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The rise of the vegans.



  • BBC News , 26 Nov 2018
    Viewpoint: Are vegans really 'extreme'?

    Excerpts from article:
    ...I saw what I so often see when people hear the word "vegan" - hostility, defensiveness, even anger...
    ...many people don't know what veganism actually is. They understand vegetarianism, but veganism is going "too far". It's "extreme". Veganism isn't a diet, or a fad, or a way to annoy the people around you; it's a deeply held philosophical belief, a way of living that seeks - as far as is practical and possible - to avoid all forms of cruelty to, and exploitation of, other living creatures. There is nothing extreme about that.
  • BBC News , 26 Nov 2018
    Viewpoint: Are vegans really 'extreme'?

    Excerpts from article:
    ...I saw what I so often see when people hear the word "vegan" - hostility, defensiveness, even anger...
    ...many people don't know what veganism actually is. They understand vegetarianism, but veganism is going "too far". It's "extreme". Veganism isn't a diet, or a fad, or a way to annoy the people around you; it's a deeply held philosophical belief, a way of living that seeks - as far as is practical and possible - to avoid all forms of cruelty to, and exploitation of, other living creatures. There is nothing extreme about that.

    I think there’s a good portion of aggrandisement at play in that excerpt.
  • edited November 2018
    iaitch said:

    Not sure how the RSPCA would prosecute based on a vegan diet for cats, other than by someone grassing up (no pun intended) a neighbour or mate...

    Wait a second...


    RSPCA would confiscate the cat from the owners and then euthenise it.
    No they wouldn't, they firstly put it up for rehoming and if not rehomed within a certain time period,or no space to rehome they'll ask cats protection to take it on, when they refuse as they're already at their limit then the RSPCA will in a worst case scenario after trying other animal charities and home for life policy holders, have to euthenise the cat as they don't have an endless pot of money.

    Also Dogs Trust never put a healthy dog down... They instead come up with a health condition or failing that if they can't re-home them, they'll push them onto RSPCA and the cycle shown for cats protection just for Dogs Trust.

    Finally the RSPCA know plenty about animal welfare but only have 300 inspectors across the UK to investigate cases of abuse, distress and poor welfare, once an inspector builds a case there's a very small legal prosecution team to try to win a case. If they're fortunate and get a judge and jury that care for animals they'll maybe get an ownership ban for the abuser and a fine...

    The RSPCA do not have the unlimited resource, funding or manpower that everyone seems to believe they do.
  • edited November 2018

    Not sure how the RSPCA would prosecute based on a vegan diet for cats, other than by someone grassing up (no pun intended) a neighbour or mate...

    Wait a second...


    The RSPCA don't know what they're talking about when it comes to animal welfare tbh, but I think this one they've got bang on
    Any evidence to back this up? I've been working with RSPCA a lot lately and their standards of welfare are often limited by UK Farming laws.

    For farmed goods... The RSPCA Assured products are higher welfare than Red Tractor (which is often mistaken for welfare but is actually a sign of food safety and quality) or UK regulations.

    For more on what the RSPCA has changed around welfare, have a quick read of this:
  • BBC News , 26 Nov 2018
    Viewpoint: Are vegans really 'extreme'?

    Excerpts from article:
    ...I saw what I so often see when people hear the word "vegan" - hostility, defensiveness, even anger...
    ...many people don't know what veganism actually is. They understand vegetarianism, but veganism is going "too far". It's "extreme". Veganism isn't a diet, or a fad, or a way to annoy the people around you; it's a deeply held philosophical belief, a way of living that seeks - as far as is practical and possible - to avoid all forms of cruelty to, and exploitation of, other living creatures. There is nothing extreme about that.

    I think this in a nutshell is what puts me off vegans in a general sense. Veganism is absolutely a dietary choice. By definition it is the conscious choice not to eat animals or animal products. You can aggrandise it and make it into a morality thing but I just don't see it that way and no amount of foot stamping or videos of sad cow/chickens will change my mind. My species is top of the food chain. As the lion king put it; yes we eat the antelope but when we die our bodies join the ground and become the grasses that the antelope need to eat. That is the way of things. That is the circle of life.

