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The rise of the vegans.



  • I've stopped reading this ghread but can i ask, can vegetarians eat eggs? Just dealing with someone's dinner choice and they said they don't eat eggs as they are vegetarian.
    Sorry I know i'm going off topic slightly!
  • Curb_It said:

    I've stopped reading this ghread but can i ask, can vegetarians eat eggs? Just dealing with someone's dinner choice and they said they don't eat eggs as they are vegetarian.
    Sorry I know i'm going off topic slightly!

    Vegetarian generally refers to meat and fish (including seafood). Basically, they won't eat anything from an animal that had to be killed to provide it. In general terms and according to the Vegetarian Society, animal produce such as eggs, milk and honey are still vegetarian as an animal did not die to provide it (this gets somewhat problematic when you consider the fact that male calves are usually killed in the dairy industry as a matter of course, as well as the general cruelty of the dairy industry).

    Your acquaintance would probably be better off calling themselves a vegan if they want to avoid confusion. Vegan is quite a fluid definition as you could have two vegans who have different parameters (some vegans eat honey and some don't, for example). I know vegans who keep chickens as pets and use their eggs as they know there is no cruelty there (and the eggs won't hatch as there is no cockerel). Some vegans won't wear wool or drink beers/wines that involve by-products of the meat/fish industries in their production.

    There is no completely reliable definition for either vegetarianism or vegan so if someone is stating their dietary requirements they should simply state the items they don't eat rather than use a nebulous catch all term that has various definitions depending on who you ask.
  • I really don't understand how anyone could disagree with veganism as a concept.

    It clearly is the morally good thing to be. Rubbish like "humans are top of the food chain" simply excuses the horrendous way we farm animals to satisfy our diet.

    No chicken needs to be crammed in a pen with 10 others and sold for £4. Equally, no cow needs to have its throat slot and made to stagger about to appease religious beliefs.

    Please anyone explain how you could disagree with this point of view?
  • I cannot stand mushrooms
  • I really don't understand how anyone could disagree with veganism as a concept.

    It clearly is the morally good thing to be. Rubbish like "humans are top of the food chain" simply excuses the horrendous way we farm animals to satisfy our diet.

    No chicken needs to be crammed in a pen with 10 others and sold for £4. Equally, no cow needs to have its throat slot and made to stagger about to appease religious beliefs.

    Please anyone explain how you could disagree with this point of view?

    So if they were farmed better then you'd be fine with it?
  • edited November 2018

    I really don't understand how anyone could disagree with veganism as a concept.

    It clearly is the morally good thing to be. Rubbish like "humans are top of the food chain" simply excuses the horrendous way we farm animals to satisfy our diet.

    No chicken needs to be crammed in a pen with 10 others and sold for £4. Equally, no cow needs to have its throat slot and made to stagger about to appease religious beliefs.

    Please anyone explain how you could disagree with this point of view?

    "It is clearly the morally good thing to be"

    Assumes there is a universal set of morals (although it sounds like you specifically mean ethics) that all human beings abide be.

    There are plenty of people who live ethical lifestyles who do not adhere to vegetarianism/veganism.
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  • Humanity is aware of the way lions and other predatory species make their kills. Yet we don't intervene. Is that a moral thing to do in a hypothetical vegan world? Think of the many zebras and other assorted animals that could be saved an agonising death.

    Remove the predators from the food chain and evolution doesn't occur and the whole eco system falls apart, why do people think we are somehow beyond nature in some way? Because we evolved to be smarter and have a concience?

    Do you not accept that humanity is a part of the natural world just the same as a lion is? Are you suggesting that other predator species aren't inherently smarter than their prey any of the time aside from humans? Dolphins are smarter than fish for example, should they not use that advantage to herd and eat them because of their intellectual superiority?

    I'm not trying to dig you out as at least you are not suggesting we shouldn't farm animals, but should do it more ethically, that's miles away from a typical vegans view though which is where my argument stems from. I appreciate the response.
  • I highly recommend this documentary to anyone who’s bothered to post on this thread. There are no scenes of graphic slaughter so no one will be offended.

    A tribunal is to be asked to decide whether veganism is a "philosophical belief" akin to a religion, in a landmark legal action.

    Jordi Casamitjana says he was sacked by the League Against Cruel Sports after disclosing it invested pension funds in firms involved in animal testing.

    He claims he was discriminated against, and the tribunal will now decide if veganism should be protected in law.
  • Stevelamb said:

    A tribunal is to be asked to decide whether veganism is a "philosophical belief" akin to a religion, in a landmark legal action.

    Jordi Casamitjana says he was sacked by the League Against Cruel Sports after disclosing it invested pension funds in firms involved in animal testing.

    He claims he was discriminated against, and the tribunal will now decide if veganism should be protected in law.

    As someone who works in the financial management circle, if he has invested money contrary to specific investment instructions then that is reasonable enough to be binned off. Nothing to do with discrimination, he simply didn't do his job properly.
  • Didn't realise that some vegans don't like the use of guide dogs....programme (your call) on R5L....9-10am.
  • Didn't realise that some vegans don't like the use of guide dogs....programme (your call) on R5L....9-10am.

    I uswed to think I was a liberal/left wing..... but the modern world makes me think maybe im really not !
  • James O'Brien on LBC says he is going to be discussing veganism later on in his show. Wasn't more specific than that though.
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  • JaShea99 said:

    A vegan on the radio just said she was offended by the term “bringing home the bacon”. I had to switch stations.

    And if she wasn't a vegan she'd still find something to be offended by because unfortunately we seem to be producing a lot more individuals who are just prickish and offended because it gives them some sort of purpose in life. Personally I'd tell her to give her head a shake cos she's making us all look like whiney bitches.
  • Been reading about cafes that are no longer serving avocado as its bad for the planet as it has to be flown in and gangster cartels are muscling in on the business.

    Veganism bad for the planet then?
  • You can hardly lay the blame for Mexican cartels getting involved in a moneymaker at the feet of vegans alone. Last time I checked eating advocados was not limited to vegans.
  • edited December 2018

    JaShea99 said:

    A vegan on the radio just said she was offended by the term “bringing home the bacon”. I had to switch stations.

    And if she wasn't a vegan she'd still find something to be offended by because unfortunately we seem to be producing a lot more individuals who are just prickish and offended because it gives them some sort of purpose in life. Personally I'd tell her to give her head a shake cos she's making us all look like whiney bitches.
    Good point. She’d probably be offended on behalf of dogs if you used the word ‘bitches’ though.
  • Stevelamb said:

    "Bringing home the bacon" or "killing two birds with one stone" will soon be phrases of the past as the rise of veganism "dethrones" meat-related metaphors from the English language, an academic has claimed.

    That'll be a pretty kettle of fish if it goes that far.
  • At least people will still be able to say ‘from soup to nuts’ if they want to. Can’t stand the phrase myself.
  • Can we still say Almond Milkers?
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