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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



  • Who’d a thought people would flock to Middle park
  • seth plum said:
    Do people with a dogwalking business have to pick up the poo of five or six other people's dogs?
    If so they deserve high pay like £50 per dog per walk.
    Course they have to pick it up. However, if, like our dogs, they often go in the woods or local fields it is obviously impossible for the walker to pick it all up then. And £50 per walk? Our dog walker charges £10 an hour for one dog, £15 for two. Probably cheaper than most I’d admit.
    My dog walker charged the same.walked the dogs for close on 16 years now. 
    That's a f****** long walk.
    Makes Tom Moore look a right lazy bastard  :D
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    Place has gone downhill since I left then 🙄
  • seth plum said:
    Do people with a dogwalking business have to pick up the poo of five or six other people's dogs?
    If so they deserve high pay like £50 per dog per walk.
    Course they have to pick it up. However, if, like our dogs, they often go in the woods or local fields it is obviously impossible for the walker to pick it all up then. And £50 per walk? Our dog walker charges £10 an hour for one dog, £15 for two. Probably cheaper than most I’d admit.
    My dog walker charged the same.walked the dogs for close on 16 years now. 
    That's a f****** long walk.
    Makes Tom Moore look a right lazy bastard  :D
    Absolutely, poor effort Tom.
  • Probably foxes @Baldybonce

    But i didn’t say it was foxes.
    The rubbish above was on a 100yd stretch of the green chain walk and obviously not the work of visitors.
  • edited May 2020
    Probably foxes @Baldybonce

    But i didn’t say it was foxes.
    The rubbish above was on a 100yd stretch of the green chain walk and obviously not the work of visitors.
    I know you didn't fella. Sorry, misjudged joke aimed at comments made by others.

    Anyway, the point I was originally trying to make before getting dragged into a long and dull discussion/defence about local authorities management of waste was only that the evidence suggests (because they are leaving it behind for others to clear up) that a lot more people have definitely started getting out and about in a short time. 

    Sadly, as suzisausage points out and we can all agree on that brings with it a lot of selfish twats. 
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  • That looks to me like a Fox has been at the bin overnight. Had the same in my local park this morning 
    Nope it was definitely the scummy tourists who walked up to the bin and then threw their rubbish on the floor in front of the empty bin.

    If the bin was full, then the councils should either empty them or remove them altogether.
    Some really clever and very neat foxes around here tonight.

    Definitely not the work of any human. 

    All placed neatly. The council is clearly at fault here not the public.
    Empty the bins or get rid of them for a trial period.
    If it makes the problem worse, reintroduce them and empty them.
    It should be a simple task, not beyond the wit of the council.
    So it's ok for you to litter as long as you do it neatly?

    If a bin is full why can't you try another bin?
  • ...although some obviously are travelling quite a way for a dip. What an odd story! 

    "A MAN went missing for five-and-a-half hours when he tried to find a toilet at Sandbanks beach.

    Emergency services were alerted at 8.20pm last night after the man's wife became concerned.

    Police called the National Maritime Operations Centre for coastguard help and a search was carried out.

    The couple had travelled to Sandbanks from London for a day out and it was later discovered that he had caught a train home..."

    That is taking the piss.
  • ...although some obviously are travelling quite a way for a dip. What an odd story! 

    "A MAN went missing for five-and-a-half hours when he tried to find a toilet at Sandbanks beach.

    Emergency services were alerted at 8.20pm last night after the man's wife became concerned.

    Police called the National Maritime Operations Centre for coastguard help and a search was carried out.

    The couple had travelled to Sandbanks from London for a day out and it was later discovered that he had caught a train home..."

    That is taking the piss.
    He was on the p*** more like.
  • Re the busy beaches, there are so many morons around. Second (and subsequent) spikes are certain to happen and will be far worse than we have seen so far as the virus mutates to be more easily transmitted and potentially more deadly.
    The nightingale hospitals werent built for this first peak!

  • edited May 2020
    ...although some obviously are travelling quite a way for a dip. What an odd story! 

    "A MAN went missing for five-and-a-half hours when he tried to find a toilet at Sandbanks beach.

    Emergency services were alerted at 8.20pm last night after the man's wife became concerned.

    Police called the National Maritime Operations Centre for coastguard help and a search was carried out.

    The couple had travelled to Sandbanks from London for a day out and it was later discovered that he had caught a train home..."

    That is taking the piss.
    He was on the p*** more like.
    That's my theory too, or they'd had a massive barney before he stormed off. 

    Anyway, getting the thead back on track... 

    Yay, they've been emptied! 


  • seth plum said:
    Do people with a dogwalking business have to pick up the poo of five or six other people's dogs?
    If so they deserve high pay like £50 per dog per walk.
    Course they have to pick it up. However, if, like our dogs, they often go in the woods or local fields it is obviously impossible for the walker to pick it all up then. And £50 per walk? Our dog walker charges £10 an hour for one dog, £15 for two. Probably cheaper than most I’d admit.
    My dog walker charged the same.walked the dogs for close on 16 years now. 
    Wow that is a long time .
    Are they due a poo bonus?

