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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • This is great news. If it is the Aussies it will be an exciting time to be an Addick Down Under!
  • Just reading this now have been at work all day - please, please, please let this be true!
  • This is great news. If it is the Aussies it will be an exciting time to be an Addick Down Under!

    You could be in for a pre-season down your neck of the woods.

    Remember that mine's a VB!
  • Nug said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Nug said:


    Nug said:

    SDAddick said:

    I've missed out on a whole evening of posts having just spent the entire evening driving back from Devon.

    Was hoping a little more detail had leaked out but seems not.

    Based on the likelihood that it's the Aussies we're talking about just how certain are we that their ownership would be a safe pair of hands ? All the talk of not having enough funds have persisted although I guess that at least must have changed.

    I presume we know their business model and we know that they have ambition but is that enough ?

    I would hate us to jump out of the frying pan straight into the fire.

    Just saying.

    These are my thoughts exactly.

    What exactly is their business model?
    What's the current business model, alienate the fans and sell any young player with an ounce of talent? Amazing how quickly people forget what's gone on for the last 3 years after a half decent start to the season in a shit league. I think it's worth a gamble.
    Maintaining healthy scepticism whilst hoping for the best but won't be surprised if it's not a fairytale as don't seem to be many successful takeovers in recent years but hoping we buck that trend if this materialises.
    Doesn't have to be a fairytale just some owners who want success on the pitch first and foremost and want the fans along with them.
    Wanting success and wanting the fans along with them isn't enough. They need buckets of cash.

    We have an owner with buckets of cash and it's not really been a success has it? Wanting success and taking the fans along is probably enough for me at the moment after the last 3 years.
    What is "success" to you?
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  • cabbles said:

    I would like KR to stay. I appreciate some see him as having taken Roland's silver, a gobshite and some just don't rate him, but I think he's doing okay.

    I think he's got that team playing for him. I think the players believe in him and I think the 3 of them (KR, JJ and bowyer) actually look like a tight knit group and compliment each other well.

    I've always been a fan of KR's enthusiasm and yes he's very David Brent, but I think he's genuine, and I think he's put a proper shift in to get us where we are. If and when this takeover happens, if he gets given the chance to bring 3 more players come Jan if we're still up there, he may get us promoted.

    Fingers crossed for this to happen. We need this to bring our club back together.

    Well said, Nibbles.
  • Nug said:

    Nug said:

    SDAddick said:

    I've missed out on a whole evening of posts having just spent the entire evening driving back from Devon.

    Was hoping a little more detail had leaked out but seems not.

    Based on the likelihood that it's the Aussies we're talking about just how certain are we that their ownership would be a safe pair of hands ? All the talk of not having enough funds have persisted although I guess that at least must have changed.

    I presume we know their business model and we know that they have ambition but is that enough ?

    I would hate us to jump out of the frying pan straight into the fire.

    Just saying.

    These are my thoughts exactly.

    What exactly is their business model?
    What's the current business model, alienate the fans and sell any young player with an ounce of talent? Amazing how quickly people forget what's gone on for the last 3 years after a half decent start to the season in a shit league. I think it's worth a gamble.
    How can anything be worth a gamble when you don't know the runners and riders/team/contestants ?

    We all know the current owner is toxic, but at this stage, I for one know nothing about a potential new owner and their finances, so how can I possibly take a a gamble today ?

    Give me some facts and I'd agree that on the balance of probability a new owner could be great, but with zero information I cannot. know the owner is toxic, fans are leaving in droves, we have the richest owner in our history but one who has no ambition to further Charlton as a competitive football team and you're happy to carry on as we are. I'm still amazed at how quickly people have changed their tune on getting these idiots out. Could new owners be worse? Yes. Could they be better? Yes. Maybe I'm prepared to take the chance because I won't be back till these idiots fuck off.
    You're making it up now Nug. I do not want the owner to carry on and I never said I did.
    I have been on all the protests including to Belgium and I have literally just said the current owner is toxic.
    I have not changed my tune and I'd like these idiots out.
    But yes a new owner could be worse and I'm not prepared to start celebrating when I know eff all about a potential new owner.

    What if it's Owen Oyston or one of those guys that wrecked Portsmouth and there's another stack of them out there.

    Anyone that would take someone worse is foolish in the extreme and as of right now, we don't even know who it is for sure and we know even less about their finances.

    A better owner than RD & of course I'll be celebrating, but not until I know who it is.
    Who's celebrating? The mere fact we're discussing this on a CL takeover thread means it's doomed! How will we ever know if someone purchasing CAFC will be right for us? RD is fucking minted and look where we are, and I don't mean league position, it's irrelevant compared to what he and Daisy have done to Charlton. I see no future for us as a club currently, I really don't, and that's really sad for me to say.
  • Once bitten, twice shy.

    If we get new owners, I hope they are amazing. But I'll wait for them to prove it before getting too excited.

    The good thing about new owners, to begin with at least, we will be able to hope they take us forward with more purpose than Roland and co. Hope is all it will be to begin with though... but hope is better than nothing.

    The hope is literally the part that kills you!
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  • edited October 2017
    No it's not you, it has, but that was done ages ago, when the last Aussie takeover was mooted.
  • edited October 2017

    Just in case anyone thinks I've "swapped sides", I haven't.
    I want RD out, but only if we have a better owner.
    I don't want him out for a worse owner that could send us to the wall.
    All, I'm saying is we need to have a little patience here and see what develops.

    Bloody conservatives and their conservative ways!!!!!

    I agree.
  • I emailed the Australian Football Consortium (AFC) this morning and got a reply.

    They said that, at this stage at least, the rumours linking AFC with a takeover of Charlton Athletic are incorrect.

    For all I know it could be smoke and mirrors before an impending takeover but that's what they told me and I'm inclined to believe them.
  • I emailed the Australian Football Consortium (AFC) this morning and got a reply.

    They said that, at this stage at least, the rumours linking AFC with a takeover of Charlton Athletic are incorrect.

    For all I know it could be smoke and mirrors before an impending takeover but that's what they told me and I'm inclined to believe them.

    Share the emails then.
  • J BLOCK said:

    Just in case anyone thinks I've "swapped sides", I haven't.
    I want RD out, but only if we have a better owner.
    I don't want him out for a worse owner that could send us to the wall.
    All, I'm saying is we need to have a little patience here and see what develops.

    If we had 100 new owners only 1 would be worse that this nasty mob. I'll take the risk.
    If only that was guaranteed to be true.
  • Just in case anyone thinks I've "swapped sides", I haven't.
    I want RD out, but only if we have a better owner.
    I don't want him out for a worse owner that could send us to the wall.
    All, I'm saying is we need to have a little patience here and see what develops.

    Makes little difference what you or I think or want, RD will sell as and when he gets an acceptable offer and he won't give 2 shits who to.
  • Nug said:

    Just in case anyone thinks I've "swapped sides", I haven't.
    I want RD out, but only if we have a better owner.
    I don't want him out for a worse owner that could send us to the wall.
    All, I'm saying is we need to have a little patience here and see what develops.

    Makes little difference what you or I think or want, RD will sell as and when he gets an acceptable offer and he won't give 2 shits who to.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!