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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Looks like someone has thrown the towel in .....
  • The longer RD owns the club the less it will be worth and the less likely it will be he'll get the inflated price he wants. We're stuck with him.....
  • JamesSeed said:
    If @Airman Brown is right, which I’m sure he is, and the club might actually make a profit while on its way to probable relegation, wouldn’t it make sense for RD to take a tiny hit and invest a couple of million in order to increase the chances of Championship survival? 
    Only an utter fool wouldn’t follow that path.

    Or perhaps his plan is to sell just hours before the season starts? 

    This is what I don’t get. 
  • It is a fair enough point of view that nothing can be done - but it doesn't mean it is right. If you hold that view and accept you could be wrong, it is probably a good idea not to keep saying it. If you know you are right, I suppose it is fair enough but I don't know how you can know that. Ultimately, action has more chance of achieving something than doing nothing. How much more chance, well we will all have differing views on that.
  • apparently Roland is on Talksport today, talking about the EFL

    let the madness begin
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  • Occasionally I have thought about how dramatic a gesture I could create.
    I have fantasized that when I get my terminal cancer diagnosis, then I should invade the pitch during a game in petrol soaked clothing and burn myself to death in the centre circle.
    At the moment this remains a fantasy, but as a futile gesture towards Roland it would go down in history and be remembered.
    Better that way than fading away in a hospice.
  • Oh fuck off Jim White. Said about an owner saying EFL not fit for person. We get to hear this morning. Just now stating coming up "an owner who has written out a cheque (woopie doo) we have an interview Roland Duchatulet. Let's hear more crap now. Be usual shit. Get your bingo cards ready. 
  • The above is what you wrote last night, @AFKABartram.

    There is never "nothing" that anyone can do, about anything. Never ever. I'm really susprised to have to say to you of all people that the recent history of Charlton and its fans is the best evidence to support my statement.

    kin ell.

    I know what i wrote last night. I wrote it.

    You tell me then what can be done to make him lower his demands?

    What has been done so far, which has been unsuccessful in making him sell at a fair value / lower his demands has been:

    - 50+ protests at home
    - 20+ protests in his own country
    - multiple game stoppages
    - massive security costs
    - 300+ marching through his town
    - picketing of his places of ownership and places of work
    - leafleting in his town
    - multiple flytipping of his property
    - graffeti of his properties
    - reduced income to the club
    - international press ridiculing his name
    - disruption to his local elections
    - harrassement to his key employees and their families
    - disruption at games of other clubs in his network
    - multiple interuption at STVV to his social engagements
    - disruption to his birthday celebrations with his family
    - hate mail / threats to his personal safety

    basically, the kitchen sink has been thrown at it and not one of those things has been successful in forcing / encouraging him to lower his demands to a level his not comfortable with. If rumours are true, over the last couple of months he has allegedly increased his demands.

    So what based on the above is so outlandish in my viewpoint that there is no evidence that protesting has been / will be successful in leading him to sell outside of a level that he in his own mind sees as him comfortable with (delivering faith in his own mind that he has not 'lost' during this experiment?)

    Surely all that has happened over the last five years points to that, no? 

    Not to mention the £60k plus, spunked up the wall in the process!
  • 1949, George Orwell's 1984 is published.
    Why didn’t he call it 1949 then?
  • So, the European deal is not moving forward. Discussions have been halted.

    That is the only verifiable fact that I have.

    As for my comment last week which seems to have wound up a certain accountant, that comment was

    Had a further message, which I had better leave until Monday to get further verified, because it is meltdown material.

    Well it has not been verified. The buyer and the intermediary have not spoken in detail since the meeting, and the intermediary is now on holiday with his wife who has recently been very ill, and they need the break. There is also a second British adviser involved who was the source of the comment that was very concerning last week but it now seems  that neither he nor the intermediary were actually in the meeting between the buyer and RD's people. Until the intermediary speaks with the buyer at length, he's not able to tell me (assuming he wants to) what exactly was the reason for the breakdown. It also occurred to me that they might on reflection not be open about the reason in case they infringe an NDA.

    But patently this is not happening before the transfer window. Apart from anything else there is no Heads of Agreement reached so they can't go to the EFL.

    Massively pissed off all round.
    Thanks @PragueAddick for the update, despite it being bad news, again!! I think there will be no takeover this side of Christmas, if at all this season. RD will be the owner and LB will have to perform miracles on a shoestring budget. Next fans forum needs to really make LVT squirm and tell the bloody truth!!

    That's if he attends. Receptionist will probably stand in for him.
  • It seems to me that should RD or his 'people' are reading this site they will be reporting back that we are once again turning on each other. There are no right or wrong answers here, it's opinions, which sometimes are held differently. 
    Can we just agree to disagree about the effectiveness or not of past action, and look to what we might be able to do? 
    I don't hold out much hope but, later today, I will be sending an email to the club asking them if they will, as per the minutes of the last meeting, be updating everyone before the season starts on takeover news as they promised. I hope at least to get a response and if I do I'll let you know. 
  • seth plum said:
    Occasionally I have thought about how dramatic a gesture I could create.
    I have fantasized that when I get my terminal cancer diagnosis, then I should invade the pitch during a game in petrol soaked clothing and burn myself to death in the centre circle.
    At the moment this remains a fantasy, but as a futile gesture towards Roland it would go down in history and be remembered.
    Better that way than fading away in a hospice.
    Christ on a bike.
  • seth plum said:
    Occasionally I have thought about how dramatic a gesture I could create.
    I have fantasized that when I get my terminal cancer diagnosis, then I should invade the pitch during a game in petrol soaked clothing and burn myself to death in the centre circle.
    At the moment this remains a fantasy, but as a futile gesture towards Roland it would go down in history and be remembered.
    Better that way than fading away in a hospice.
       Been out in the sun mate?
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    The level of delusion on this thread is some times laughable and actually some times very worrying.  Some normally sane and sensible people become almost irrational, no not almost, actually irrational.

