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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited May 2018
    Scoham said:
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I am now following bob on twitter

    Love watching a bit of pensioner Aggro me which one is Ronnie Pickering and which one is Daddy Coyle (boxing fans will get it )
  • In all honesty, if that was you only dealing with him your comment seems OTT to me, to put in a public forum. He may well have simply forgot.

    I'm lost. Who said what about whom?
  • edited May 2018
    Wait until Bob finds out @PragueAddick is a staunch remainer.

    Do you still like a quick half down at the Bricklayers Bob?
  • bobmunro said:

    I think Bob and Prague need to take this to Makros

    5/6 each of two - all in run or not!!
    Mate i am taking bob in the second ko I will put a monkey on it
  • Does anyone know if the take over happened in February like Murray said it would?
  • I haven't been on Board since 2010 , never met Prague and Tommy Langley gave me and Curbs Kishishev, I spoke to Prague in 1999/2000 once,after lead was already in place,and so I am a **** , you judge?

  • bobmunro said:

    Who is the fella sitting behind Richard Murray

    Ravi Patel, Commercial Manager.
    Ah, is that Ravi? Then yes I agree he is a good guy.

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  • Getting back to the current plight of our club, I guess as of now LB has departed and we have JJ holding the fort. If there is a buyer out there then surely it makes sense for the buyer and RD to get the sale completed asap so the club can prepare for next season.
    It just doesn’t make sense to delay unless of course there isn’t a buyer still there.
  • edited May 2018
    CAFCsayer said:

    I haven't been on Board since 2010 , never met Prague and Tommy Langley gave me and Curbs Kishishev, I spoke to Prague in 1999/2000 once,after lead was already in place,and so

    CAFCsayer said:

    I haven't been on Board since 2010 , never met Prague and Tommy Langley gave me and Curbs Kishishev, I spoke to Prague in 1999/2000 once,after lead was already in place,and so I am a **** , you judge?


    Ah, OK, Bob...

    I am not suggesting Vasco acted as an agent in the deal, if that is what you are implying. He was just able to help, because he knew Kishi as one of the Euro 96 squad. That's how I met Kishi, and told Richard Murray about him but we didn't have a pot to piss in then so nothing was done about it. But as it happens, Vasco has stayed friends with Tommy Langley ever since then. That explained this photo from his visit to our Bristol Rovers game, which he teased me with for several days. Seems it was Tommy who arranged with Chris Parkes to get Vasco a VIP pass for Bristol Rovers.

    What about the other stuff, am I incorrect on anything? I realise it was all of no consequence to you, and that's just how it is, but I have not made anything up, have I?

  • In all honesty, if that was you only dealing with him your comment seems OTT to me, to put in a public forum. He may well have simply forgot.

    I asked him several times. Then after that there was a separate thing, which I'll just summarize as the "Czech talent scout " project, which I put a lot of work into. I won't go into it here, but I'll be happy to remind him, if he has forgotten that too. If an idea doesn't fly, fine. There are ways though of setting ideas aside, the classy way, and the other way, especially when people are doing things for free. That was probably the biggest mistake in dealing with him. If we had both said, sure Bob, we can help on this, our going rate is £300 an hour, we might have had a different response.

    and the reason why I am still going on about it after so long is that my buddy reminds me about it virtually every time we talk about Charlton. To him it's evidence that I was naive about how great a club Charlton, and the people running it, was then. That both pisses me off and hurts at the same time. So yes it's an ugly word, but it was ugly behaviour, and I'd happily tell him face to face why I wrote about it.

    As it happens we are planning on meeting up in Bourgas in summer and hoping to drop in on Kishi when we do, so I might get a refresher of the whole saga, and write it all up. There's the whole separate chapter with West Ham and Redknapp to tell, if he is ok with telling of course. If I recall rightly, RW was due to meet Kishi off the plane at Heathrow, but Mr Ganchev The Wrestler was playing a double game, and Redknapp managed to whisk Kishi away through a VIP exit. But Kishi arrived injured, and when he discovered that, Redknapp just left him stranded in some hotel. None of that was RW's fault, but it was my buddy who tracked Kishi down and got him back on track with RW. It really was quite a saga, and agents are paid thousands to sort that kind of shit out. As RW knew well, and that's my point. If people offer themselves up as useful idiots because they love their club ( or their mate's club) you could at least thank them, rather than just shove their useful idiocy back in their faces.
    He don't sound like a very good buddy to me, Prague.
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  • edited May 2018
    What’s Bob got to do (got to do with it..)
  • I’m Bob.

    No, I'M Bob and so is Colin
  • Getting back to the current plight of our club, I guess as of now LB has departed and we have JJ holding the fort. If there is a buyer out there then surely it makes sense for the buyer and RD to get the sale completed asap so the club can prepare for next season.
    It just doesn’t make sense to delay unless of course there isn’t a buyer still there.

    Gerard Murphy wouldn’t have been at the match if there was no buyer.
  • I know they’re both adults just not sure this should carry on in full view now

  • Kishishev
  • Am I the only one who's completely confused? For starters who the hell is this kishi bloke? Relation to Kashi? Cos after googling the name i can't believe we're talking about a dead Japanese prime minster from the 1950s.

    Could do with him now

  • Kishishev

This discussion has been closed.

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