    Eat what you like but don't tell me what I do is philosophically or morally wrong or I will just tune it out as more pseudo intellectual rubbish that has no scientific basis in fact. If anyone can name a single predator species that has evolved to become non meat eating and thrived in the entiire history of nature on Earth then I'll listen.
  • edited November 2018

    Humans have the capacity to stop this annual suffering of flightless birds in the antarctic. Every single year for hundreds of decades these poor creatures suffer in temperatures of -40 plus for weeks, maybe even months.Human beings have the knowledge and ability to build shelters for these poor suffering creatures hemmed into each other with no space to move or spread their wings, sometimes as many as ten or more per square foot. And when the temperature settles, those who survive just face the gauntlet of seals awaiting their return to the ocean with hungry eyes. As humans who have a conscience and have documented this on multiple occasions, why do we still allow this barbaric and cruel annual practice to continue?
  • Why don't those penguins move to a warmer climate then? Around the Med is quite warm.
  • BBC News , 26 Nov 2018
    Viewpoint: Are vegans really 'extreme'?

    Excerpts from article:
    ...I saw what I so often see when people hear the word "vegan" - hostility, defensiveness, even anger...
    ...many people don't know what veganism actually is. They understand vegetarianism, but veganism is going "too far". It's "extreme". Veganism isn't a diet, or a fad, or a way to annoy the people around you; it's a deeply held philosophical belief, a way of living that seeks - as far as is practical and possible - to avoid all forms of cruelty to, and exploitation of, other living creatures. There is nothing extreme about that.

    I think there’s a good portion of aggrandisement at play in that excerpt.
    There certainly is, but at least the "deeply held philosophical belief" bit gives the lie to the notion that cats can be vegan.
  • *Googles aggrandisement"
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    Not sure how the RSPCA would prosecute based on a vegan diet for cats, other than by someone grassing up (no pun intended) a neighbour or mate...

    Wait a second...


    The RSPCA don't know what they're talking about when it comes to animal welfare tbh, but I think this one they've got bang on
    Any evidence to back this up? I've been working with RSPCA a lot lately and their standards of welfare are often limited by UK Farming laws.

    For farmed goods... The RSPCA Assured products are higher welfare than Red Tractor (which is often mistaken for welfare but is actually a sign of food safety and quality) or UK regulations.

    For more on what the RSPCA has changed around welfare, have a quick read of this:
    It's just a opinion formed through personal dealings and that of others I know. Because of their "policies" and "procedures", they have caused more unnecessary suffering to animals they're there to protect and that surely can't be their aim. It says it in the name...
  • Here in Broadstairs we now have a new Vegan Restaurant that does vegetarian fish and chips - no idea whats subs for fish ...

    Don’t ask

    apparently they call it Vish and its made of Nori (a type of seaweed) and Soya Protein ...

  • Day of The Triffids was on the box Sunday--- they ain't Vegans
  • Here in Broadstairs we now have a new Vegan Restaurant that does vegetarian fish and chips - no idea whats subs for fish ...

    Don’t ask

    apparently they call it Vish and its made of Nori (a type of seaweed) and Soya Protein ...

    I’d happily give it a go. In fact I would really like to.

  • I saw something on a menu the other day called 'Vegan Chicken Bites' . Turned out it was Jackfruit.

    Find it odd they need to pretend it's something nice to make it sound appealing.
  • @Manicmania The reasons for a plant-based diet are numerous and positive. This thread concerns the increasing interest in being a vegan and, on it, I promote a plant-based diet to those who may be interested in the issues.
    If some people don't like the topic, why open and read the thread, let alone comment on it?
    Like it, or not, veganism is on the up and the positivity of it will continue to attract people.

  • Here in Broadstairs we now have a new Vegan Restaurant that does vegetarian fish and chips - no idea whats subs for fish ...

    Don’t ask

    apparently they call it Vish and its made of Nori (a type of seaweed) and Soya Protein ...

    In solidarity with the vegans on here I hereby officially request I am renamed Viiish.
  • Up the Vaddicks!
  • edited November 2018

    I saw something on a menu the other day called 'Vegan Chicken Bites' . Turned out it was Jackfruit.

    Find it odd they need to pretend it's something nice to make it sound appealing.

    I like to refer to it as transition food as going vegan from being full on carnivore is not easy.
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  • I saw something on a menu the other day called 'Vegan Chicken Bites' . Turned out it was Jackfruit.