  • there's simply no excuse for throwing litter on the ground, one of my real pet hates
  • WHAddick said:
    Re the busy beaches, there are so many morons around. Second (and subsequent) spikes are certain to happen and will be far worse than we have seen so far as the virus mutates to be more easily transmitted and potentially more deadly.
    The nightingale hospitals werent built for this first peak!

    Scary, you might be right WH. Not sure whats going to happen really but agree regarding the busy beaches etc. fair enough if you have the odd few who are well spaced out and get out but the photos of southend was shocking to see (not that southend is that nice at the best of times lol) 

    I think the guidelines are there but as they are brief and relaxed its down to the people who are taking the piss really. I can see in some situations where rules have to be broken, but they really should be the extreme situation. 

    My opinion is they should have not lifted anything a couple of weeks ago, eg. those travelling to work should still be at home unless care workers. I work from home anyway so its not much different but when it comes to seeing anyone, i dont. I could count on 1 hand how many times i have been out since this whole thing started over 2 months ago, it is pathetic when you see people taking the piss and acting as normal and then we are likely to get another wave and be back to square one again. 

    sorry slight rant over...
  • If everyone just took their litter home with them, there wouldn't be a problem. I especially hate those who carefully bag it all up and then leave it or just chuck it from their car.

    Since the relaxation of the 'lockdown' I've seen several groups of youths heading to the local park each evening. Most, clearly not from the same household.
  • there's simply no excuse for throwing litter on the ground, one of my real pet hates
    If it were up to me I'd have it mandatory that everyone wore a wristband. This wristband if it detected you throwing rubbish onto the floor would then sever off your hands - because clearly you don't need them.

    WHAddick said:
    Re the busy beaches, there are so many morons around. Second (and subsequent) spikes are certain to happen and will be far worse than we have seen so far as the virus mutates to be more easily transmitted and potentially more deadly.
    The nightingale hospitals werent built for this first peak!

    WHAddick I completely understand yours and everyone else's fears of a second peak. Firstly at the moment I don't believe there is any evidence to that virus is mutating to become more deadly in anyway.

    The way I look at it is that so far other countries have eased lockdown measures in a more defined way than the UK with schools and many businesses reopening, and although early days have yet to see a second spike in cases. My feeling is that a bunch of people going to the beaches in their cars, on a very hot day, with many of them probably observing social distancing will probably not contribute to a huge spike in cases, if a spike at all.

    Also a note, I understand the beaches were and are busy, but it's still pretty quiet around Eltham where I live, and pictures I saw off Greenwich Park yesterday it didn't look overrun, so I expect many people are still limiting their contact with others which will only help to slow the spread of the virus.

    Of course we will see in a 2 to 3 weeks either way. 
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  • WHAddick said:
    Re the busy beaches, there are so many morons around. Second (and subsequent) spikes are certain to happen and will be far worse than we have seen so far as the virus mutates to be more easily transmitted and potentially more deadly.
    The nightingale hospitals werent built for this first peak!

    Where has it been said that the virus mutates in this way? Not disputing you, I haven’t heard this before
  • edited May 2020
    WHAddick said:
    Re the busy beaches, there are so many morons around. Second (and subsequent) spikes are certain to happen and will be far worse than we have seen so far as the virus mutates to be more easily transmitted and potentially more deadly.
    The nightingale hospitals werent built for this first peak!

    Where has it been said that the virus mutates in this way? Not disputing you, I haven’t heard this before
    It hasn't. And in reality, virus mutations don't work like that. If there IS a 'pattern' to mutations (and that's hotly disputed), it's that they become more easily transmissible, but not as lethal (because the 'goal' of a virus is to survive to propagate, and killing its host before it has a chance to do that is counter-productive to that 'goal' - so mutations that involve higher propagation and lower mortality are more beneficial)

    So much mince being spread - guess that's the Internet in a nutshell though
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
    Re: The photo being fake, that was my first thought. I did read a couple of comments which did say they were from Southend and its 100% not fake and definately yesterday.

    The mutatation of the virus is highly unlikely, a bit extreme i was more agreeing with the part about people who are going to beaches and not really giving a shit could cause a 2nd wave. 

    My area is always pretty secluded anyway and i live in the middle of nowhere so just the same here haven't really noticed any spike or more groups , but maybe as its always pretty quiet anyway lol. I did go to subway last week and roads seemed busier but again 1 person in there and they have stuff there to follow, distancing guidelines and have to wait to enter shop etc. 
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
    Re: The photo being fake, that was my first thought. I did read a couple of comments which did say they were from Southend and its 100% not fake and definately yesterday.

    The mutatation of the virus is highly unlikely, a bit extreme i was more agreeing with the part about people who are going to beaches and not really giving a shit could cause a 2nd wave. 

    My area is always pretty secluded anyway and i live in the middle of nowhere so just the same here haven't really noticed any spike or more groups , but maybe as its always pretty quiet anyway lol. I did go to subway last week and roads seemed busier but again 1 person in there and they have stuff there to follow, distancing guidelines and have to wait to enter shop etc. 
    With roads being busier I do believe, and have mentioned previously that I think this is a perception/confirmation bias thing.

