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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Is it just us?

    I mean the fuckers have been sat warming seats in the directors boxes at the Valley AND Shrewsbury...

  • edited May 2018

    Alt right---Brexiter---likes Angie---slated by CLs Red Wedge----i like him already

    You missed out Jim Davidson in his Twitter pic. He really does tick every box for the CL right.
  • Scoham said:


    Anyone know who the bloke next to Elliott is in the Newsshoper photo? Pretty sure it isn't him but looks a bit like Usmanov - owns 30% of Arsenal (and is looking to sell those shares) and 30% of Rangers and is the business partner of Moshiri, who is the majority shareholder at Everton, a deal brokered by Keith Harris.


    Don't think it's him but not too dissimilar.
    Could it be Philip Aiken? He was apparently sniffing around Coventry a year ago with Murphy.

    He, too, is Australian but lives in the UK. He is Non-exec Chairman of Balfour Beatty the construction giant. Here's a photo for comparison:


    You'd have to add a touch of "Just For Men" mind.
  • edited May 2018
    cafcfan said:

    Scoham said:


    Anyone know who the bloke next to Elliott is in the Newsshoper photo? Pretty sure it isn't him but looks a bit like Usmanov - owns 30% of Arsenal (and is looking to sell those shares) and 30% of Rangers and is the business partner of Moshiri, who is the majority shareholder at Everton, a deal brokered by Keith Harris.


    Don't think it's him but not too dissimilar.
    Could it be Philip Aiken? He was apparently sniffing around Coventry a year ago with Murphy.

    He, too, is Australian but lives in the UK. He is Non-exec Chairman of Balfour Beatty the construction giant. Here's a photo for comparison:


    You'd have to add a touch of "Just For Men" mind.
    I wondered about that last week, but I wasn’t convinced by the hair and I am aware that Aiken has said recently he isn’t involved. Could be a relative?
  • .

    Stig said:

    razil said:

    I know they’re both adults just not sure this should carry on in full view now

    You're right. Sorry for the diversion. But at least now we know Bob's a Lifer, I'm sure everyone would really be pleased if he could explain his tweet which kicked it all off.

    FWIW, I've heard this morning from other decent sources that the rumours regarding the structure of the deal (landlease, cut on transfers and funding via share issue) have no credibility. Which seems like good news to me.

    There is conflicting information, some of it anecdotal, but I was also told that it is a “clean” deal - and that is the only way (lease element) it can be completed without the ex-directors.
    Airman, can I just check that I understand you correctly. Are you suggesting that the ex-directors are looking after the interests of the club by blocking any deal that would give Duchatelet any level of control over the club or income from the club post-sale?
    Simply they have had no approach or contact from the Aussies or re the Aussies as of yesterday.
    I heard the same, my question is why have they not called a Creditors meeting, isn't there a requirement in their Loan Documentation to inform Lenders of a potential change of ownership.
    Maybe their Lawyers are watching to see what happens.
    Either way you would assume as a group of seven substantially wealthy individuals ,that Roland's actions are being monitored.
    They are not “a group” of seven though, as you know. At least three of them wouldn’t put Murray out if he was on fire.
    I know but stating 7 wealthy businessmen,you would think 3 or 1 or 4 or whatever number individually would have their Lawyers on the case.
    If the standing agreement is that their loans can be rolled over without agreement as per Aimans understanding of the situation and we know that none of the magnificent seven have heard a dicky bird. I’m not sure what their respective legal teams can be on the case of.
    They can be rolled if buyers don't want charges or more importantly their Lenders don't, but if they were a cash rich group with Millions to spend,why would you leave charges in place.
    Particularly when at least one major creditor in that group would do a deal to stay involved.
    Unless they are still scrambling for funds as they have been for a year.
    I think you've got that 100% the wrong way round. Why fork out £7M if you have no need to do so. Would you ?

    If I was buying something and was told you can have added protection (insurance) for £7M, there would only be one answer.
    In fact I wouldn't shell out an extra £50 if I deemed it unnecessary.
    as stated before , if you needed to borrow £20mn and the Lender wanted first charge as security , then you might have to pay off £7mn to get the £20mn.
    Or unlike Roland you might have done your DD and want to put your own Debt in and want first charge rather than unsecured debt.
    My point is if they don't need to pay off charges why has it taken over a year for anyone to buy the club, you can only assume because they are not mega rich.
    You seem to have ignored the fact that they may not be willing to pay £48M for a club worth less than half that ?
    not ignored,but why buy scarves and go to play offs? , we all know its worth £25mn at best.
    That's an expensive scarf.
    20% off all merchandise ;)
  • Think sunderlands EFL approval has been about 10 days in the waiting so we may have a little way to go yet, assuming its reached the EFL that is.
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  • wonder how many more months of this shit have we got to go through?