    Find it odd they need to pretend it's something nice to make it sound appealing.

    Ironic seeing as that's exactly what an 'ordinary' diet looks like.

    'free range happy eggs' 'cows milk from a proper dairy farm' list goes on. That is far more deceptive than a mock title for food
  • Here in Broadstairs we now have a new Vegan Restaurant that does vegetarian fish and chips - no idea whats subs for fish ...

    Don’t ask

    apparently they call it Vish and its made of Nori (a type of seaweed) and Soya Protein ...

    I’d happily give it a go. In fact I would really like to.

    This was from the other night, obviously it don't exactly look premium but it's nice and if anyone ate that who liked fish and told me they thought it wasn't at least a bit nice I would think they are being fussy/lying. Can't stress how critical I am of vegan replacement meals and the fish and chips is a really nice one
  • what is the vegan posters views on this people that have worked hard all week to have a nice meal out to be disrupted by this carry on

    for me it is the same as the protestors that barracaded off heathrow airport - again a nice act bang in the middle of summer when families are going away etc

    as a side note a stag do was in the premises and started a rendition of stand up if you love your meat.
  • what is the vegan posters views on this people that have worked hard all week to have a nice meal out to be disrupted by this carry on

    for me it is the same as the protestors that barracaded off heathrow airport - again a nice act bang in the middle of summer when families are going away etc

    as a side note a stag do was in the premises and started a rendition of stand up if you love your meat.

    I find them just as embarrassing as air heads who crack bacon jokes.

    What they are doing will just make meat eaters bitter and have the opposite effect. I'm at a stage now where I think it's just a bit of 'let it be'. The planet is done for anyway, we aren't clever enough collectively to make it work. I'm just happy personally that I feel I'm doing the right thing and that's that
  • what is the vegan posters views on this people that have worked hard all week to have a nice meal out to be disrupted by this carry on

    for me it is the same as the protestors that barracaded off heathrow airport - again a nice act bang in the middle of summer when families are going away etc

    as a side note a stag do was in the premises and started a rendition of stand up if you love your meat.

    I do not think this type of action helps.
    Then again I would not be eating in such a place.
  • Stevelamb said:

    I saw something on a menu the other day called 'Vegan Chicken Bites' . Turned out it was Jackfruit.

    Find it odd they need to pretend it's something nice to make it sound appealing.

    I like to refer to it as transition food as going vegan from being full on carnivore is not easy.
    I've never met a single person who is a full on carnivore.
  • edited November 2018
    Linda McCartney do a vegetarian scampi (vegan friendly i think too), it tastes ok, nothing like scampi but there is a taste reminiscent of the sea (which is the Nori i guess). I honestly don't see how anyone can have a problem with naming it scampi though, or fish and chips, or sausages...they're only words, and help people know what they could try instead of the item they'd usually have. My wife is veggie, so I eat a lot of these things, some good, some bad - like meat funnily enough.

    This thread has been enlightening in that I didn't know quite so many vegans see it as more than just a food choice, more as a movement or even a belief system. There seems to be a binary view, if you are vegan you value the future of the earth, if you are not, you don't. I saw the one show meeting between the journalist and the ex waitrose food editor, and behind the toe curling awkwardness of it all, came the same binary view.

    I just don't see it as binary, though i ma thoroughly uncomfortable with the dairy industry, and like someone said a few pages back, anyone that gives up dairy is much more virtuous a person than me...I just can't do it.
  • what is the vegan posters views on this people that have worked hard all week to have a nice meal out to be disrupted by this carry on

    for me it is the same as the protestors that barracaded off heathrow airport - again a nice act bang in the middle of summer when families are going away etc

    as a side note a stag do was in the premises and started a rendition of stand up if you love your meat.

    what is the vegan posters views on this people that have worked hard all week to have a nice meal out to be disrupted by this carry on

    for me it is the same as the protestors that barracaded off heathrow airport - again a nice act bang in the middle of summer when families are going away etc

    as a side note a stag do was in the premises and started a rendition of stand up if you love your meat.

    absolute Vunts
  • just as a thought if we all stopped eating meat tomorrow what happens to the animals that are no longer required for food?
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