    Even when I went to the pick up the shopping last weekend I commented to my partner that the roads definitely seem 'normal', but then I looked at the sheer amount of cars parked outside houses etc that definitely wouldn't be there during 'normal' times. 
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
    Re: The photo being fake, that was my first thought. I did read a couple of comments which did say they were from Southend and its 100% not fake and definately yesterday.

    The mutatation of the virus is highly unlikely, a bit extreme i was more agreeing with the part about people who are going to beaches and not really giving a shit could cause a 2nd wave. 

    My area is always pretty secluded anyway and i live in the middle of nowhere so just the same here haven't really noticed any spike or more groups , but maybe as its always pretty quiet anyway lol. I did go to subway last week and roads seemed busier but again 1 person in there and they have stuff there to follow, distancing guidelines and have to wait to enter shop etc. 
    With roads being busier I do believe, and have mentioned previously that I think this is a perception/confirmation bias thing.

    Even when I went to the pick up the shopping last weekend I commented to my partner that the roads definitely seem 'normal', but then I looked at the sheer amount of cars parked outside houses etc that definitely wouldn't be there during 'normal' times. 
    Agreed, i felt the roads were feeling 'normal' although the car parks of subway/ aldi were pretty bare still. It must be that we were used to no cars (people walking in roads) and now it has crept up its noticeable. I would say its about 1/4 what i would consider normal really on the roads and cant really groan as it could be essential/ work. Each area will be different though i suppose
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
    Re: The photo being fake, that was my first thought. I did read a couple of comments which did say they were from Southend and its 100% not fake and definately yesterday.

    The mutatation of the virus is highly unlikely, a bit extreme i was more agreeing with the part about people who are going to beaches and not really giving a shit could cause a 2nd wave. 

    My area is always pretty secluded anyway and i live in the middle of nowhere so just the same here haven't really noticed any spike or more groups , but maybe as its always pretty quiet anyway lol. I did go to subway last week and roads seemed busier but again 1 person in there and they have stuff there to follow, distancing guidelines and have to wait to enter shop etc. 
    That's also not true. Viruses mutate all the time - much faster than living organisms because they're less complex. Most mutations have no measurable or visible effect. Every now and then, one is 'successful' and, as a result, the mutation is more advantageous - in which case it becomes the 'norm' for the virus (same principle that guides evolution of living organisms)
  • RedPanda said:

    Not just down here then. Many people seem to me to have made the decision any form of lockdown is over.
    The post says Southend at the top and the bottom bit says scotland

    i have no doubt that there is a significant increase in people going to the beach but is that real or an old photo.

    i appreciate that schools are off, people furloughed etc but that looks very busy for the second week back at work.

    i might be wrong but I don’t believe everything I see on social media.

    Scotland's the location of the lady reposting it.

    I saw disgusting scenes by the waterfront in Greenhithe last night - some geezer skinny dipping in the Thames. 

    That makes sense.

    im still not convinced it was taken yesterday.

    i haven’t been out much or far and definitely haven’t been to a beach but where’ve I have been, there has always been people wearing masks and trying to social distance. None of that in this photo. 

    The top left of the screen appears to be a designated sun lounge area, the sun loungers are not spaced out for social distancing. I’m guessing that local authorities would come down on the companies who lets the sun loungers very hard if this was the case.

    if this did happen yesterday, then I’m in the appalled group but I still think it’s an old photo. 
    Re: The photo being fake, that was my first thought. I did read a couple of comments which did say they were from Southend and its 100% not fake and definately yesterday.

    The mutatation of the virus is highly unlikely, a bit extreme i was more agreeing with the part about people who are going to beaches and not really giving a shit could cause a 2nd wave. 

    My area is always pretty secluded anyway and i live in the middle of nowhere so just the same here haven't really noticed any spike or more groups , but maybe as its always pretty quiet anyway lol. I did go to subway last week and roads seemed busier but again 1 person in there and they have stuff there to follow, distancing guidelines and have to wait to enter shop etc. 
    That's also not true. Viruses mutate all the time - much faster than living organisms because they're less complex. Most mutations have no measurable or visible effect. Every now and then, one is 'successful' and, as a result, the mutation is more advantageous - in which case it becomes the 'norm' for the virus (same principle that guides evolution of living organisms)
    I am no expert, all i know is that it mutated initially to cause the initial spread.. I would not doubt it can again into something more formidable, who knows. I am saying its highly unlikely as i dont think there will be much chance of it. 

    All of this is guesswork from my side, i dont really read too much into any of this. fingers crossed either way
  • I go out for a walk or run every day and I pass over the M25 by the Dartford Tunnel and it is very quiet whatever time of day. Mostly big lorries with a few vans and cars. Definitely a lot different to usual traffic. 

    I went to Hesketh Park for my lunch today and it was nearly empty of people. Darenth Country Park on Tuesday was the same.
  • what new diseases are we all going to catch from others pissing and sh***ing everywhere with public toilets closed?
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