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Tony Watt



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    Glad he's doing well but if anyone that saw his performance away to Northampton near the end of his time with us believes we should have kept him then they must've had their eyes closed that day.
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    I have no doubt that if Tony had concentrated on football and not fallen out with everyone he met, he could have had a good career in the Premier League.

    More raw talent than someone like Patrick Bamford, for example.
    Did he actually fall out with anyone or was he just a victim of 'the network'?

    He always comes across as a nice lad. Very glad to see him doing well.
    I have no idea. Libelous accusation really. My apologies to Mr Watt's lawyers.
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    What might have been
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    Watt would have been a perfect sub for us today, someone to hold the ball up and keep it from the opposition
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    Yeah as long as he was only in for 2 minutes
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    And I thought Greg & Terry got carried away................. :D
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    Shorts and t-shirt weather up there
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    Scotlands Lee Trundle
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    I mean it’s not quite an Andy Jones at Shithurst but it’s very good nonetheless…
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    Go on the Watt. 
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    Could there be a more unlike Watt goal than that? One touch finish from distance.
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    On a good day he deserves to be called Tony Magic feet Watt. 
    At least the Celtic Scottish international player that said Tony Watt would be driving a Glasgow bus by the time he was 27 has been proved wrong. It sounds like he has matured which can only be a good thing.
    He never reached optimum fitness which also dampened his career. Not sure how many minutes he gets through now but I would like to think he has more stamina and a professional attitude to go with those feet.
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    Tony is 28 at the end of December so if he stays fit he can have a good few seasons yet in Scotland were the defending is mainly League 1 and Championship and being successful.

    Could he try again in the championship ?
    More problematical as he told me once "I just want to play football I don't want to be on the bench" this was against Wigan in the Championship I believe when he came off the bench and So impressed over the Second half 45 minutes he won the MOM in the upper North Lounge.

    As Simonsen said above he has played lots of games over the last two seasons for Motherwell plus a near season for St Johnson.

    The penny may has dropped that he needed application with his natural skills.
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    Undeniably very talented player

    Mad as a box of frogs but definitely had talent
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    The standard is very poor though
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