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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • ex director i think

    It's him, recognise the photo.

    He's a ****. He specialised in foreign player transfers in the Prem years. Was all over my Bulgarian buddy to get his help signing Kishi, yet when it was all done, all my buddy asked for was a letter on CAFC headed paper thanking him, so it could help get him started as an agent. Too much bother for Whitehand.

    Wonder if he still lives in Gib., as he did then. One of the 5% who voted Leave, if he likes that daft cow Leadsom.
  • bobmunro said:

    I am going to state something very obvious but could be quite significant?

    I don't think its a coincidence they are all wearing Charlton ties? (red and white)

    Something is definetly about to happen.. with the public showing at the home game, and the red ties sitting in the directors box at Shrewsbury.

    I think the time has come, hopefully this week... maybe already has. just waiting for EFL to do fit and proper and bob's your uncle prehaps?

    Murphy isn’t wearing a Charlton tie.
    Neither is the mystery man, or Bernie. Not sure Murray is either unless there's a special tie for former Chairmen?
    It's not really special. He's been wearing it to matches for so long it's just suffering from photodegradation . He tried to get Meire to buy him a new one at the same time as all the faded seats were swapped out but she sought authority for the expenditure from Roland who told her Murray could piss off.
  • ex director i think

    It's him, recognise the photo.

    He's a ****. He specialised in foreign player transfers in the Prem years. Was all over my Bulgarian buddy to get his help signing Kishi, yet when it was all done, all my buddy asked for was a letter on CAFC headed paper thanking him, so it could help get him started as an agent. Too much bother for Whitehand.

    Wonder if he still lives in Gib., as he did then. One of the 5% who voted Leave, if he likes that daft cow Leadsom.
    Wanted a thank you on CAFC headed paper? What kind of agent was he hoping to get started as, a Newsagent? Shit job anyway, speakin as someone itk
    How could you possibly know that?
  • Scoham said:
    It’s a really odd comment to throw out there at the point where most of us are thinking it’s very very close.

  • cfgs said:

    It must be almost or actually done if @Ollywozere can make comments like that.
    Orders from Tom Rubberbloke?

    Season tickets back on sale?

    Bit of false hope might sell a few (or not) if they are....
  • edited May 2018
    Didnt he flog off the strategically important Landsdowne Mews land too?

    Is he also telling us the Aussies aren’t decent potential owners?
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  • razil said:

    Didnt he flog off the strategically important Landsdowne Mews too?

    Is he also telling us the Aussies aren’t decent potential owners?

    Sounds more like he hasn’t been contacted or consulted and as Airman says just commenting because he would prefer owners who paid off the loans.

  • razil said:

    Didnt he flog off the strategically important Landsdowne Mews too?

    Is he also telling us the Aussies aren’t decent potential owners?

    Sounds more like he hasn’t been contacted or consulted and as Airman says just commenting because he would prefer owners who paid off the loans.

    That's on the money, I think.
  • Surely the wording "real buyer out there" would suggest we don't have one.

    I do get he wants to be paid off, just find the wording very bizarre.
  • Surely the wording "real buyer out there" would suggest we don't have one.

    I do get he wants to be paid off, just find the wording very bizarre.

    A 'real' buyer would clear the former directors' charges - in his mind.

  • bobmunro said:

    I am going to state something very obvious but could be quite significant?

    I don't think its a coincidence they are all wearing Charlton ties? (red and white)

    Something is definetly about to happen.. with the public showing at the home game, and the red ties sitting in the directors box at Shrewsbury.

    I think the time has come, hopefully this week... maybe already has. just waiting for EFL to do fit and proper and bob's your uncle prehaps?

    Murphy isn’t wearing a Charlton tie.
    Neither is the mystery man, or Bernie. Not sure Murray is either unless there's a special tie for former Chairmen?
    I think that is a Charlton tie

    I only wear the away tie
  • ex director i think

    It's him, recognise the photo.

    He's a ****. He specialised in foreign player transfers in the Prem years. Was all over my Bulgarian buddy to get his help signing Kishi, yet when it was all done, all my buddy asked for was a letter on CAFC headed paper thanking him, so it could help get him started as an agent. Too much bother for Whitehand.

    Wonder if he still lives in Gib., as he did then. One of the 5% who voted Leave, if he likes that daft cow Leadsom.
    Wanted a thank you on CAFC headed paper? What kind of agent was he hoping to get started as, a Newsagent? Shit job anyway, speakin as someone itk

    It's what he asked for. All he asked for. Kishi's club's owner was an ex pro wrestler and all round nasty bit of work. At one point Whitehand said to me "Mr Ganchev is a very difficult man" and I thought, well, Bob, that's high praise coming from you.

    Anyway, my buddy worked out it was a shit job because he'd have to deal with people like Whitehand, so he stuck to his pizza franchise in Toronto, and now he can afford to fly over about 6 times a year to watch his beloved Arsenal (last time he went to watch us at AFCW and Bristol Rovers too, even though I implored him not to do the Bristol one).

    Funny though, Whitehand and David Sumners are or were big mates, yet Sumners by all accounts is a very nice, grounded guy.

  • bobmunro said:

    Surely the wording "real buyer out there" would suggest we don't have one.

    I do get he wants to be paid off, just find the wording very bizarre.

    A 'real' buyer would clear the former directors' charges - in his mind.
    possibly, and hopefully all he means
  • A combination of takeover rumours and wheeling Murray out did the desired job of muting the protests as far as the Club was concerned.

    @Davidsmith and now it seems Bob Whitehand have questioned how close a takeover really is.

    Rubberbloke did his job well from the Club's perspective.
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  • I think a combination of Bowyer and Jackson taking temporary charge of the team, and the team getting to the play-offs, had far more to do with the suspension of protests than anything else. It certainly did from my perspective.

    I won't deny that the improvement on the field was a factor but the takeover rumours, with Murray's intervention supposedly adding credibility, happened before then and took the sting out of it just as people were becoming increasingly frustrated with scouse bullshit.
  • just because someone is a total knob head/arsehole dont mean to say his mates etc are i hear Corybns neighbour is a nice chap

    A lot of corbyn’s Mates are complete nutcases, Corbyn himself I think is a decent enough bloke.
  • worthy of a flag there --- almost
  • edited May 2018

    J BLOCK said:

    Scoham said:
    Who is he
    ex-director, one with loans that at some point need to be paid

    He also inexplicably sold the plot of land next to The Sam Bartram entrance for property development, making any future East Stand development plans virtually impossible!
  • Well Len, all I would say is that Murray's credibility had long since gone, and I for one stopped believing anything he said for at least the last 2-3 years.
  • Must be close surely. Why else would Muir and Murphy pitch up so prominently.
  • It's going to be a long summer...
  • Well Len, all I would say is that Murray's credibility had long since gone, and I for one stopped believing anything he said for at least the last 2-3 years.

    I agree hence the use of the word 'supposedly.'

    However CARD, with key members like CAST having a constitutional duty to (try and) engage with the Club, probably felt there was little alternative once Murray stuck his head over the parapet but to cease protests in the event of what has transpired to be a pretend takeover as removing Duchatelet was CARD's raison d'etre and continued protests with a pending takeover would have been absurd.

    Rubberbloke has taken us all for mugs in my opinion.
  • edited May 2018

    J BLOCK said:

    Scoham said:
    Who is he
    ex-director, one with loans that at some point need to be paid

    He also inexplicably sold the plot of land next to The Sam Bartram entrance for property development, making any future East Stand development plans virtually impossible!
    Was that sale anything to do (coincidentlly!) with one of his own property development companies?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!