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Summer 2019 Transfer Rumours (ed. Pg 296 - Start of Deadline Day)



  • Suspiciously light on the rumours front. Can’t see us bringing in any more than two plus Harriott.
  • AD is a good player with good potential.  Noting our short term thinking we can probably get a better player for this season for cheaper, which is what Bowyer now needs to do.  With the fact that RD isn't willing to plough lots of money in, it is probably our best chance of survival to play the short game and build a good team / squad for this season and hope that a new owner comes in for next season's rebuild, and hope we have enough about us that we can stay in the championship

  • Scoham said:
    Without reading through 6 pages are we close to signing anyone?

    Any idea how much of the Dijksteel money is Bowyer is supposed to be getting?
    No rumour of anything being close.

    No one knows but a couple of people on the other site have suggested 50%, purely a guess though I'd imagine. 
  • Scoham said:
    Without reading through 6 pages are we close to signing anyone?

    Any idea how much of the Dijksteel money is Bowyer is supposed to be getting?
    No and no idea 
  • edited August 2019
    I can never get my head around the football fan mentality of "players should be loyal and stay at Charlton" why? Very few of them will have grown up supporting Charlton, their careers are incredibly short so if a team comes in and offers you double or triple the wages for the last few years of your career why on earth would you turn it down? We also quickly forget that mentality when we release players who are deemed not good enough.

    It goes back to the origins of the Football "CLUB"............ us oldies lived through a time when footballers were more a part of the club and were more involved with the community and the fans. There was a defined sense of loyalty and bond between the players and supporters. Players often had supplementary ways of earning a living back in the day and they weren't treated like precious commodities in the same way they are today. They had more affiliation with the normal fan than the owners or board of directors. That has all changed, certainly for the better IMHO. Players used to be sold only if the board said so but Bosman changed all of that,
     I make you right however in all that you say, as times have changed and we need to move on.
    "CLUBS" are businesses now and that has been a difficult transition for the older fan.
    So we still yearn for that bygone loyalty as we secretly accept the reality of the modern era.
  • Charlton probably held the better hand in getting Afernee to sign but because we’re paying relative peanuts we lost the advantage of him being settled and liking CAFC. The reason he’s gone is our fault not his. Any sensible player would do exactly the same. Good luck AD. We move on to the next debacle.
    Just because other clubs are willing to pay more wages it doesn't automatically mean that we should follow. I'm not saying I agree with Roland's budget for us, but every club has to have some sort of financial limit, as if you don't you end up like Bolton or Bury

    AD was probably on about £1000 a week at The Valley. A Championship full back should expect at least £7 -10 k per week. No idea what he’s moved onto at Boro but I can’t help feeling that if we’d offered him even close to the going rate then he might have stayed. 
    £200k PA I was told was his Charlton salary.
    Which is nearer 4k a week

    £200k is still bloody good money anyway, massively more than 99% of us will ever earn, especially for someone at the start of their career
    £4K is good for 99.9% of the population but it’s not great for a Championship footballer. He deserves whatever “football” is willing to pay him.
    Would you say the same about City bankers or CEOs?

    "The CEO of Barclays earns £3m therefore I also deserve £3m to be CEO of RBS?"
    If someone is willing to pay you “whatever” then that’s what you’re worth. You have to earn it of course. 
  • Charlton probably held the better hand in getting Afernee to sign but because we’re paying relative peanuts we lost the advantage of him being settled and liking CAFC. The reason he’s gone is our fault not his. Any sensible player would do exactly the same. Good luck AD. We move on to the next debacle.
    Just because other clubs are willing to pay more wages it doesn't automatically mean that we should follow. I'm not saying I agree with Roland's budget for us, but every club has to have some sort of financial limit, as if you don't you end up like Bolton or Bury

    AD was probably on about £1000 a week at The Valley. A Championship full back should expect at least £7 -10 k per week. No idea what he’s moved onto at Boro but I can’t help feeling that if we’d offered him even close to the going rate then he might have stayed. 
    £200k PA I was told was his Charlton salary.
    Which is nearer 4k a week

    £200k is still bloody good money anyway, massively more than 99% of us will ever earn, especially for someone at the start of their career
    £4K is good for 99.9% of the population but it’s not great for a Championship footballer. He deserves whatever “football” is willing to pay him.
    Would you say the same about City bankers or CEOs?

