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2019 General Election - Match Thread



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    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.

    I would say intellect has won here as Corbyn & Abbott have been banished to the wilderness.
    She won’t be able to wander far with 2 left shoes on.
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    Croydon said:
    Wow. Exit poll suggest a massive Tory majority of 86.

    Ha ha ha ha

    Glad you find it funny. You're alright Jack.
    I'm laughing at all the remainers who campaigned, stalled & downright wanted to cancel Brexit. Dont fuck with democracy or it will come back & bite you the arse. If we had left as planned on 23rd March I'm pretty sure that The Conservatives wouldn't have got back into power......due to austerity & everything else.

    As I said.....only yourselves to blame. 
    Financial adviser supporting Brexit, I feel for your clients.
    Judging by the FTSE this morning they don't necessarily share your concerns 
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    edited December 2019
    Huskaris said:
    Chunes said:
    Huskaris said:
    FTSE rising and the pound rising at the same time (due to many earnings happening in dollars, there is often an inverse relationship) shows how positively this is regarded. 
    You said you were going to spoil your ballot because everybody is useless, and only voted Tory at the very last second because you're a coward (your words). Quite strange to see you really owning this result... 
    I am not owning the results! Just providing my usual balanced commentary! I am sure we have people on here that can provide an alternative interpretation of a rise in the stock market and the pound. 

    I won't pretend I'm not incredibly happy that Labour lost though. I am incredibly happy at that, yes. Like I said, if Labour got in and I didn't at least register my vote as Conservative I would feel incredibly guilty to know I would be a part of the chaos to come. 
    In what way do you think you are balanced? 
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    Chip on each shoulder :-)
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    I recently spoke to a young lady who has just started her first job after gaining a Masters degree.  She told me that she didn't realise that you don't actually vote for the party leader.  What on earth are they teaching students in our universities, it seems they know nothing of real life.
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    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.
    Everyone has their view, but the British people are not stupid. I have always said that with Corbyn as leader and McDonnell as shadow chancellor Labour were unelectable. This result proves it. Until Labour get their act together and move back to the centre they will continue to be.
    I've moved on and I'm already looking forward to the £350m extra a week that the NHS will benefit from once Brexit is done.
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    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.

    I would say intellect has won here as Corbyn & Abbott have been banished to the wilderness.
    What amazed me is that 39,972 people voted for Abbott and she won her seat by a landslide
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    Honest question... how can Kensington be 69% remain but elect a Tory?
    Lot of Jewish people in Kensington or used to be when I worked up there many years back.
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    Huskaris said:
    That's why most of them vote Labour @ME14addick!
    What a balanced comment. I see what you mean, now...
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    Kensington was super close in 2017, Dent Coad is an idiot, and Sam Gyimah massively increased the Lib Dem vote, so if you were a remainy Tory or sensible Labour you had a decent high profile candidate 
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    edited December 2019
    Huskaris said:
    That's why most of them vote Labour @ME14addick!
    The Canterbury result is definitely due to the very left wing university in the city.
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    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.

    I would say intellect has won here as Corbyn & Abbott have been banished to the wilderness.
    What amazed me is that 39,972 people voted for Abbott and she won her seat by a landslide
    It's not that amazing when you look at the demographic, I suspect the Black & Ethnic Minority sectors outnumber the White British sectors in those areas now so the vote will go that way. You could pick a number of areas that reflect the same, take a look at Bradford.  
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    MrOneLung said:
    colthe3rd said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Chunes said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Thankfully the result hasn't been as disastrous as first feared. The Tories will still have a decent majority but it's not so large that it'll be impossible to overturn in five years. I thought we were looking at 2029 before the opposition had a shot.

    Time to get a new face in and take the progressive campaign in a different direction. The road to 2024 starts here.
     I just want parties with realistic policies and proper leaders for the next Election. The options were all so, so poor. 

    Labour may need til 2029 to wash away the stain of Corbyn and co. 

