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England v Czech Republic / Bulgaria



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    The only times we cant really talk about racism are when you get games like Hartlepool v Dover

    Thankfully we dont brush it under the carpet or try to deflect the issue on to the other team like what the Bulgarians have over the last few days
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    I see no difference between the racist abuse in Sofia and the chanting by our fans when chanting their incest song against fans from northern clubs - both are wrong
    Leave off.
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    On ITV it showed Chris Powell looking pretty angry/upset and sort of gesticulating something about people with hoods on. Anyone else notice?
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    What's the outcome if we do walk off? Do UEFA award us the game?

    Knowing our luck with authorities we'll probably be the country that gets fined!

    I'm half in the 'we should just walk off' and half in the 'let's thrash them by 5 or 6'
    What’s the minimum amount for the result to stand?

    I say stick two or three more past them and then walk off after 75-80 minutes.
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    Wouldn’t fancy being out there after this ends would put good money on them heading toward the Away end! 

    Stay safe lads 
    Yes, getting back into town at midnight local time won't be pleasant, when Bulgaria have been stuffed on the pitch and things are at knife edge off the pitch
    As someone on twitter said "I’ve been to that stadium, those lads in black will be off to the away end to ambush the England fans who have to walk through a badly lit park".
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    Wow the actual state of them freaks. Medieval scumbags.
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    I see no difference between the racist abuse in Sofia and the chanting by our fans when chanting their incest song against fans from northern clubs - both are wrong
    Really you can’t be serious. One is racism and  disgusting the other is just not funny and cringe now. 
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    Actual nazi salutes in the crowd. Hope none of these c*nts reproduce and they run into a massive load of ours in a dark alley. 
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    edited October 2019
    Can’t see the game finishing with close
    ups of what these arseholes are giving our players. Even nazi salutes being shown. Scum
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    Those ITV clips at half time was disgraceful. Horrible to see and witness that.
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    Its a bit of an OTT reaction to Bulgaria tbh, there are many countries who have the same problem, including as some have suggested above,England,Scotland,etc.(maybe to a lesser degree, but it still sits under the surface in a lot of countries), but also to say they have zero chance of qualifying or providing a threat is clearly historically incorrect.
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    Bulgaria have to be suspended from international football, surely?
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    Ive got a couple of pals out there and have been getting more and more nervous for them over the last 2 days after hearing stories about Sofia.
    I just dont care about the result now i just want all the fans out there to be ok
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    HT break and ITV spend the whole time talking about the racist abuse and not showing highlights, not having a go at ITV but its just bad that that is what it has come to
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    Very disappointing night for football. At least the racism is being acknowledged.
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    Fair play Popov if he was having a go at his own fans 
    Was going to say he's a brave guy as he'll probably have his house burnt down tomorrow, but then i saw he plays in Russia.
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    Terrible as it is I personally believe walking off will achieve nothing but let them win. No amount of action like that can change a society, it takes time and we can’t be too arrogant about it ourselves really and pat ourselves in the back because we’re 20 years ahead of them.

    Ram it back down their throats on the pitch. Best way.

    I appreciate I don’t know what it’s like, but it is just verbal abuse. Rise above it and complain after the game, for yourself and your fans, who have spent thousands and travelled miles and will be in far more danger outside after than you will in the ground.

    I went in 2011 and nothings changed yet.
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    Let’s put them to the sword in the 2nd half.
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    Personally i don't want them to walk off, although i'd obviously understand why. I'd prefer it if Southgate brings on Tomori, Abraham and Wilson and we win 8-0.

    UEFA need to act tomorrow and kick Bulgaria out of their play off as punishment.
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    If only someone had of slagged  of lisbie years ago. 
    Seemed like most of the crowd did.
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    I've always liked Mings - not sure why B'mouth got shot of him.
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    Macronate said:
    Kane and Sterling are awful.
    apparently Kane has set up 3 of the 4 goals so far.
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    edited October 2019
    Fair play to England’s black players for continuing - I wouldn’t be able to put up with that shit.
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     I ope we go on and stuff them Good and proper. I don't want to see us walk off, but if the players being targeted feel uncomfortable, we should definately do it, and it would be nice if FIFA stuck a couple of goals onto our score, before banning Bulgaria for a decade. All this nd the Bulgarians were moaning pre match about England officials worrying about the probable racism in Sofia. Given how this stuff works out, I don't doubt the Bulgarians Will blame Southgate for provoking it, though I'd love to be proved wrong,
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    Terrible as it is I personally believe walking off will achieve nothing but let them win. No amount of action like that can change a society, it takes time and we can’t be too arrogant about it ourselves really and pat ourselves in the back because we’re 20 years ahead of them.

    Ram it back down their throats on the pitch. Best way.

    I appreciate I don’t know what it’s like, but it is just verbal abuse. Rise above it and complain after the game, for yourself and your fans, who have spent thousands and travelled miles and will be in far more danger outside after than you will in the ground.

    I went in 2011 and nothings changed yet.
    What you're saying obviously hasn't worked in the past - can't keep ignoring it.
    Of course, but fine them (properly) or disqualify them afterwards rather than abandon a game people have travelled to.

    I think it just gives far too much power to a bunch of backward morons.

    Also, fans got attacked there in 2011 and will do tonight, that should not be ignored either, but it will be.
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