringing the police,club about the noise chanting might sound a silly idea I think it's just to easy for the club at the moment.
  • I'm amazed we haven't been fined or warned by the FA for all these stoppages
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  • clb74 said:

    clb74 said:

    clb74 said:

    Good protest, well done to those involved.

    You having a laugh
    No. It took people by surprise, I didn't think there would be another throwing protest so soon after the pigs but it worked.
    Of course it did
    Why do you think it didn't?
    Morning mr bonce
    I think part of the problem is and I can see why it happening is,
    CARD,fans are protesting but don't really want to upset thier fellow fans inside the ground.
    The club had the pitch cleared in a coupleof minutes yesterday so not much harm done , I said to a mate in the pub after the game why throw everything on the pitch at once stagger the throwing and delay the game by 15 -20 minutes.
    I don't think we need to be going to belgium all the time, how about a protest in the week when people can go after work as the club's closing up resident s start ringing the police,club about the noise chanting might sound a silly idea I think it's just to easy for the club at the moment.
    As I'm sitting on a bus busting for a slash and on my phone, I'll just say for now i think we agree on most things but i think considering the dire atmosphere yesterday the protest worked.
  • Tutt-Tutt said:

    The protest did the job. The delay was 3 minutes and it served notice to Fat Robbo that he needs to understand what's going on here. If like Brussell, he comes in with a King Canute type attitude, he will also struggle. So no lectures please saying "The protests have to stop", before finding out the facts.

    If I was him, I'd contact the proper fan groups, not the hand-picked ones, and set up a few meetings, find out for myself, with none of the Vichy Charlton regime in attendance. If the current situation exists, he hasn't got a price.

    To be fair, he hardly gave us a lecture, just an alleged casual comment on Twitter. indeed he's said virtually nothing since he was appointed, we've had no press conference yet
  • edited November 2016

    I've been handing stuff for the protests out since the first Black and White protests with the leaflets and have continued to do so for all subsequent protests.

    Yesterday was the first time that I recieved any level of abuse from people, being called a c***, and that I'm 'f***ing killing the club'. Also saw several of the stress balls getting thrown over roofs on Floyd Road and even a taxi getting at myself and several others who were handing out the stress balls/taxis.

    This forum has always been the place with the most solid and high level of support for both CARD and the protests. But outside of here, particularly on the facebook group and other forums, there is a rising anti-CARD, anti-protest sentiment, and we can't ignore that.

    Spot on my friend!
  • edited November 2016

    I've been handing stuff for the protests out since the first Black and White protests with the leaflets and have continued to do so for all subsequent protests.

    Yesterday was the first time that I recieved any level of abuse from people, being called a c***, and that I'm 'f***ing killing the club'. Also saw several of the stress balls getting thrown over roofs on Floyd Road and even a taxi getting at myself and several others who were handing out the stress balls/taxis.

    This forum has always been the place with the most solid and high level of support for both CARD and the protests. But outside of here, particularly on the facebook group and the likes of ITTV, there is a rising anti-CARD, anti-protest sentiment, and we can't ignore that.

    I didn't get a strong anti-CARD feeling yesterday, but felt a certain amount of apathy/boredom
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