    "The CEO of Barclays earns £3m therefore I also deserve £3m to be CEO of RBS?"
    £200K a year is loads, but £200K a year for a short number of years doesnt work out loads more than what we will all earn after doing out jobs for 40+ years. They have a very finite amount of time to earn as much as they can in their profession.
    They are allowed to work afterwards too though.
  • Charlton probably held the better hand in getting Afernee to sign but because we’re paying relative peanuts we lost the advantage of him being settled and liking CAFC. The reason he’s gone is our fault not his. Any sensible player would do exactly the same. Good luck AD. We move on to the next debacle.
    Just because other clubs are willing to pay more wages it doesn't automatically mean that we should follow. I'm not saying I agree with Roland's budget for us, but every club has to have some sort of financial limit, as if you don't you end up like Bolton or Bury

    AD was probably on about £1000 a week at The Valley. A Championship full back should expect at least £7 -10 k per week. No idea what he’s moved onto at Boro but I can’t help feeling that if we’d offered him even close to the going rate then he might have stayed. 
    £200k PA I was told was his Charlton salary.
    Which is nearer 4k a week

    £200k is still bloody good money anyway, massively more than 99% of us will ever earn, especially for someone at the start of their career
    £4K is good for 99.9% of the population but it’s not great for a Championship footballer. He deserves whatever “football” is willing to pay him.
    Would you say the same about City bankers or CEOs?

    "The CEO of Barclays earns £3m therefore I also deserve £3m to be CEO of RBS?"
    £200K a year is loads, but £200K a year for a short number of years doesnt work out loads more than what we will all earn after doing out jobs for 40+ years. They have a very finite amount of time to earn as much as they can in their profession.
    They are allowed to work afterwards too though.
    And lots do.
  • PaddyP17 said:
    Very good if we do in fact reinvest and this isn't PR spin:

    Interesting and encouraging. Maybe some of the money, if the above is true, will be used to fund a new contract for Lyle.

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  • Scoham said:
    Without reading through 6 pages are we close to signing anyone?

    Any idea how much of the Dijksteel money is Bowyer is supposed to be getting?
    No rumour of anything being close.

    No one knows but a couple of people on the other site have suggested 50%, purely a guess though I'd imagine. 

    my 'guess' would be nearer 75%
  • I have watched AD come through the ranks since he joined us. He is a good, strong, young player.
    I have no issues with him whatsoever and wish him the very best for the future.
    If I had to choose between Gibson or Duchatelet the choice would be lemon squeezy.
  • My guess would be 100%.
  • edited August 2019
    thenewbie said:
    I'm guessing 41.674%. Because why not.

    I believe you are slightly out there - another couple of decimal places needed for complete accuracy.
  • Seems pretty quiet considering we need about 5/6 players...
  • Seems pretty quiet considering we need about 5/6 players...

    I'm sure there's lots going on in the background and we only hear about it being confirmed at the end of the process. Maybe we'll line all five up together sharing one big scarfy.

    Or maybe not.

  • Seriously, how many fans really believe that we will sign more than 2 or 3 before the deadline tomorrow. LB already talking about signing out of contract players after tomorrow.
  • ross1 said:
    Seriously, how many fans really believe that we will sign more than 2 or 3 before the deadline tomorrow. LB already talking about signing out of contract players after tomorrow.
    Where’s he said that?
  • edited August 2019
    I think we will get in 3 players

    Free transfers can be made after the deadline tmo as well - I think?
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  • edited August 2019
    ross1 said:
    Seriously, how many fans really believe that we will sign more than 2 or 3 before the deadline tomorrow. LB already talking about signing out of contract players after tomorrow.
    Probably code for Harriott who's 'thinking about it' apparently.
  • Chrispy51 said:
    AD is a good player with good potential.  Noting our short term thinking we can probably get a better player for this season for cheaper, which is what Bowyer now needs to do.  With the fact that RD isn't willing to plough any money in, there is definitely no chance to build a good team / squad for this season.  Only hope remains that a new owner comes in for next season's rebuild, and we have enough about us that we can stay in the championship

    Tuned that one up for you
  • If be happy with 3 plus cally, keep lyle and get a couple unattached players later 
  • edited August 2019

    140 posts of bugger all

    Hopefully a case of Gallen and Bowyer not wanting teams to know they've been given £2m to spend and trying to get deals done on the very quiet

  • What the feck has Harriet got to think about ? He’s got no club and there’s hardly a queue forming for his services is there ? If he’s not decided by 17:00 this evening then I hope we withdraw the offer and try to use the money tomorrow. 
  • I think it will be Harriot, 2 loanees and maybe a free agent RB (hopefully Thompson ex pompy)

  • What the feck has Harriet got to think about ? He’s got no club and there’s hardly a queue forming for his services is there ? If he’s not decided by 17:00 this evening then I hope we withdraw the offer and try to use the money tomorrow. 
    Bowyer was saying Harriott wasn’t fully fit so couldn’t judge him yet. That wasn’t that long ago, maybe they haven’t even offered him anything yet. Hopefully we’re trying to bring in better first.
  • Valley11 said:

    140 posts of bugger all

    Hopefully a case of Gallen and Bowyer not wanting teams to know they've been given £2m to spend and trying to get deals done on the very quiet

    141 now ;)
  • esseffect said:
    Valley11 said:

    140 posts of bugger all

    Hopefully a case of Gallen and Bowyer not wanting teams to know they've been given £2m to spend and trying to get deals done on the very quiet

    141 now ;)
  • Isn't Harriott out of contract?  Therefore no need to rush into signing him by tomorrow evening if he ain't fit yet?

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