    The protests at home shouldn't have stopped for the simple reason nothing changed, when they start again we will look like spoilt brats, because they will start again when we are bottom of the championship.  

    Roland won't sell for less than the price he wants.  In my OPINION he has agreed that price with at least one party, if not more.  If that price is more than other people will agree to what's the point of him negotiating?  If someone has agreed that price, no matter how inflated we think it is, he is entitled to either wait for them to pay it or tell him to stick it.

    @AFKABartram is right, nothing we can do now will make him reduce the price, if he thinks that there is that offer on the table.  It might make you feel better, but it won't actually achieve anything other than a rant on the official site.

    Also if you think he is spending circa ten million a year just to piss you off, I suggest you go and seek help.  You are either a narcissist or suffer from paranoia.  If he is paying millions a year just to screw with @Airman Brown, the only fan I have ever known him name, I'll happily do it for "2%" if it means the twat sells the club.

    The irony is he isn't killing the club but keeping it in a finance induced coma, giving it the bear minimum of life support to keep it breathing.

    This is the first non distressed sale of our club in the last 25 years, I would happily wait another 6 months on the condition he to sells it to someone that can actually provide the vision and finance to improve things, not a short term "fix" like the spivs. 

    There is no reason for him not to want to sell, the "network" has gone, KM has gone.  Owning Charlton Athletic Football Club has no benifit now for old Roland, it's a pure liability.   But given the choice I would rather wait than gift the club to a Ken Anderson, Stuart Day, Tony Jimenez or Bill Archer.

    Top post so far.
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  • CAFCDAZ said:
    seth plum said:
    One feature of the protests has been about an expression of the feeling of some fans.
    It is seen as futile by some, almost therapeutic by others.
    It has not been my expectation really on any protesting I have done that it would lead to him selling, it has probably been more about trying to express in some way that one fan at least does not want to roll over and have his tummy tickled by him.
    Roland blithely foisted Fraeye on our club as if he thought it wouldn't matter to us, as Meire told us, Roland is the owner he can do as he wants. So if Roland can do what he wants as the owner, we can do what we want as fans as long as we exercise lawful constraint.
    If that means some deep blue kind of thinking is needed to help our next bit of self expression to be...err...satisfying, then we need to get creative thinking caps on.
    Not because it would directly force him to sell, but as some kind of memorable message, even if it is futile in some regards.
    Billboards in his home town, he hates being embarrassed. Someone who is a dab hand with graphics to mock up some really annoying things that you know will piss him off, then get them up as close to his house, office hq and any other places that he frequents in his home town. I'd even go as far as local radio adverts, quoting his most ridiculous quotes, the man need to feel embarrassed and ridiculed. 

    And that will convince him to sell? Don't think so.
  • There seem to be two options - have enough money to buy the club off him or resort to extreme protests to encourage him to leave? I can't see either happening.

  • Coming up now, Du Shat Ole with his good friend Jim White. 
  • Him SJ starting to get heated, Jordan pressing him better than white that’s for sure.

    RD coming out with conspiracies on manipulated EFL votes now.
  • It seems to me that should RD or his 'people' are reading this site they will be reporting back that we are once again turning on each other. There are no right or wrong answers here, it's opinions, which sometimes are held differently. 
    Can we just agree to disagree about the effectiveness or not of past action, and look to what we might be able to do? 
    I don't hold out much hope but, later today, I will be sending an email to the club asking them if they will, as per the minutes of the last meeting, be updating everyone before the season starts on takeover news as they promised. I hope at least to get a response and if I do I'll let you know. 
    Wally save your breath, go out for a drink with A or walk the dogs together. Please don’t waste your time, life’s to short to concentrate on this idiot. x
  • Bart.....may I ask then what is to be done.....Do we just give up or continue to oppose him in whatever way each and everyone of us sees fit, be it as a committed protester, visitor to Belgium, complete non attender, away games only supporter, non purchaser of merchandise, food and drink or a non season ticket purchaser......there are some I have left out.
    Those of us who choose to be proactive have their own way of protesting in some way or another.....some of which will naturally conflict with others views, that’s a given.
    I hope you and the CL ethos will continue to support ‘everyone’ who at least tries to do something, we just can’t give up, isn’t that what he would like to see.
    I agree that nothing thus far seems to have worked but it doesn’t mean we should continue to allow him to play games with OUR club without recourse to us giving him an ongoing hard time because of it.
    We all love you as a person’re a great fella, thoughtful and almost 100% spot on with your fairness and numerous daily decisions on CL.
    We just need to see that no matter whether we are succeeding or not in our various methods of protest that you and CL will be one of the rocks behind our efforts. The thought of anything otherwise would be very hard to accept.

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!