    Not sure, but I plan to retire in 2020 so maybe I can have a joint retirement/takeover celebration?

    Or will we be in the Champion's League by then?
  • cfgs said:

    Reading this thread I feel like a kid at Christmas desperate for a bicycle and getting a bicycle shaped package, that turns out to be two hula hoops wrapped to disguise them.

    I feel your pain as a child
  • And Bob Whitehand has revealed he's a big Van Susans fan.

    The plot thickens.
  • Airman if you would take a guess these new owners could be worth £m?.
  • Airman if you would take a guess these new owners could be worth £m?.

    We don’t know who is involved beyond Andrew Muir, or what Muir is willing to put on the table, so it’s pointless speculating in my view.
    Ok thanks.
  • Airman if you would take a guess these new owners could be worth £m?.

    We don’t know who is involved beyond Andrew Muir, or what Muir is willing to put on the table, so it’s pointless speculating in my view.
    So back to page one then.
  • cafcfan said:

    Scoham said:


    Anyone know who the bloke next to Elliott is in the Newsshoper photo? Pretty sure it isn't him but looks a bit like Usmanov - owns 30% of Arsenal (and is looking to sell those shares) and 30% of Rangers and is the business partner of Moshiri, who is the majority shareholder at Everton, a deal brokered by Keith Harris.


    Don't think it's him but not too dissimilar.
    Could it be Philip Aiken? He was apparently sniffing around Coventry a year ago with Murphy.

    He, too, is Australian but lives in the UK. He is Non-exec Chairman of Balfour Beatty the construction giant. Here's a photo for comparison:


    You'd have to add a touch of "Just For Men" mind.
    No I sent it to my pal last week who knows him and he confirmed it wasn't him. He also told him he wasn't involved any more.

  • Gerard Murphy is being described as a 'business associate' of Muir's, but I'd be surprised if he is financially invested in the takeover.
    He's actually a sports psychologist who, when I knew him, was working with the England rugby team and then QPR.
    I believe he went back to Australia after that time. I'm not sure what he's been doing since then, but certainly when I knew him he wasn't someone with the sort of wealth that would enable him to become a business partner of Muir's. Things may have changed of course, but I suspect he's probably more of an adviser.
  • edited May 2018
    JamesSeed said:

    Gerard Murphy is being described as a 'business associate' of Muir's, but I'd be surprised if he is financially invested in the takeover.
    He's actually a sports psychologist who, when I knew him, was working with the England rugby team and then QPR.
    I believe he went back to Australia after that time. I'm not sure what he's been doing since then, but certainly when I knew him he wasn't someone with the sort of wealth that would enable him to become a business partner of Muir's. Things may have changed of course, but I suspect he's probably more of an adviser.

    Isn’t he being rumoured as CEO

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  • Read about this on teletext but haven't read the other 600odd posts on the thread. Since Duchatelet took over the club we have seen what feels like the death of a thousand cuts and truthfully this season has been amongst the worst I have personally witnessed in the 56 years I have been supporting Charlton. There has been absolutely nothing positive coming out of Duchatelet tenure as owner of our club, we have been lumbered with a clueless, arrogant CEO and bargain basement managers who take the job because they need to pay the mortgage and are happy to work under ridiculous restrictions regarding player recruitment and selection.

    However I have often wondered "What comes next after Duchatelet?" "Who exactly will buy our club?" my fears have always been that Duchatelet will redevelop the ground to get money back, why not he's a business man with absolutely no affiliation to the club, money is his god. So I have been hoping for someone to come in and take the club out of this arseholes grip and push us forwards.

    This deal if real would appear to be less than edifying as we will not be rid of Duchatelet he will be the bloody landlord and you can bet your last penny he won't be happy with a pepper corn rent as he well knows the value of the real estate that constitutes The Valley. Given this scenario potentially any consortium will struggle to pay the rent and have funds to build a team if I was a conspiracy theorist (which I am definitely not) I would start to think this was Duchatelet's way of doing exactly what he planned all along i.e. the redevelopment of The Valley.

    We should not trust him and this deal to me looks like a means to abdicate costs of the team and cash in on the value of the ground. Getting rid of this man should be a priority but all I caution is be careful what you wish for, because in reality if he still owns the ground, well we haven't got rid of at all.

  • I believe any proper prospective owners with dosh to spend that were interested would have a total clean sweep of the flotsam that currently sit in the Director's box.

    I reckon they lost interest/ were put off ages ago.

    Thanks to RM and RD the Aussie bunch are now the only alternative, and I don't think it'll end well.

    Happy days!
  • I think if it is announced today then I win the pool.
  • Having a completely shit day. I reckon this being announced is the only thing that could turn my mood around.
  • Having a completely shit day. I reckon this being announced is the only thing that could turn my mood around.

    What being announced?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!