    I look forward to seeing how they transforms from here.
    Labour’s manifesto pledges were not radical. The majority of them would have brought us in line with other successful European countries.

    The “cult” of Corbyn and Brexit have contributed to the defeat sure but these policies are actually quite popular if you isolate them from the man.
    I don't think any single one of the policies were 'radical', taken on their own, but bundled into a massive manifesto together, and sold to a country that has been told it has to be austere, it certainly came across that way. 
    I find it impossible to disagree with this. There were simply too many things in the Labour manifesto that simply would have forced much higher taxes not only to medium and high earners, but low earners too. We'd all have "free" this and that but all of us that work to earn our money would be footing the bill and have lower income as a result.
    Personally I'd be willing to sacrifice a small amount each year so that it benefits those more needy than myself but then perhaps that's the difference between myself and the majority in the country we now live in. We live in a selfish time where people only look out for themselves.

    One thing that has intrigued me is that during the whole Brexit issue and what the deal looks like is leavers constantly pointed to Scandinavia and how they do well outside. But what about the high taxation there? That is conveniently ignored during this election when it came to Labour's proposals. 
    We already sacrifice for those more needy via tax / benefits 
    If that's the case then it must be gross mismanagement of those taxes to lead us to the state many find themselves in today. 
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    The Brexit vote was not democratic GH. Leave cheated. No matter how many times you pretend they didn't, they did.

    Still it'll happen now, so stop worrying. 
    But it would have been democratic had REMAIN won.
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    Huskaris said:
    That's why most of them vote Labour @ME14addick!
    The Canterbury result is definitely due to the very left wing university in the city.
    What surprises me is the fact that neither Rochester or Chatham go the same way

    I know Canterbury has a larger amount of Students than those areas but you've still got both Greenwich and Christchurch Uni's
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    Thank you @JohnBoyUK . First proper laugh of the day.
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    There is no evidence as to what wing University students in Canterbury occupy.
    Maybe it will emerge.
    I imagine Canterbury will undergo change because of the congestion to come on local roads due to the problems 'leave' causes at the ports.
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    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.

    I would say intellect has won here as Corbyn & Abbott have been banished to the wilderness.
    What amazed me is that 39,972 people voted for Abbott and she won her seat by a landslide
    It's not that amazing when you look at the demographic, I suspect the Black & Ethnic Minority sectors outnumber the White British sectors in those areas now so the vote will go that way. You could pick a number of areas that reflect the same, take a look at Bradford.  
    Muslim areas tend to vote as a block and Labour has been their party of choice traditionally.
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    Seth is on top form today. 
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    LenGlover said:
    A sad reflection on the intellect of the British electorate and one of the saddest days in the modern history of this country.

    I would say intellect has won here as Corbyn & Abbott have been banished to the wilderness.
    What amazed me is that 39,972 people voted for Abbott and she won her seat by a landslide
    It's not that amazing when you look at the demographic, I suspect the Black & Ethnic Minority sectors outnumber the White British sectors in those areas now so the vote will go that way. You could pick a number of areas that reflect the same, take a look at Bradford.  
    Muslim areas tend to vote as a block and Labour has been their party of choice traditionally.
    100% Len, exactly my point.
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    Huskaris said:
    Seth is on top form today. 
    Spaff away as much as you like.
    Suits you.
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    edited December 2019
    seth plum said:
    There is no evidence as to what wing University students in Canterbury occupy.
    Maybe it will emerge.
    I imagine Canterbury will undergo change because of the congestion to come on local roads due to the problems 'leave' causes at the ports.
     I was at the uni there in 2017 when it surprised everyone and a "miracle" happened in canturbury going red. 

    I can tell you the uni massively pushed voting labour. There were all sorts of speeches and campaigns. In particular a campaign to end the usual practice of voting at your home constituency and to vote as a block of students in Canterbury.
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    It emerges from your post.
This discussion has been closed.

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